Chapter 32

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Jace and Clary had gone to tell Luke about what they had found out about the Angel as well as what they had seen.  Alec, Izzy, and I had stayed behind to make sure they weren't missed.  Izzy and Alec then decided to show me the Angel.  Alec was projecting something and it looked like a shooting star going upwards.  The higher it got, the more it looked like it was taking the storm with it.
"There."  Alec said, pausing the recording.  "They said that was the Angel."  He elaborated.
"Wow."  I said, staring at the single ball of light in the middle of the screen.  "That's amazing."  I said them.  Both of them smiled at me.
"So, Did you take my advice about Magnus?"  Izzy asked Alec.  What?  "You did, didn't you?  Okay, start talking."  She said, a grin on her face.
"There's nothing to talk about."  Alec replied, trying to brush it off.  But before Izzy could counter his statement a familiar voice piped up.
"Hey, you guys!"  I heard the voice of my youngest sibling call.  I turned to see Max running towards us with a smile on his face. 
"Hey, buddy.  How are you doing?"  Alec greeted him with a grin on his face.
"Max! I missed you so much!"  Izzy exclaimed, kneeling down to his height so she could give him a hug.  "You look so handsome.  What are you doing here?"  Izzy greeted our younger brother.
"Alec.  Ben.  Isabelle."  Izzy's smile disappeared and she stood up slowly.  "It's good to see you all."  Mum said, appearing behind Max.  Immediately, the smile slipped off Max's face.  I wonder what happened?
"Really?"  Izzy asked sassily.
"Izzy."  I said in a warning tone, not taking my eyes off my mother.  Izzy, however, ignored me.
"'Cause the last time you were here, you turned your back on all of us.  Especially Jace."  She snapped.  Max looked up at his mother before looking back at us.
"I was following orders.  I had no choice."  She retorted.  All three of us rolled our eyes in unison.  That was the phrase she always used for getting around things. 
"You always have a choice.  Sometimes it's just easier to think you don't."  I countered.  Mum glared at me but brushed off my comment.  I could feel the eyes of my three other siblings on me after what I said.
"Max has some big news.  Tell them, sweetheart."  She said with a smile, looking down at her youngest son.  His face lit up as he looked back at us.
"I passed my last trial.  I'm ready for my Rune Ceremony!"  He said in an excited tone.
"Congratulations."  Alec said with a smile.
"That's amazing!"  I exclaimed.
"So you finally perfected your roundhouse kick?"  Izzy asked, getting into a mock fighting position.
"Yeah, and I knocked out two different instructors."  He said, mimicking Izzy's position.  They bumped their fists together and stood up straight again. 
"Sadly, your father won't be able to attend.  So, Alec, as the eldest male in the family, you will be in charge of Max's ceremonial party."  Mum told Alec.
"Barely."  I mumbled.  He was only 4 minutes older than me.  My comment went unnoticed or ignored, either way it was probably for the best.  We all frowned at Mum's comment though.
"What do you mean he won't be here?"  Alec asked.
"He's tied up with the Valentine task force in Idris."  Mum said tightly.
"I can't believe Dad would miss this."  Izzy said in disbelief.
"He doesn't have a choice.  We're all on high alert, especially after what that demon did to both of you."  Mum said, looking at Izzy and I, sad about what she had just said.  I knew that, deep down, despite being more of a commander than a mother, she did honestly care for us.
"I was surprised not to see you at the Rite of Mourning.  Dad called to see how we were."  Izzy snapped, a cold look on her face.  She then spun around and walked away.  Mum looked shocked.
"Isabelle-" She called after her and began walking towards her.  Alec and I looked down at Max, raising our eyebrows in a 'not even gonna go there' expression.  The three of us then began walking as we spoke.
"Bet you wish you were back in Idris."  I said to him.  He rolled his eyes in the classic Lightwood fashion.
"I thought I was coming here to get away from the fighting."  He stated.  My eyebrows rose.
"Fighting?"  I asked.
"Mum and Dad?"  Alec added.
"All the time."  Max replied.
"What's going on?"  Alec asked.
"Mum doesn't like you having a warlock boyfriend."  Max said to Alec, looking up at his eldest brother.  Alec smiled slightly, then looked back down at his younger brother.
"And you?"  He asked, hoping Max was ok with it.
"Whatever, I don't care."  He said.  Thank the Angel that he wasn't as judgmental as out parents.  Alec and I looked at each other and smiled.
"I'm going to go to Magnus' place for a while."  Alec said.
"Don't worry, I'll hang out with Max."  I said casually, knowing exactly why he was going to Magnus'.  "He can show me some of his moves, and we can maybe do some sparring."  I said with a smirk.  Alec gave me a small 'thank you' smile, whereas Max grinned at the opportunity to show me what he had learned and achieved.

*At Magnus' apartment*


I knocked on the door of Magnus' apartment and within about a minute, the door was opened. 
"My mother's back."  I announced as he let me in. 
"Which means I'll make myself scarce."  Magnus said, walking into the living room.  I closed the door behind me and followed him.
"No, I have something else in mind."  I said.
"Hmm."  I hear him hum.
"How would you feel about throwing a party?"  I said slowly.  He spun around slowly.
"Have you met me?"  He asked, a smile on his face and his eyes lighting up slightly.
"It is for Max's Rune Ceremony."  I clarified, trailing off at the end slightly.  Magnus frowned slightly.
"I think I'll pass."  He said.
"Magnus."  I began, but he cut me off.
"I'm sure I'll love Max.  But Maryse?  That woman hates me."  He said.  State the obvious why don't you.  We both knew that my mother didn't like Magnus, but it was my personal life, so she really had nothing to do with it.
"That's sort of the point of the party."  I said.  He frowned slightly, not knowing what I was referring to.  "So that she can see that this, us, it's not going away."  I explained.  His facial expression softened.
"You sure about this?"  He asked.
"Why wouldn't I be?"  I asked.  He smiled.
"Then I better get to work."  He said, before walking off to plan Max's party.


Mum opened the Invitation and read it.
"At the residence of Magnus Bane?"  She asked skeptically.  "It's very kind of your friend to offer, but the Rune Ceremony is a solemn rite of passage for Shadowhunters.  Not some Downworlder rave."  She said distastefully.
"Where does it say anything about a rave?"  I asked, trying to keep my voice calm.  "And why is it only for Shadowhunters?"  I added.
"It's tradition."  She said.
"Traditions change, especially those based on ignorance."  I told her.  She chuckled.  "Anyone who cares about Max should be there, and that includes me and Magnus.  Together."  I added, a forceful tone in my voice.  She sighed.  "If Dad were here he'd understand."  I added.
"Well, he's not."  She said immediately.  I could tell that something was wrong.  She then stood up to face me.  "Alec I don't want to fight with you.  This dinner, it should be about family.  Our family."  She said gently.
"What family?"  I snapped, frowning at her.  "You wanted Jace dead."  I reminded her.
"I was following orders."  She stressed.  Again with the excuses!
"You keep saying that.  After a while, it loses its meaning."  I retorted.  She paused and sighed.
"You're right."  She said, her breathing hitching slightly.  "Of course we'll be there.  Thank you for going to all this trouble for us."  She thanked me.  She sat down and I leaned closer to her.
"Thank Magnus."  I said before walking away.

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