Chapter 95

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*Ten minutes earlier*


Clary and Jace ran out of the forest and up to the shores of Lake Lyn to see no one in sight.
"Are we too late?" Clary asked, looking around to see if she could see Valentine anywhere.
"No. No, if he'd raised the Angel, we'd know it. We beat him here. We can stop him." Jace said, walking up to Clary. They smiled at each other, hope in their eyes, but that hope was soon shattered as Jace turned around and was suddenly stabbed in the heart by Valentine. Jace looked down at the knife and then back up at Valentine.
"I'm sorry, son I had to." Valentine said. It sounded like an apology, but Clary and Jace knew better. As Jace fell, Valentine caught him and lowered him to the ground. Once he was lying on the ground, Valentine removed the knife before standing up again. Clary fell down beside Jace.
"I'm so sorry, Clary." Jace apologized.
"OK save your breath." Clary replied. "Don't say anything. You need your strength. It's gonna be OK! It's gonna be OK." She encouraged him, but Jace knew better. He knew he was going to die.
His thoughts went to Alec, who would feel him die but never truly know what killed him, and to Izzy who would see her brother in pain, know Jace had died, but not know how or why. Then he focused back on Clary. To be honest, he was both glad and sad that she was here. He knew he was going to die and he was glad that the last face he would see would be hers, but sad that she had to witness him die.
"I love you." He told her with his dying breath, then his eyes closed and his head lolled to the side.
"Don't close your eyes. Please don't close your eyes. OK? Don't. Stay with me. Please stay with me. Please. Just look at me. Just look at me! No. No. Please come back! Please!" Clary kept rambling in between her tears in a vain attempt to call him back to her. In her heart she knew that he was dead, but she didn't want it to be true.
"Clarissa, I...I'm sorry. I had no choice. The two of you together are too dangerous." She heard Valentine say from above her. Only now did she remember that he was here, that he was the one who did this. She looked up at him slowly, unconcealed hatred in her eyes. She grabbed her sword and ran towards him but he seemed as if he was expecting this, so he threw her to the side, rendering her unconscious.

