Chapter 25

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I was waiting by the door to Aldertree's office for Izzy when Jace and Clary walked up to me.
"What are you doing here?" Jace asked.
"Waiting for Izzy." I told him. "She's requesting permission from Aldertree to lead the mission to the Iron Sisters." I explained. "She was given the all clear by the medics and came straight here afterwards.
"Can we wait with you?" Clary asked. I nodded and we waited in silence. A moment later, Izzy emerged, closing the door behind her.
"So?" I asked expectantly. A huge smile formed on her face.
"Aldertree granted my request to lead the mission to the Iron Sisters." Isabelle stated her smile not faltering for a second. We all then proceeded to hug her, knowing how much she wanted this.
"You'll probably be going in a few days because, if I'm not mistaken, the Rite of Mourning is tomorrow." Jace said with a smile.

*A few hour later*

Izzy was practically buzzing for hours after Aldertree granted her request. Even though I am sure there was a catch to it, it put a smile on my face to see her so happy, especially with everything that's been going on lately. I am currently sitting in my room reading because, despite the façade I put up, my chest still goes through moments of pain. It may just be after-effects because it is healed, but I am resting just in case. I don't want to make it any worse before it can get better. At the moment, it's mostly ok, but it is hurting a bit.

I heard someone knock on my door suddenly.
"Come in!" I called. I heard the door open, and I looked up to see Clary standing at the door. "Clary! How can I help you?" I asked, putting a bookmark in my book and laying it down on my bedside table. I was about to get up when she stopped me.
"Don't get up." She said, walking over to my bed and sitting down next to me. "I just wanted to see if you were ok. I've noticed the occasional winces of pain you occasionally have ever since you left the Infirmary. You've been through so much over these past few months, and I didn't want to prolong your suffering if I could help it." She said, concern clearly written on her face. I smiled kindly at her.
"Thank you for being so concerned but I'm fine." I said, a soft smile on my face. She looked skeptical, but let it slide.

*The Next Day – The Rite of Mourning*

Everyone gathered in the room where the Rite of Mourning was going to be held. We were all dressed in white, seeing as that is the colour of mourning.
"Those remaining will take their place with the fallen." Aldertree ordered. Both he and the remaining Silent Brothers did as they were asked. "Those remaining will say the names of the fallen." He then added.
The Silent Brothers then began saying the names of each of the fallen Silent Brothers. Once they had finished, everyone spoke in unison.
"Pulvis et umbra sumus. For we are dust and shadows."
Aldertree then said the names of the two fallen Shadowhunters. Once he was finished, everyone spoke again.
"Ave atque vale. Hail and farewell."
The Silent Brothers then got their steles and touched them to the heads of each of the fallen, releasing their souls. The large mourning rune on the wall began to glow and soft beams of light drifted upwards from each of the fallen, going through the opening of the roof and into the sky. Even though saying goodbye to the fallen is always hard, the Rite of Mourning is a beautiful way to say farewell.

*After the Rite of Mourning*

Izzy, Alec, Jace, Clary, and I were all sitting in my room talking, still dressed in our clothes from the Rite of Mourning. It had just quieted down a bit when Izzy decided to ask Clary something.
"Clary?" She asked.
"Yes Izzy?" Clary replied, looking at Izzy.
"Would you come with me to the Adamas Citadel, to the Iron Sisters? I need at least one other female to join me and I was wondering if you'd come since none of my brothers can." She asked.
"I'd love to Iz." Clary replied with a smile.
"I couldn't come with you anyway." Alec said offhandedly. All our heads snapped towards him.
"Why?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and voicing the question that was on all our lips. Alec was never one to refuse to go on missions if he was asked to and they were sanctioned. What happened?
"I, um, remember that first date Magnus and I were going to go on that we had to keep postponing?" Alec asked. A grin lit up my face, I know where this is going.
"You're going on your first date with Magnus!" Izzy exclaimed, voicing what we were all thinking. "You need to tell me everything about it when Clary and I get back." She added excitedly.
"Alec, don't even think you'll be able to get out of this." I said, gesturing to Izzy.
"He speaks the truth." Izzy said with a smirk. Alec groaned and rolled his eyes.

*Two days later*

Clary and Izzy had just gone through a portal that would take them to the Adamas Citadel. I hoped they would have answers that we could use when they got back.
"You ok Ben?" Jace asked.
"Yeah, just thinking about how happy Izzy will be when she gets back from the Iron Sisters." I said.
"I know! I'm so happy for her." Jace replied with a smile.
"Has Alec left yet?" I asked.
"Yeah, he left to go to Magnus' about half an hour ago. They are meeting there and then Magnus is taking him somewhere." Jace replied.
"I am so happy for him. He completely deserves this. It's been ages since I've seen Alec happy." I said with a small smile.
"It's been ages since I've felt Alec happy, and I don't think I've ever felt him this happy." Jace commented. I looked at him in surprise.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yeah. He's had so much going on lately, with our disappearances, to his arranged marriage, our parents, Clary, Izzy's trial, the Institute being taken from us, the list goes on. I get flickers of happiness whenever Magnus is around though, which I am so grateful for. There is nothing I love more than seeing my parabatai happy." Jace said sadly. A sad smile appeared on my face before something he said occurred to me.
"Wait, Izzy was on trial? What for?" I asked in shock.
"It was ages ago. Before Valentine caught me." He said, I know he was attempting to avoid the topic.
"That doesn't answer the question. What was she charged with Jace?" I asked, my face going serious.
"If I remember correctly, Alec told me it was for high treason on the grounds of helping save Meliorn from being taken to the Silent Brothers for 'questioning'. She took the fall for it even though it was a group effort. It's a long story. Point is, she was almost stripped of her runes and banished. It was only because Clary and I handed the cup over to the Clave that she is here right now." Jace explained. "Alec went to great lengths to try and help our sister, as we all would." He added. "Plus, he was under the stress of being engaged for an arranged marriage as well."
I had known about the arranged marriage, as Alec and Jace had filled me in on what I had missed as soon as I had regained consciousness as was strong enough after Jace and Clary had saved me from Valentine, but they had failed to mention Izzy's trial.
"Why didn't you tell me about Izzy's trial? I mean I knew about the other stuff, but you guys have conveniently neglected to tell me about the trial. Why was that?" I asked, narrowing my eyes slightly at him.
"It was over and we didn't think it was relevant as we all, including Izzy, wanted to forget about it." Jace replied, fiddling with his stele.
"Not relevant! Our sister was almost de-runed and banished! You don't think that is relevant?" I exclaimed.
"Izzy told us not to tell you when you woke up. We could tell you about anything else, just not about her trial as she didn't want to burden you with that knowledge." Jace replied calmly.
"You still should have told me." I grumbled.
"Doesn't matter now." Jace said. We both shrugged it off and agreed to go to the training room and spar for a while.

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