Chapter 16

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*The Next Day*


Aldertree, Mum, Magnus, and I were on our way to a meeting with the Clave in regards to Jace.  I had already talked to Aldertree about this and he had accepted the terms willingly.  I knew that if Aldertree went alone, he would twist my words and the Clave would find SOME way to screw us over, as they have done so many times.

*Sitting down at the meeting*

Aldertree, Mum, and I have been in here with the Council, as well as Inquisitor Herondale for about an hour discussing my proposition, and honestly, it is just going around in circles.
"So, Mr Lightwood, you are proposing that, in exchange for Jace's full cooperation and disclosure of any and all information he knows in regards to Valentine Morgenstern, his plans, the Mortal Cup, and his last known location, you want the Clave and the Council to exonerate him for any and all crimes he has been charged with, none of which, you say, he has committed.  You would also like him to be given full immunity for anything that Valentine Morgenstern may have made him do.  Did I miss anything?"  Inquisitor Herondale repeated to me, confirming what she understood.
"That is what I am proposing Inquisitor."  I confirmed.
"Well, I really only have three questions for you."  She said.  I raised my eyebrow.
"First, how do you know where Jace is?  Second, how do you know he will come forward willingly?  Lastly, how do I know you are not just doing this to protect your parabatai?"  She asked.  Honestly, they were all valid questions.
"To answer your first question, I have an idea of where he is.  As to your second question, I have spoken to him as he reached out to me once or twice.  He didn't tell me his location, only that he had escaped from Valentine a week after he was captured.  Lastly, of course I want to protect my parabatai, but I also want Valentine and his followers captured and punished for everything they have done.  So does Jace."  I replied seriously.  Inquisitor Herondale looked at the other members of the Council who seemed to be agreeing with what I was saying.
"Very well.  If the Council agrees, in exchange for full disclosure of any and all information he knows in regards to Valentine Morgenstern, his plans, the Mortal Cup, and Valentine's last known location, Jace Wayland is hereby exonerated from any and all crimes he has been charged with, along with full immunity for any actions that Valentine Morgenstern may have forced him to do.  This is to be carried out effective immediately."  She said.  "All in favour?"  She asked the Council.  There was a unanimous yes from all the council members.
"Oh, and before I go, you asked me at the start why the warlock was here."  I said, she nodded at my comment.  "Well, this is why."  I replied.  I nodded for Magnus to come over to me and he did so in a very formal manner.  I gave him a piece of paper and he crafted a document for the Inquisitor to sign.  I hadn't taken any chances with this.  "Would you sign this please Inquisitor?"  I asked, handing her the piece of parchment that Magnus had just copied every word she said down onto.
"What is this?"  She asked.  She took it from me and I watched her carefully as her eyes skimmed the page.  She sighed, but nodded, picked up a pen, and signed where she needed to.

By the Angel, I, Imogen Herondale, Inquisitor of the Clave, hereby declare that, in exchange for full disclosure of any and all information he knows in regards to Valentine Morgenstern, his plans, the Mortal Cup, and Valentine's last known location, Jace Wayland is hereby exonerated from any and all crimes he has been charged with, along with full immunity for any actions that Valentine Morgenstern may have forced him to carry out.  The Council has approved this action and it is to be carried out effective immediately.

Date: __/__/____.                Signature: _________

I then took the piece of paper from her and Magnus duplicated it so that the Clave could have a copy of it as well.
"Thank you Inquisitor."  I said respectfully.  She nodded but didn't reply.  She then looked up at everyone.
"I believe our business is done here."  Inquisitor Herondale stated.  "This meeting is formally adjourned and the Council is dismissed."  She stated before everyone then made their way out of the room.
Once we were outside, Magnus then made a portal for Aldertree, Mum, and I to go back to the Institute, whilst he went home.
After Aldertree, Mum, Magnus, and I returned from Idris, I put the signed contract in my vault immediately.  I then offered to try and bring Jace home as I had "a fair idea of where he was".  Reluctantly, Aldertree agreed, but said I had to take at least one other person with me.  So, I decided to take Ben, Izzy, and Clary.  Each of them had different reactions. Ben was smiling, eager to have his brother home.  Izzy was ecstatic about the prospect of having her brother home again and her family being complete.  Clary, even though she knew where Jace was and that he was safe, couldn't wait to see him again.
Once we had left and were out of eye and earshot of the Institute, I turned to all of them.  They looked at me, confused as to why we had stopped.  I then began speaking.
"Ok.  We all know that Jace is at Magnus' apartment but we cannot just get him from there because then Magnus would get in trouble for harbouring a fugitive.  So, we have to go on an extended route and take as much time as we can getting to Magnus' apartment and back to the Institute."  I stated.  All of them nodded at my suggestion.  With that, we headed off.

After a while, we ended up at Magnus' apartment.  I smiled, getting out my key and opening the door.
"Parabatai!"  I called out.  This was our code word so that Jace would know it was me.  Magnus' was his name, and Isabelle's was "little sister".  After a few moments, Jace walked out of his room, putting a shirt on as he did so.  However, he froze when he saw who was with me.  After a few seconds, I heard a loud squeal that I knew was coming from my younger sister as she flew past me and ran towards Jace, who only just caught her.
"Hey Izzy."  I heard him say as he hugged her tightly.  After a few moments, Izzy and Jace separated and they walked over to us.
"So can I come home?"  Jace asked hopefully.  I looked at him with a grin on my face.
"As long as you tell the Clave everything you know about Valentine, the Mortal Cup, and both of their last known locations, you've been exonerated from any and all crimes pinned against you by the Clave, as well as given full immunity for anything that Valentine or his men may have made you do."  I told him.  "I have it in writing and signed by Inquisitor Herondale herself."  I added.  A huge smile appeared on his face.  He nodded quickly.
"Absolutely."  He stated.  "I want him dead or at least punished.  Probably even more so that all of you."  He added.

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