Chapter 64

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The five of us – Magnus, Luke, Meliorn, Raphael, and myself – were all sitting around a table talking. I knew this was going to be difficult, but I was willing to try this out if they were.
"So, what does this Downworld Cabinet even mean?" Raphael asked.
"It means creating total transparency about all Shadowhunter decisions that involve the Downworld. The goal is to have weekly meetings here to discuss any updates, questions, concerns." I explained.
"Well, I applaud Mr. Lightwood for his progressive thinking." Magnus said.
"Because you're totally unbiased." Raphael commented. Magnus looked at him with a look that clearly said 'Behave.'
"Alec, you're not the first to attempt something like this, but it never works out because the Clave is not willing to compromise." Meliorn said.
"But I am. In time, we will be able to reason with the Clave. I'm sure of it." I stated.
"And what about Valentine? Can this cabinet appeal for his execution?" Luke asked.
"If this is going to work, we can't start with the impossible." I reasoned.
"Well that's kind of hard to believe considering the man that massacred our people is sitting in a cell beneath our feet." Luke exclaimed.
"Luke, I know you're upset, but we have to be diplomatic about this." Magnus said calmly.
"Diplomacy gets us nowhere. Nothing has changed in 20 years." Luke stated, frowning.
"The werewolves aren't the only ones with their vendetta. Everyone has a reason to want Valentine dead. I more than anyone." Magnus said seriously.
"And why is that?" Luke asked.
"You said total transparency." Magnus said, looking at me. I nodded, indicating for him to tell them. "You remember Azazel? Before we sent him back to Hell, he used demonic magic to put Valentine's mind in my body." He said.
"So Valentine was walking freely, wearing your face?" Raphael asked, more for clarification than anything else.
"Yes, but not for long. He's now back in his cell, for good." Magnus stated.
"This is what I'm talking about. The Clave has to know about this. If Valentine was able to escape, they have to execute him." Luke said.
"The Clave already knows." I said in authoritative tone. "It won't change their minds. What other options do we have?" I asked, looking around at everyone.
"I need to talk to my pack. Excuse me while I make a phone call." Luke said, getting up and walking out.
"Let's take a recess." I offered. Everyone nodded and we did exactly that.



I saw Mum in the hallway up the stairs from the Ops Centre. She was looking out the window, her hands on the railing. When she heard me, however, she turned towards me, standing in her usual posture.
"How's the meeting going?" Mum asked.
"Having its ups and downs." I told her. "Are you OK?" I asked.
"Isabelle, you need to know something. Robert had an affair." Mum revealed.
"So he finally told you." I said. She looked at me slightly confused. "I overheard one of his phone conversations. I wanted to tell you badly, but I figured it wasn't my secret to tell. I didn't even tell Alec." I explained.
"Oh Isabelle. You poor thing." She said.
"Leave him." I said strongly. "Max is with us now. Mum, you deserve to be happy." I said, taking her hands in mine.
"So do you." She replied. "Despite this, despite everything, I hope you don't give up on love. I hope you fight for it, like your brother. I'm so relieved this is all out. From now on, no more secrets." She said. I hesitated. This confession was going to be hard.
"After that demon attack in the Institute, when Ben woke up from being injured, he told me what I said to him when I was possessed and attacked him. He told me that I said 'Always the favourite child. I'm done living in your shadow' before I attacked him. Both Jace and Alec know, but even though I was possessed, I still will never forgive myself for it." I confessed. She immediately took me in her arms giving me a hug.
"I am so sorry. This is all my fault." She said. I knew she was in tears. I pulled away and looked back at her.
"No, Mama." I said, but she continued nonetheless.
"I've been so hard on you. Put so much pressure. I am so sorry." She apologized again.
"It's alright." I said, trying to calm her. She had tears in her eyes, and a few had escaped as well.
"No, it's not. Sometimes our angelic duty seems to overshadow everything else. We forget we're human, too." She said, caressing my cheek, wiping one of my tears away with her thumb. "If you agree, I want to make things right between us. I know that I don't deserve your forgiveness after how hard I have been on you. But if you give me a chance, I will do everything in my power to make sure we have a better relationship." She offered, taking my hand.
"I would love that Mama." I replied, a few of the tears that had been forming in my eyes finally fell at Mum's request. She hugged me tightly and we both knew that this was a new start in our relationship.
"How is Ben?" She asked, once we had both calmed down and released our hug.
"He'll live. But it will take time for him to fully recover." I told her.
"When I heard that you saved Ben and caught the killer, I can tell you I have never been prouder. I love you Isabelle, and I could not be more proud of you. Never forget that." She told me, caressing my cheek again. I couldn't help but smile. My mother telling me she loved me and couldn't be prouder of me warmed my heart and made me feel happier than I have ever been.
"Thank you Mama." I said softly. She smiled at me before speaking again
"I'm going to sit with Ben for a while ok? You can join me if you like." Mum offered. I knew that she had pretty much nothing to do, so going and sitting with Ben for a while would make her feel like she was needed. I knew that our relationship was nowhere near perfect, but this was a start, and the fact that both of us were willing to improve it made me feel so happy.
"Let me know if he wakes up." I requested. She nodded and we went our separate ways.

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