Chapter 61

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*The Next Day*


It was 5am and I was currently sitting with Ben, who was still unconscious from his ordeal yesterday. I couldn't say for sure when he was going to wake up, but
Why Ben? After all he has been through, all he has endured, why did Kaelie have to come after him of all people? I am so glad I got to him in time. I don't know what I would have done without my big brother. What any of us would have done really. I watched his chest rise and fall evenly, thanking all the angels that I knew the names of that he was still alive. Thankfully, someone had put a shirt on him so you couldn't really see the damage. Magnus said he would make a full recovery, but it would take some time. I hoped that was true. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even notice anyone else come in until I heard a voice.
"Izzy?" I heard. I looked up to see Clary standing in the doorway.
"Hey Clary." I said dejectedly. She walked towards me.
"How's Ben?" She asked, sitting down next to me.
"He'll live. It'll take a while for him to heal though." I told her.
"At least there's an upside." She said softly. "I hate to tear you away from Ben, but Alec is about to make an announcement." She told me kindly. I nodded and got up, following her out of the room.


After everything that happened over the past couple of days, I decided to play the piano. I don't do it often, only to calm me when I'm really upset and don't have Alec around to talk to. I was so caught up in the music that I didn't notice anyone come into the room until I heard clapping. I looked up to see Sebastian.
"Bravo. I had no idea I was in the company of a virtuoso." He complimented me.
"Yeah, right." I replied cynically.
"No, seriously, it's extraordinary. I mean, I wish I could play like that. Where did you learn? Who taught you?" Sebastian asked curiously.
"Valentine, if you can believe that." I said.
"Huh. I guess even an evil mastermind can appreciate fine music." Sebastian commented.
"Yeah maybe a little too much. Whenever I would make a mistake, he'd break the offending finger, then Iratze my hand and have me start again." I told him.
"Well, I, uh I'm surprised you still play." He said in shock.
"Only when the mood strikes." I said.
"Is that why you're up so early? Or, wait, did you never go to sleep?" He asked.
"I never went to sleep. I've been in the Infirmary with Ben." I replied.
"I'm sorry that happened by the way." He apologized.
"It's not your fault. Besides, Magnus says that he will make a full recovery. However, it may take some time." I told him.
"I'm glad." He replied. I smiled slightly, but before either of us could say anything else, Clary entered the room.
"Sorry to interrupt. Alec is about to make an announcement." She said. Both Sebastian and I then stood up, following her out of the room.

*In the Ops Centre*


Everyone was gathered in the Ops Centre listening as Alec made his announcement.
"We've lost seven of our own, but we can't allow a single, radical Seelie to define the entire Downworld, any more than we can allow Valentine to define all Shadowhunters. So, to restore unity with our allies, I will be hosting regular Cabinet meetings here with the Downworld leaders of New York." Alec said. Suddenly, someone next to me began speaking.
"I'm all for unity. But does he have to bring them here?" Lindsey said, more of a statement than a question.
"What do you expect? He's dating a warlock." Duncan replied.
"Still can't believe Alec Lightwood is in charge." Lindsey said.
"Just wait. In a week, it'll be someone else." Duncan added. Ok, that's it. I've had enough.
"Hey. Show some respect." I snapped, highly irritated with both of them. They both looked at me and immediately backtracked. I was not about to have anyone talking crap about my big brother and family after everything that's happened.
"Please, let's make the Downworlders feel welcome." Alec finished. He walked down the stairs and Clary, Jace, and I went to meet him.
"Look at you. In charge for a week, you're already shaking things up. I think this Cabinet thing is a good idea." Jace complimented Alec.
"Yeah, I'm not sure everyone agrees." Alec replied. I could hear the slight hint of insecurity in his voice, but it was gone as soon as it came. I am sure Jace could hear and feel it too.
"All the more reason to do it. How can I help?" Clary asked, eager to help where she could.
"Actually, I need you and Jace for a mission. You're going to the Seelie Court." Alec told them. Jace and I looked at each other with an uneasy expression.
"Where is that?" Clary asked, noticing the silence.
"The nearest entrance is in Central Park. But it's in another realm. Where the Seelie Queen lives." I told her.
"I requested an audience with her to discuss Kaelie's crimes. However she said she'll only meet with Valentine's experiments." Alec told us.
"Wow. Charming nickname. So, you think the Seelie Queen is responsible for Kaelie's attacks?" Clary asked.
"That's what I want you to find out." Alec said.
"It would make sense. Those murders weren't exactly Kaelie's style." Jace piped up.
"How did you know Kaelie?" Clary asked. Alec and I went silent, but Jace spoke up.
"Book Club." Jace said quickly. I raised my eyebrows, whereas Alec just looked uncomfortable.
"You read?" Clary asked skeptically.
"Yeah. Why does everyone find that so hard to believe?" Jace asked. I smirked.
"Look. Focus. We need to find out if she's complicit. An entire faction could be turning against us." Alec warned.
"That shouldn't be too hard, right? Seelies can't lie." Clary said.
"Technically yes, but after hundreds of years of practice, they can expertly manipulate the truth, and the Queen is the master." Jace clarified.
"She's very dangerous. The entire realm is. More than one Shadowhunter hasn't made it back." I warned Clary.
"What could go wrong? But we're, uh Valentine's experiments, right? Don't mess with us." Clary said, her tone borderline sarcastic.

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