Chapter 44

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Jace and I tracked Valentine outside. We saw that he was about to kill Luke, but Jace ran over an intercepted his blade as it went down. They fought for a while before Jace pinned Valentine.
"Liar! You told me I had demon blood. Why?" Jace demanded.
"Because that's how you are. Always ready to right the wrong, to stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves. A real-life hero." Valentine taunted him.
"So, you used me." Jace growled. "You didn't inject me with demon blood. It was angel blood." He snarled.
"You are my greatest achievement, Jace." Valentine said.
"I'm not your achievement. I'm your son." Jace retorted. He looked hurt that Valentine had called him an 'achievement', as if he were some sort of experiment. Valentine paused.
"No, you are not my son. I'm not your father, Jocelyn is not your mother, and Clary, Clary is not your sister." He said. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I knew he had lied about a lot of things, just not about this. I mean I had suspected it was a lie, but I wasn't sure.
"More lies." Jace said immediately, as if he were being played with.
"Don't I wish. Truth sword, remember?" Valentine said, indicating to the Sword in his hands. They then started fighting again and the Soul Sword flew out of Valentine's hands. I was about to go and get it before I noticed that Jace had Valentine on the ground and was about to kill him. I thought of something.
"Jace, don't! The Mortal Cup is still out there. He's the only one who knows where it is." I said quickly. Jace lowered the seraph blade he was holding, but pointed it at Valentine.
"You're gonna wish you were dead after the Clave gets through with you." He sneered. I decided to get the Sword so it couldn't be stolen again, but when I turned around and to go get it, my face paled. It was gone.
"Jace. The sword's gone." I told him. He looked up at me and then looked around, realizing I was right.

*Time Skip – Valentine is captured and brought to the Institute*

Jace and I walked back into the Institute with Valentine in handcuffs. Aldertree met us as we entered.
"A sight to see. Valentine Morgenstern in the custody of the Clave, where you will rot for your remaining days." He said, a smug look on his face. "Where is the Soul-Sword?" He then asked.
"I have no idea." Valentine replied simply, his face remaining neutral. He said it as if he honestly had no idea.
"Our interrogation techniques have...improved...since you were one of us." Aldertree said with a smirk.
"You can torture me all you want. I don't know where it is." Valentine replied. It seemed as if he weren't intimidated by Aldertree's threats at all.
"Don't believe a word he says." Jace said to Aldertree. He then rounded Valentine and looked straight at him and folding his arms across his chest. "What else have you lied about?" He asked.
"One thing I didn't lie about is my love for you, Jace." He said, before Jace indicated to the other Shadowhunters to take him away.


"Magnus, I thought-" I began, but he cut me off before I could continue.
"I found Madzie. I got her out. I took her to Catarina's. She's safe." He told me. I nodded at this. I took a deep breath to try to calm my rapid panting.
"Look Magnus, on every mission I've ever been on, I've never felt that type of fear, ever. Not knowing if you were alive or dead. I...I was terrified." I told him honestly. He was quiet for a moment before he put his hand gently on my upper arm.
"So was I." He said gently.
"Magnus you." I admitted honestly. He looked at me for a moment.
"I love you, too." He replied softly. I pulled him in for a kiss, not wanting to let him go for fear that he would disappear. When we finally parted, I latched on to him, opening my eyes for a brief moment to make sure that this wasn't a dream.

*Time Skip – Back inside*


"Alec? Can I talk to you alone for a minute?" I asked, hating to tear Alec away from Magnus, just when they had reunited. The look on my face made Alec do a double take. Alec looked at Magnus and Magnus nodded towards me, indicating that he knew that I needed Alec and Alec should go.
"Go with your parabatai. I'll be waiting right here Alexander." Magnus said with a soft smile.

I pulled Alec in for a hug. I was so thankful that Alec wasn't hurt and that he had found Magnus.
"I am so sorry. I had no idea that I would be able to activate the Soul Sword. I thought I had demon blood and if I touched it, I would destroy it, not the other way around." I apologized.
"I know Jace. It's alright. Thankfully, nothing happened and we all live to fight another day." Alec replied with a sad smile. Alec could tell that something else was bothering me. "There is something else isn't there? What is it?" He asked.
"Valentine told me that he's not my father." I told him.
"How do you know it was the truth?" Alec asked.
"He had the Soul Sword in his hands." I said factually.
"So Clary's not your sister?" Alec said, more of a statement than a question. He knew from the start that Valentine was lying, but he wasn't sure exactly what about.
"No, she never was." I confirmed, looking at him with a sad look.
"What are you gonna do?" Alec asked me.
"I'm gonna tell her." I replied.
"You should, it'll take a toll on both of you the longer you keep it from her." He said. I nodded at his suggestion.

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