Chapter 14

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After hearing a large slam that echoed through the Institute, I peaked out of my door to see an enraged Ben stalking down the hallway coming from the direction of my Mum's office. What the hell? Without noticing me, he slammed his door open, and then closed it, with such force that I am surprised it didn't break off its hinges, and entered his room. I was so confused at this as I have never seen Ben this angry. He can be older-brother protective when something happens to Jace, Max, Alec (even though he is slightly older), or I, but never like this. I wasn't entirely sure whether I should go and see what going on, as I didn't want to anger him further. But, before I could do anything, Alec emerged from his room, composed as ever, and made his way to Ben's as if he knew exactly what was wrong. I heard him close Ben's door behind him and lock it as well. I sighed. I decided to leave the twins to talk. I walked back to my bedroom, grabbed a book and made my way to the Greenhouse to relax and read.

*An hour later*

I had put book down for a while and was staring at the flowers, when I noticed a figure coming towards me. Alec was walking towards me with an expression on his face that I couldn't place but had never seen before. I turned to towards him so I could give him my full attention.
"What happened? Are you ok? Is Ben ok?" I asked hurriedly.
"Ben stood up to our parents. Majorly." He stated.
"Really?" I asked in shock. He'd never done that before. "What did he say?" I asked curiously.
"In short, something about them being the ones who tarnished the Lightwood name, not me, that they would be in the same situation as Hodge if they weren't married, had friends in high places, and hadn't had him and I when they did, that he was proud of me for making my own decisions and I deserved to be happy, that they were selfish and they only thought about themselves and their reputations rather than you, Jace, Max, him, and I, and how we might feel. He called Mum out about her behaviour towards you, and he also told Mum that he was done trying to make her happy and gain her approval, and unless she pulled her act together he didn't recognise her as his mother." Alec stated. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I couldn't believe he had said all that to her!
"I can't believe he said all that to her." I said in disbelief, voicing my previous thoughts. "I'm not saying either of you are lying, but still." I added.
"I know. It surprised me too. I mean, Ben has always been the most outspoken of the two of us, but I don't think he's ever spoken up like that to our parents before." Alec responded. I nodded at this.
"How is he?" I asked curiously.
"Coming down from a rage. I think he's ok now, but he's in his room calming down." Alec told me.
"Can I go and see him?" I asked hopefully. Alec chuckled.
"He's your brother too. You don't have to ask me permission." He replied with a smile. I rolled my eyes at him. He knew what I meant! "I think he's alright to talk to now. He's calmer than he was. I've never seen Ben so angry. He was attempting to steady his breathing when I walked in." He added. I nodded and got up off my bed.
"I'm going to see him and see if he has calmed down. If he hasn't, I'll try to calm him down." I said. Alec nodded and I walked out of the Greenhouse towards Ben's bedroom.


I was a bit nervous as to what that loud noise had been. I don't know where it came from, but something must have happened for it to be that loud. I saw Isabelle coming down the corridor carrying a book. I went over to her and stopped her.
"What was that noise earlier? Do you know?" I asked, shock and slight nervousness in my voice.
"That was Ben. He stood up to our parents and, according to Alec, when Alec got to his room Ben was angrier than he's ever seen him. I'm going to check on him now." She explained. My jaw dropped. Ben? I never have expected that. But then again, in the short time I have known him, I can tell that he is highly protective of his siblings.


Thanks to Alec, I had calmed down from my earlier and was now reflecting on what I said to them. Did I regret it? Not one bit. My parents needed a reality check and I was damned if I wasn't going to be the one to give it to them. I heard a soft knock on the door.
"Come in!" I called. The door opened to reveal my sister, a book in her hand.
"Hey, I just came to check if you were ok. Alec told me what happened." She said, walking over to my bed and sitting down next to me.
"I'm fine. Just a little tired is all." I stated. She put her hand gently on my shoulder.
"Everything's going to be alright. Remember, you always have Alec, Jace, and I. Even Clary said she will always be there if you need anything." She told me in a calm and comforting voice.
"Yeah, I know. I think the thing with Mum and Dad has been building up for a while and when I heard about what they did to Alec, everything just exploded. I told them what I have been thinking for a very long time but was afraid to voice." I replied.
"I'm really proud of you for that by the way. Standing up to our parents like that was such a brave thing to do and I am so proud of you." She said kindly. I knew that she meant every word.
"Anything for my siblings." I replied, embracing Izzy in a hug.

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