Chapter 83

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Whilst Ben stayed with Max, the rest of us split into pairs. Alec with Izzy, Clary and I, and Sebastian went off by himself. Clary and I decided to make our way to Izzy's room to see if we could find anything since that is where Max was found. As we walked down the hallway, we saw small, bloody footprints outside Izzy's room.
"From the traces of blood outside the door, it seems Max was attacked somewhere else, and then he came here." I said, my voice slightly uneven.
"He was probably looking for help." Clary interjected. Both Clary and I looked around the room in an attempt to find something, anything that would help us find Max's attacker. We knelt down next to the foot of Izzy's bed when I noticed something under it.
"Clary." I said, getting her attention. She followed my gaze. I reached under her bed and picked it up only to find it was the box in which Jonathan's things had been kept. We looked at each other, knowing that this could hold the key if only we could unlock it. I texted both Alec and Sebastian telling them to meet us in the Ops Centre and that we had found a clue.

*Meeting with everyone in the Ops Centre*

Clary, Alec, Sebastian, and I met up around the table that we had been speaking at prior to finding Max.
"Izzy's gone to visit Max, but she said she wanted to be kept updated." Alec said.
"What did you find?" Sebastian asked.
"The box my mom used to keep Jonathan's things in." Clary said, putting the box on the table.
"It was right where Izzy found Max." I told him.
"I remember Max had his eyes on it. He was so determined to prove himself." Alec said.
"It's possible he found a way to use the box to track Jonathan." I added.
"Wait, all of this would mean that Jonathan found a way to get inside the Institute without us even knowing." Sebastian said.
"Well, he's Valentine's son. We were trained to do the impossible." I said, looking at Sebastian.
"If Jonathan attacked Max and he came for the mirror."
"He wouldn't have left here without it." I said, continuing Clary's thought. I then turned to my parabatai. "Alec, he could still be in the building." I said, hope rising that we would be able to catch him.
"Listen, we have to confirm he's still inside." Alec replied seriously.
"We saw what the real Jonathan looks like. He will be glamoured as one of our own." I said.
"Hiding in plain sight." Clary said. I looked over my shoulder to make sure that no one was eavesdropping.
"OK. OK, Sebastian. I want you and any other personnel on supplemental guard duty. Effective immediately, the Institute's on lockdown." Alec ordered. We all began to go our separate ways, but Sebastian piped up and stopped Alec. I stopped and turned to them, listening in to what they were saying.
"Wait. Wait. We'll need to fortify security outside as well. I can spearhead that team." Sebastian offered.
"No I have it covered. If Jonathan's still in the building, he's not getting out alive." Alec said seriously before walking away, leaving Sebastian in his wake. I smirked as I walked off to carry out the orders that Alec had just given.

*In the Infirmary*


Izzy and I were watching over Max when Izzy began speaking.
"They say that maybe you can hear me, I want you to wake up, OK? Open your eyes and wake up, Max." Izzy begged. Suddenly, a voice piped up.
"Sorry to interrupt." I heard Sebastian say.
"It's OK." Izzy said, her voice small.
"How's the little fighter doing? Is there any progress?" Sebastian asked.
"I'm still waiting to hear back from Brother Enoch. But Max already defied the odds in surviving Jonathan's attack. If anyone can make it, he can." I told him.
"Look, Izzy, you and Ben need to take care of yourself as well. You should both take a break." Sebastian said. Honestly, this is one of the very few times I actually agreed with Sebastian. Izzy looked absolutely exhausted. I, on the other hand, was ok.
"Um thanks, but we can't leave him." Izzy said.
"Look, just a few minutes will do you a world of good, and I'll watch Max while you're gone." Sebastian offered. Ok, there was no way in hell I was leaving him alone with Max.
"I could use a break. Thank you." She said. Before anything else could happen, Mum and Dad came rushing into the room. Thank the Angel.
"Oh, Max!" Mum cried as she saw Max lying there.
"Mum! Dad!" Izzy exclaimed.
"Your father and I spoke with Brother Enoch. He says warlock magic can't heal Max." Mum said, her expression sad. "Our only hope is to allow the Silent Brothers to attempt a procedure that they only use in rare emergencies. Kind of like a rebooting of the brain." She added. I could see by the look on her face that she was unhappy with this option.
"Does it involve any risks?" I asked.
"I'm afraid so." Dad revealed. "Very few Shadowhunters have survived it." He asked.
"And you still think we should do it?" Izzy asked.
"If we don't, Max will never wake up." Mum said.
"I'll be praying for your son." Sebastian said, before walking out of the room.

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