Chapter 17

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*An hour later – arriving back at the Institute*


I'm no sure how people are going to react to me being back home, but I didn't care.  I was happy just to be home with my parabatai and my friends again.  We all walked up to the door of the Institute.  I took a deep breath and shared a look with Alec.  He gave me a look that said; "it's ok.  I'm here for you" whereas mine was one of nervousness.  Knowing that I'd always have Alec, no matter what was thrown at our bond, or us, gave me all the courage I needed to walk through the door.

As soon as I did, I was greeted by three people.  Maryse, Lydia, and a man I hadn't met before.  None of us really knew what to say.  Thankfully, Lydia came to my rescue.
"Jace Wayland, meet Victor Aldertree, Head of the New York Institute."  Lydia stated, reverting back to her professional tone, however, I could hear the hidden annoyance in her voice, which surprised me, considering she is probably one of the most composed people I know.  Something must be seriously wrong.  What had happened whilst I was away?
"Jace, I am sure Alec has told you about the terms of your return and immunity."  Aldertree stated.  I nodded.
"Yes, he has, and I am more than willing to comply with them, but could it wait until tomorrow?  I would like to settle in and get some rest.  Tomorrow, I swear, I will tell you everything I know."  I offered.  He agreed to what I had offered before walking away.
"Welcome back Jace."  She stated, smiling at her son.
"It's good to be back."  I replied with a smile.  I looked across at Alec and Ben to see that they had identical glares on their faces when looking at their mother.  I wonder what that is about?  I'll ask them later.  "I see Ben's back.  When did that happen?"  I asked, trying to sound clueless yet curious.
"He got back to the Institute a while ago, but before that, he was with Magnus for a while as he had injuries that only a warlock's magic could heal."  Maryse told me.  "He was found at one of Valentine's compounds, but he did say that he saw you a few times and you helped him."  She added.
"Yes, I saw him a few times.  I wished I could set him free, but I never got the chance because Valentine was always with me.  I am glad he is home though."  I said honestly.  She nodded at this.
"You must be tired.  You can go.  Your room is still the same."  She stated.
"Here, I'll walk you to your room."  Alec quickly volunteered.  He indicated for me to follow him.  I did so and we walked through the main room.  I could feel people staring at me, but I paid them no mind.  I followed Alec up to the weapons room so he could put his weapons away.
"Hey, what was up with you and Ben glaring at Maryse?"  I asked.  Alec's jaw tightened briefly before he spoke.
"I'll tell you when we get to your room."  He said.  His tone told me not to push the issue, so I let it go until we got to our destination.

*In Jace's room*

After so many nights on Valentine's ship enduring horrible things, it was a welcome change being back in my room.  As soon as he entered after me, Alec turned around, locking the door and drawing a Soundless rune on the door.  We both walked over and sat on my bed, like we used to before everything went crazy.
"So, are you going to tell me why the Lightwood twins were glaring menacingly at their mother and her pretending like she didn't care or notice?"  I asked.  Alec sighed, releasing the tension that was building up.
"When we were trying to find you, Mum had the audacity to tell me to 'forget about you' because you 'weren't my blood'.  I was enraged, and so was Ben when I told him.  She said that we all had to make hard choices, and was saying all these horrible things.  I couldn't take it anymore.  Rescuing you wasn't a choice, it wasn't even a responsibility, it was a necessity.  I didn't care what anyone else thought.  We were going to find you and rescue you.  I'd do it alone if I had to.  Everyone, except a few people, were treating you like a traitor, there were some times that I couldn't even feel you, which scared the hell out of me and I worried that something had happened to you.  I can't live without you Jace.  I know we've had our issues lately, but it's true.  I can't live without you."  Alec said, his eyes filling with sadness, which I felt echo through our bond, which was strengthening with every moment we were together.  "On top of that, Ben was missing and no one seemed to care."  He added suddenly.  I was shocked at all this new information.  I knew immediately that "comfort Jace" was needed.  My parabatai was hurting, and so am I, I cannot let him suffer if I can prevent it.  It should be better now that we are together and he also has Ben back, but I knew he still had a long road ahead of him.   I swore to myself that I would be there for every second of it.  I pulled him into a hug, letting him know I was here for him.  He hugged me back tightly.  After a while we pulled away and I began speaking.
"Everything will be alright Alec.  I'm home.  Ben's home.  You have your family back together, and you have Magnus, who loves you more than you'll ever know.  I know you still have issues with Maryse, but she shouldn't control your life.  Ben, Magnus, Izzy, and I will always be here for you.  Even Clary and Lydia.  I know we will have a bumpy road ahead of us, but as long as we're together, we'll get through it.  I promise, we will get through this.  We always have, and we always will."  I told him.
"Thank you Jace."  He said, hugging me again.  I smiled and returned the hug.  We don't usually hug, but when the other needs it, neither of us will hesitate.
"I'm always here for you Alec, never forget that."  I told him.  "No matter what happens, I will always, always be here for you whenever you need me."  I told him.  Alec smiled at me, letting me know that the same applied for me.  "Now, are you feeling better?  I can tell that you needed to get that off your chest."  I said.
"Yeah.  It does.  I'm so happy that you're both back.  I don't think I could have survived much longer without you.  As I said before, I can't live without you.  Either of you."  Alec replied.
"I can't live without you either Alec.  The only reason I went with Valentine in the first place was to protect you all, you especially.  When I saw you with that Seraph blade to your neck, I knew I needed to do something, anything, to make sure you were safe, no matter what the consequences for me were."  I told him seriously.
"What about Clary?  Izzy?  Magnus?"  Alec asked curiously.  We've had our problems lately, granted, but I've felt how horrible it was being away from him, and if he died or got hurt in any way because of me, I would never forgive myself.
"No one comes before you, Alec."  I said, my voice soft, but there was a tone of finality in it.  Alec smiled at me.

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