Chapter 62

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I had made my way to the Jade Wolf to see Luke, as he had still not agreed to join the Cabinet, and if this was going to work, we would need him. Once I got there, Luke met me at the entrance to the Jade Wolf and we both walked inside to talk.
"You're the only one who hasn't agreed to join the Cabinet." I began.
"Why should I?" He asked defensively.
"Well, you're the most respected pack leader in New York, and as a former Shadowhunter, you understand what's at stake for both sides." I told him calmly.
"Yeah, that's exactly why I can see this for what it is, an empty gesture. Look, after all the Downworld has been through, Alec, we need change. Real change." Luke replied.
"I couldn't agree more." I agreed.
"Then prove it. Destroy the Soul Sword." He bargained.
"You know that the Clave will never destroy a Mortal Instrument." I responded.
"Then Valentine needs to die." He said.
"You're right. I promise I will do everything I can to push for Valentine's execution with the Clave. But this isn't just about Valentine. It's about improving Shadow World relations, and that's what this Cabinet can do, but not without you." I told him. He looked at me skeptically for a moment before nodding, agreeing to my proposition.
"Thank you. I'll see you tonight then." I thanked him.
"See you tonight." He replied. With that, I left the Jade Wolf.

*Back at the Institute*

I was in my office on the phone to Magnus. It calmed me slightly to be talking to my boyfriend, but what I was talking to him about wasn't going to be fantastic.
"It's just important that this meeting tonight go smoothly." I said.
"It will. I'll be by your side the whole time." Magnus said calmly.
"Actually, I'd rather you not." I said reluctantly.
"Have I done something wrong?" Magnus asked. I could hear the concern in his voice.
"No, not at all. It's just...I don't want to be accused of any kind of...warlock favoritism." I explained.
"I see. Perhaps another warlock should go instead." He suggested.
"No, I...I need you there, Magnus, but as a warlock representative, not as my boyfriend. Is that OK?" I asked, hoping that was ok.
"Of course. It's best that we keep our personal and professional lives separate."
"Thank you." I said, hanging up and looking down at my phone. "Mum. What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I wanted to congratulate you on the promotion. I'm so pleased to see the Lightwoods back in command." She said, a smile on her face. She then began walking over to me. "I always knew this was your destiny. When you were little, I'd find you in here, sitting behind your father's desk, writing out your own memos in crayon. Well here you are. Your father and I couldn't be prouder." She told me.
"Speaking of Dad what's the latest? Are you leaving him?" I asked.
"It's complicated, Alec." She replied.
"It's not. He cheated on you." I replied.
"And it's over between us. But we can't let our marital problems undermine our political careers. The last thing we want is to tarnish the Lightwood name." I told him. Oh the irony of that last statement.
"It's been through a lot worse." I said with a smile. My face then turned serious. "Look, I haven't told Izzy yet but you know how fast gossip spreads. She shouldn't hear about it second-hand." I advised. Mum sighed, knowing I was right, but I could tell she was dreading that conversation.


For the past who knows how long, I had been attacking a punching bag to release some of the pent up anger that I had built up.
"Blowing off some steam?" I heard Sebastian ask. I stopped what I was doing
"Yeah." I said breathlessly.
"What's up?" He asked.
"Two things. My Mum's in town, and Ben still hasn't woken up."
"Is you Mum being in town really such a bad thing?" He asked. "Also, I didn't get to say this before, but I'm sorry about Ben.
"You don't know my Mum. She expects nothing less than perfection. Always. Sometimes I wonder if I could ever live up to it. I don't want to disappoint her."
"Izzy, it''s OK to struggle. Life is a struggle." Sebastian said. "Also, I'm sure that Ben will wake up soon. He's alive because of you. No one can take that away from you." He added.
"It's just...why did it have to be Ben of all people? After everything that he's been through in the past few months; tortured by Valentine, attacked and almost killed by me when I was possessed during a demon attack on the Institute, now this? It's just not fair." I asked. It was nice to be able to talk to someone other than my brothers about this. I'd already blown off most of my pent-up anger, but I was still calming down.
"I agree. I hope he recovers soon." Sebastian said.

*A few hours later*


Alec had been edgy for hours. He hoped that this Cabinet worked, because if it did, it could ignite real change in the relationship between Shadowhunters and Downworlders. Thankfully, he had Isabelle with him.
"Do I look ok?" Alec asked his sister.
"You look good." She said, trying to calm his nerves. His demeanor turned professional when Meliorn came up to him.
"I must say, when I received your invitation I was skeptical. I still am. Though your sister's presence is always heartening." He said.
"As is yours, Meliorn." Isabelle said politely.
"Well, tonight, I hope to erase that skepticism." Alec said respectfully, offering his hand out for Meliorn to shake. Once they had shaken hands, Meliorn then walked away and Alec was left to welcome the next person. "Raphael. Thank you for coming." He said as a welcome.
"Alec." Raphael replied. The two men never really had a fantastic relationship, but at least they could be professional with each other. They shook hands and Raphael made his way into the Cabinet room.
A few moments later, Magnus appeared.
"Lovely to see you, Mr. Lightwood." Magnus said, coming up to Alec and shaking his hand.
"And you, Mr. Bane. Thank you for taking the time." Alec replied.
"I wouldn't miss it. I have tremendous respect for the new Head of the Institute." Magnus said, releasing Alec's hand. Both men were trying desperately not to smile or laugh at each other's formality. After Magnus walked away, Luke was the next person to come up to Alec.
"You won't regret this." Alec said, shaking Luke's hand.
"I hope not." Luke replied, before walking away. Alec then looked at his sister, who smiled at him, and let out a sigh.
"You did great." Isabelle said in a whisper. He smiled, feeling so much better that she was here.
"Now for the fun part." He said to Isabelle, who chuckled slightly.
Maryse, who had also been in the room greeting everyone, saw Luke and decided to go over and say hello.
"Lucian. I just wanted to say, I am so sorry about Jocelyn. I feel terrible that you couldn't join her in Alicante. She did tell me to send her best though and to tell you that she loves you and misses you." Maryse said once she got over to him.
"Thank you Maryse. It's nice to see you." Luke replied.
"You look great. How's Ben?" Raphael asked, now conversing with Isabelle.
"Alive thanks to us. He's still unconscious and healing, but he'll live and should make a full recovery, although it will take some time." Isabelle explained.
"And Max?" He asked.
"More eager to train than ever." Isabelle told him with a smile.
"That's putting it lightly. The little devil judo-flipped me to the floor." Sebastian said, walking up to them.
"And you are?" Raphael asked.
"Sebastian Verlac. I'm working security tonight at the Cabinet meeting." Sebastian introduced himself.
"Sebastian's a transfer from the London Institute. He's been helping me tutor Max." Isabelle explained.
"And how do you know Isabelle?" Sebastian asked.
"Raphael is the leader of the Brooklyn clan. Our paths cross occasionally for work." Isabelle replied.
"Speaking of work, I should probably join the group. It's nice to meet you, Sebastian." Raphael said.
"Pleasure." Sebastian said, looking wary of Raphael as he passed.

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