Chapter 15

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*The Next Day*


During the few days that Jace and Ben were staying with Magnus, Izzy, Clary, and I had figured out a way to clear Jace's name.  We just had to run it past a few people first.  I was on my way over to Magnus' apartment, as I needed to discuss our idea with Jace.

Once I got there, I unlocked the door with the spare key Magnus had given me.  I entered the apartment to see Magnus sitting on the living room couch, reading a book.  He looked up at me as I entered his apartment.
"Good morning Alexander."  He greeted me, putting his book down as I walked over to him.  "What brings you here?"  He inquired.  "Is this a casual visit or do you require my assistance?"  He asked.
"Neither.  I need to talk to Jace about a plan to clear his name."  I told him.  His eyebrows rose in interest.
"By all means.  As you can probably guess, he is in his room."  He stated.
"You are welcome to join us, as you may be an integral part in this plan."  I stated before he could sit back down.  He looked at me with interest.
"Very well, lead the way."  He stated.  We both walked towards his room.  Once we got there, I knocked on the door, and a few seconds later he opened it.
"Hey Alec, Magnus.  What's up?"  Jace asked curiously.
"I have an idea of how to clear your name and get you home, but I want to run it past you first."  I told him.
"Wait...really?"  He asked hopefully.  I nodded and the three of us walked over to his bed to sit down.  I told them both my idea, and both of them instantly agreed.  Jace said that he wanted nothing more than to have Valentine stopped and punished.  I then told him that I would talk to Aldertree and our parents about this as soon as I got back to the Institute.

*Back at the Institute*

I walked over to Aldertree, as I needed to talk to him.  I had asked Lydia to come with me, as I didn't want Aldertree to think I was just being emotional.
"Aldertree, I need to speak to you."  I said seriously.
"Alec.  Lydia.  What is it?"  He asked, looking up at me but not moving from where he was standing.
"In private."  I stated.  He nodded and followed Lydia and I to his office.  "Ok, what is this about?"  He asked.
"It's about Jace."  I stated.  He narrowed his eyes at me.
"What about him?"  He asked carefully.
"Jace is not a traitor.  The only reason Valentine has the cup is because Hodge gave it to him, and the only reason that Jace went with him was to save his family.  Jace wanted to kill him, but if he did, the rest of us would have died as well, and he wanted to keep us safe.  When we get him back, if Jace tells us everything he knows about Valentine and his plans, and tells us the exact location of the Cup and Valentine, last he saw them, could you arrange with the Clave to grant him full immunity?"  I requested.
"First, why would I believe that or consider it? Second, how do I know that you are not lying and trying to get him out of this because he is your parabatai?"  He asked.  Both valid questions, I will admit.
"Because Jace is one of the best Shadowhunters we have.  Plus, since Jace has been around Valentine, he would know about Valentine and hopefully his plans for the Shadow World as we know it."  I said rationally.  I was trying my best not to get emotional as that would not help my case.
"Well, I could potentially do that, but we would have to find him, and he would have to comply with the terms first."  Aldertree stated.
"Ask both parties and if the Clave agrees, Jace will too."  I said.
"You're missing one large point here.  We don't know where Jace is."  He pointed out.
"Maybe you don't, but I think I do."  I revealed.  His eyes widened.
"Why didn't you say something earlier?"  He asked in disbelief.
"Because I wasn't sure!  I didn't want to tell you a location unless I knew it to be accurate.  That would just waste unnecessary time and energy."  I replied.
"Fair enough."  He responded.  "So, your proposition is, in exchange for Jace's location and information on Valentine and the Cup from him, the Clave grants Jace full immunity for a crime that you believe he has not committed."  He cleared up.
"Correction, a crime he didn't commit.  But yes.  Jace is not a traitor.  He didn't want to go with Valentine; I could see the pain on his face as he went through that portal, we all could.  He has never betrayed anyone in his life, and I doubt that he would start now just because he went with Valentine to save Isabelle, Clary Fray, Magnus Bane, Simon Lewis, and myself."  I confirmed.
"Very well, I will ask, but I can make no guarantees that the Clave will agree to your proposition."  He replied, trying to make me tell him.  I held my ground.
"Well, they have to agree, or you'll have to figure all of this out yourselves."  I told him.
"Is that a threat Lightwood?"  He asked, narrowing his eyes at me.  I shook my head.
"No, it's a fact."  I replied simply.  "Also, I would like to be with you when you speak with the Clave."  I added.
"You want to make sure I don't twist your words.  You don't trust me."  He concluded.  I nodded at this.
"Frankly, no, I don't trust you.  However, you are the only person who could free Jace, so that is why I am asking this of you."  I replied honestly.  He thought about it for a few minutes.
"Very well Lightwood, you have a deal."  He said.
"Thank you."  I replied.  With that, we parted ways.
"Well done Alec, I think you handled that very well."  She complimented me.
"Thanks Lydia."  I replied with a smile.
After receiving approval from Aldertree, I made my way to find my parents, as they both needed to know about this.  I finally found them in my mother's office.
"Mum?  Dad?"  I asked in order to get their attention.  They looked up at me.
"Alec.  What can we do for you?"  Mum asked.  By the look on her face, she was clearly still mad at me about what happened at my wedding, but I couldn't think about that right now.
"I have an idea on how to clear Jace's name and find him.  Magnus and I have narrowed down where he might be, but we're not too sure.  However, before we can bring him home, we need to clear his name first."  I revealed.  She narrowed her eyes at me.
"Go on."  She stated.  I then told her my idea and she raised her eyebrows in interest.
"Aldertree approved the idea, so I thought I would tell you both as well."  I stated.
"Interesting.  I would like to attend this meeting if possible."  She added.  I knew she was going to come with us anyway, whether I said she could or not.
"Of course you can come.  You have the same right to know what is happening that Aldertree does.  Aldertree may be the Head of the Institute, but you are still Jace's mother."  I replied smoothly.  For the first time in this conversation, Dad piped up.
"If I may ask, how exactly did you find him?"  She asked.
"Not easily.  It's difficult to explain, but in essence, Magnus used our parabatai bond.  He used a spell that wouldn't damage it, but I could see what was happening to Jace, and his surroundings.  I could see through his eyes."  I told him.  I looked away, not wanting to relieve the horrors I had seen when we did that.
"There's something else."  Mum stated, knowing that look on my face.
"Like Ben, Jace was tortured and forced to do horrible things.  Please don't make me elaborate."  I told them, still not looking at them.
"We won't, but I suggest that you don't tell anyone about that last part."  Dad replied.  "I mean about him being forced to do horrible things."  He added.

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