Chapter 57

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I knocked on Magnus' door and a few moments later, Magnus opened it looking very...different.
"Alexander." He greeted me with a smile.
"Wow. You look very..." I said, trailing off.
"I was bored. Needed a change." He said, explaining his change of clothing. I walked over to him and he pulled me in for a kiss. I raised my eyebrows.
"Ha is everything OK?" I asked as we pulled away.
"Yeah. I've been worried sick. With all these attacks, you shouldn't be out on your own." He said, concern in his voice.
"Well, I'm not on my own. I'm here with you, High Warlock of Brooklyn." I said a smile on my face. I then turned and walked into his apartment. "A body was found in Williamsburg. Have you heard anything?" I asked, my back to him.
"No but warlocks don't report their misdeeds to me. If they did, my phone would never stop ringing." He said.
"Magnus, I need your hair. It's just a strand for a DNA test to clear you." I explained.
"I didn't realize there was anything I needed to be cleared of. Do you not trust my word?" He asked.
"Of course I trust you. I know you had nothing to do with this. It's just, this's Clave orders." I said,
"I see. So again you're just blindly carrying out orders? What happened to following your gut?"
"Magnus. Shadowhunters are being slaughtered. I'm just asking for a strand of hair. Let's not be overdramatic." Shit. The second the words left my mouth I immediately regretted it. However, before I could apologize, Magnus started speaking.
"Well I wouldn't want to be overdramatic." I said overly calmly. He then pulled a hair out of his head and handed it to me.
"Thank you." I thanked him. I was about to say something else when he cut me off.
"Get out." He said lowly, not even looking at me.
"What? Magnus, come on." I begged. He didn't say another word, just clicked his fingers and the front door opened. My face fell and I walked out the door.

*A while later*


Magnus heard a knock on door. He knew exactly who it was so he clicked his finger, and the door opened.
"How'd you know it was me?" Dot asked playfully.
"My powers are wild and beyond understanding." Magnus said dramatically. "And I saw you crossing the street outside." He added. "So, have you come to talk me into spitting into a cup for the Clave?" Magnus asked sarcastically.
"You kidding me? Look, I'm all for stopping those murders, but when the DNA brigade came knocking, I portalled out. I had that shop in Salem. This isn't my first witch hunt." Dot replied. Magnus knew exactly what she was talking about.
"I'll drink to that. Oops. I suppose I already am." He said, looking at the glass in his hand.
"So came by to bring you these." Dot said, holding a little bottle out in front of her. Magnus got up and walked over to her.
"Dragonfly wings?" He asked, taking the little bottle from her.
"I thought it might help, from when you lost your powers after being blasted by that greater demon." She explained. Valentine.
"A disturbing ordeal." He said, taking it from her and setting it down on a table. Dot then noticed what he was drinking.
"Whiskey rocks. Your heartache drink." She said.
"Not always." He replied, but he knew that she was right.
"It's me, Mag. I've known you for centuries. Pour me one." She said, gesturing for him to pour her a drink. He did so and they both sat down on the couch. "Talk." She ordered. He said nothing. "Or not. Either way, you should never drink alone." She said.

*A little while later*

They had been talking for a while and Magnus felt much lighter getting his problems off his chest.
"Alec Lightwood. No wonder you're a mess. Mortals are always trouble, you know that." She said.
"Says the warlock who had a fling with Mark Twain." He retorted teasingly.
"What can I say? I'm a sucker for a man with a moustache." She replied, shrugging.
"Me too, but only if it belongs to Freddie Mercury." He stated.
"So that's why you dragged me to all those Queen concerts! We Will Rock You indeed." She said with a smirk. Magnus laughed.
"Oh, don't be crude. I fall in love with the soul before the sex." Magnus pointed out.
"Was it my soul you fell in love with?" She asked.
"What we had was wonderful. That was wow! That was almost a century ago." He said wistfully. "But that's not what I mean." He added.
"So find a warlock soul to fall in love with. Then when the Clave declares war on the Downworld, your boyfriend's not trying to hit you up for a cheek swab." She suggested.
"OK. So, if warlocks are so divine why haven't you hooked up with any handsome magic-maker in the past six decades? Not that anyone's counting." Magnus retorted.
"Touché. What can I say? It's hard to find a warlock who's super hot and lives in this realm, and who's also a good dancer." She replied.
"Why, Miss Dorothea. Is that a challenge?" Magnus asked teasingly. She nodded. They both began dancing and it felt like old times. They hadn't really seen each other for a while and both of them honestly missed dancing with one another, as it was one of their favourite past-times. Once they finished, then ended up facing each other.
"My life would be a boring tragedy without you." Dot said with a smile.
"It would indeed." Magnus replied. They stayed silent for a moment. "I'm sorry." Magnus apologized.
"Don't be." She replied.
"I'm in love with Alec." He told her. She knew he was.
"I know. I just." She started, but Magnus cut her off, knowing exactly what she was going to say.
"Had a moment, and a bottle of whiskey. You are incredibly beautiful, Dot, and soulful. Generous. But I'm afraid I've always been a one-soul-at-a-time kind of guy." He told her.
She knew. She knew that, despite having many, many, relationships, Magnus had always stayed faithful to one person at a time if he was in a committed relationship. She smiled at the man who had been a close friend of hers for a long time, and a past lover as well.
"Alec's lucky to have you." She said. Magnus smiled, but stayed silent.

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