When she awoke a few minutes later, her wrists were bound together and she could tell that Valentine had not raised the Angel yet. She would know if he had. She looked across and saw Jace lying dead a few metres away from her.
"Ave atque vale." She said, reciting a Shadowhunter's final farewell. She looked up to see that Valentine had both the Mortal Cup and the Soul Sword in his hands looking out towards the lake.
"STOP!" She called in an attempt to get his attention. He turned around, placing the Mortal Instruments in his hands on the rock next to him.
"Good, you're awake. Just in time to see history being made." He said.
"You killed Jace. How could you?" She asked.
"I'm certain he would have stopped me if I hadn't. Clarissa, I loved that boy. Like I loved Jocelyn. See, their deaths were necessary sacrifices, if I'm going to save humanity." He told her.
"Don't lie to me. You've never loved anyone but yourself." She snapped, her voice low. He then walked towards her slowly before kneeling down to face her.
"If that were true, then why do you think I've kept you alive?" He asked her. He then turned back to the lake and picked up the Mortal Instruments once more. He then walked into the water, placing both Mortal Instruments into the lake, combining the three. He then stood up again. "Raziel, hear me! I call upon the Mortal Instruments and summon you into this mortal realm!" Valentine called, summoning the Angel Raziel. Then, it happened. Despite it being the middle of the night, a being of pure light and power burst forth from the lake, illuminating the entire area, turning night into day. Clary knew that Valentine had succeeded, however, she needed to do something about it. She looked across at Jace and noticed something.
"Your stele." She whispered to herself. She then began to drag herself slowly towards Jace in order to grab said object so she could free herself and stop all this.
"It has been a thousand years since I was last summoned to this place. Why do you summon me now, Nephilim?" The Angel Raziel asked.
"My Lord Raziel, the great men and women in the lineage of Shadowhunters, which you have created here, have failed in their mission to rid this world of demon scum." Valentine said, explaining his actions.
"I see you are impatient. What is it you ask of me?" The Angel Raziel asked.
"The immediate death of all evil-blooded creatures, demon and Downworlder alike, as well as the disloyal Shadowhunters who protect them." Valentine said.
"The destruction of the souled creatures of the Downworld, and of our own Nephilim? That is not Heaven's wish." The Angel Raziel replied.
"But thou who spills thy blood thou shalt compel from me an action." The Angel Raziel told him. Clary grabbed Jace's stele, drew a rune on her handcuffs to break them, grabbed her seraph blade, and ran towards Valentine. Valentine got the knife he had killed Jace with out of his pocket and just as he was about to slice his palm, Clary attacked him and prevented him from doing so, knocking the knife out of his hand in the process. Clary knew that Valentine would most likely overpower her in strength, and since he had already thrown away her seraph blade she had no weapon, but if she could just get to the knife...
"I've worked too long I've sacrificed too much to let anyone stand in my way. Even my own daughter." Valentine said, standing above her with a rock in his hand.
As he was about to bring it down on her head, Clary rolled out of the way, grabbing the knife Valentine had dropped. She then swung her arm around, slitting his throat before she began stabbing him over and over again. Once she knew that he was dead, she walked over to the lake's edge to face the Angel Raziel. She slit her palm and let her blood fall in the lake water.
"Angel-blooded one." The Angel Raziel said, his tone almost surprised.
"I don't want Downworlders to die. Please, you can't let them die! I want another wish." She begged.
"You may compel me to one action, Clarissa Morgenstern. What is it that you ask?" He asked.
"You know my name." She asked in shock.
"Concern yourself not with what I know. But rather, what can be. If you have a desire, ask me now. And be wise. I will grant but one." He replied. She looked back to see Jace lying dead on the ground.
"Jace." She said, almost to herself. She then turned back to the Angel Raziel. "Bring Jace back. Please!" She begged. Suddenly, the Angel Raziel disappeared, not even leaving a trace that he was there in the first place. Clary turned around and ran back to Jace, kneeling down beside him.
"Jace? Jace?" She asked. For a few moments, she thought it hadn't worked since he wasn't moving at all. But as soon as she saw him move, relief flooded her expression and all she could see was Jace. He opened his eyes and looked up at her.
"Are you OK?" Jace asked, seeing the expression on her face as well as the cut on her forehead.
"Oh my God." She breathed, a smile on her face. He looked across and saw Valentine dead before looking back at Clary.
"What happened?" He asked concerned.
"You're alive." She said, helping him sit up. He pulled back both his shirt and jacket to where he knew he'd been stabbed only to see the wound had been healed even though the blood was still there. "Valentine raised the Angel. I used the wish to bring you back." She explained.
"You could have had anything else in the world and you chose me." He said.
"I don't want anything else in the world." She replied.
"Bringing people back there's always a consequence." He warned her.
"Not this time. This is a miracle. OK? It's a gift. Granted by the Angel." She replied.
Alec, Isabelle, Magnus, and Ben found both of them kissing along with Valentine lying dead when they got to the lake.
"They're OK!" Alec exclaimed. He honestly thought Jace was dead. He saw their rune disappear; he felt their bond snap. How is this even possible?
"Actually, they're more than OK." Isabelle said with a smile. Both Jace and Clary stood up at that moment, but Alec only had eyes for Jace.
"Jace I...I thought you were dead. Our rune, it disappeared." Alec said.
"Look at it now." Jace said. Alec looked down at his hip, lifting up his shirt at the same time, only to see their parabatai rune sitting black and prominent on his skin.
"How?" Alec asked, looking up at Jace, letting his shirt fall back into place. Jace paused at this.
"I don't know." He replied. They all looked over at Valentine lying dead on the ground before looking back at each other.
"It's over." Alec said.
"Yeah." Jace replied. Both of them walked over and hugged each other, not caring what the others thought. They were just happy to have each other back.

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