Chapter 20

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I can't believe what Jace just told me. I knew it was true though, as neither Jace, Alec, or Ben would lie to me. I forgave Jace almost immediately as I could see the toll it took on him. Plus, if Alec and Ben could forgive him after all that had happened, I certainly could as well. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and the three of us turned towards it. I got up and walked over to the door, opening it, only to reveal Lydia.
"Demon attack Downtown, one mundane dead. Think you could check it out?"
"Sure. We'll go get Ben and Clary and then we'll be off." I stated. Lydia nodded, and then walked off to do something. I looked back at my brothers who were smiling at me. "What?" I asked, sass in my tone.
"Nothing." They replied in sync. They then got up and the three of us began walking towards the training room.


I was training with Ben when Izzy, Alec, and Jace walked up to us. We stopped and looked at them.
"Demon attack Downtown. One mundane dead." Izzy said.
"You're with us." Alec told me.
"Wait. You want me on your team?" I asked in slightly shocked. Alec didn't reply, but Jace piped up.
"We wouldn't be asking if we didn't Clary." Ben replied with a smirk.
"Gear up." Alec said, before walking to the weapons room. I shrugged and the rest of us (Ben, Jace, Izzy, and I) then followed him. I had called Luke and he said he would meet us there.

*At location*

We had called Luke to aid us on our mission since he was a police officer and we knew that someone would have probably called the police by now. Izzy was kneeling down by the corpse taking some samples, and the boys had gone off to search the perimeter. The cops had just pulled up and Luke was now talking to them.
"We got a 10-54. I don't see a dead body, though." One of the officers said, looking around. That's how I knew our glamour had worked.
"Nothing to see. It's a false alarm. Just some dumbass kids pulling a prank." Luke told the police officers.
"All right, you have a good night, huh?" The officers replied.
"You, too." Luke said, before watching the car drive away. Luke made sure that they were gone before walking back to us, walking through the glamour we had put up.
"Well, this is one nasty demon. Punched a hole right through his chest." Izzy said.
"With that kind of strength, I doubt it's done yet." Luke warned.
"Nothing in the immediate area." Alec stated.
"We're taking the body back to the Institute. I'll run some tests to see what kind of demon we're dealing with." Izzy said, before standing up.
"Ben, you help Izzy. Clary, Jace and I will widen the perimeter." Alec said. "Clary, Jace, we've got a demon to hunt. Come on." He added.


"Take him down to the morgue. And call as soon as you identify what kind of demon we're looking for." Lydia stated, a look of urgency on her face.
"Wow, that guy's heart is obliterated. And I thought I was having a rough weekend." Raj stated.
"Show some respect for the dead." Lydia snapped.
"I'm just saying, I've been in his shoes before. Except my demon's name was Kathy." Raj joked. Lydia then turned back to Izzy.
"Let me know if you find anything." She said more of a statement than a question.
"Wow, who died and made her queen?" Raj asked.
"You keep shooting your mouth off, you're gonna end up like that corpse." Izzy snapped indicated to the guy with his chest ripped to shreds. Raj rolled his eyes and walked away.


An alarm was blaring throughout the Institute and we all immediately gathered in the training room.
"Oh, my God, Welkie!" Clary exclaimed, seeing his dead body lying unmoving on the floor. It was quite graphic actually.
"What happened?" I heard one of the Shadowhunters say from the other side of the room. His voice was quiet, but willed with confusion.
"Classic possession hangover." Clary stated.
"Hole punched right through his chest." Lydia stated, reinforcing a statement that was completely obvious.
"Just like our mundane in the morgue." Izzy observed.
"The demon's in the Institute." Alec said, worry clearly written all over his face. I couldn't understand how though.
"Activate emergency surveillance. I've ordered the Institute be put on quarantine until we kill this thing." Lydia stated, whilst we all went to gear up.
"But I don't get it. How did the demon get past the wards, and the fact that the Institute is on hallowed ground?" I asked.
"Same way it got in without setting off this." Izzy said, indicating to and touching her necklace. "It must have some advanced cloaking ability. It hid in that dead body and let us do the rest." She suggested.
"I didn't know demons could do that." Clary stated.
"Until now, they couldn't. This new form of possession, cloaking ability, targeting the Institute, it's-" Alec said, but he was cut off by Clary
"Valentine." She stated. She then walked over to the table. "His experiments. My mum told me how he was determined to create a super-being that could defeat the Clave. It's what he tried to do with Jace." She explained, glancing at Jace.
"Both victims had damage to the prefrontal cortex. The demon must be feeding on negative emotions. Anger, hate, rage. Causing the host to violently act on those urges." Izzy explained.
"So we continue to scan for venom and heat signatures. Try to narrow down the host before it strikes again." Lydia brought up a map of the Institute, highlighting the areas in which demon venom and heat signatures were particularly high. "Boys, you three check the living quarters. Isabelle, Clary, two take the utility tunnels." Lydia suggested. All of us nodded and went our respective ways.
"I'll stay with you." I heard Raj add.
"Day just keeps getting better." Lydia said sarcastically. A small smirk formed on my face at her answer as I follower my brothers towards the living quarters.


I followed Izzy down to and through the Utility tunnels when we came across a dark, sticky, substance, which was a little bit thicker than the constancy of blood. Izzy knelt down next to it and looked up.
"Demon ichor." I said, almost as if I were stating the obvious.
"It must've come through here after the kill upstairs." She said, looking up and seeing more of it dripping through a grate above us. She then stood up again and began walking. "So Idris, huh? I thought you were a New York City girl, tried-and-true." She stated. Seriously? How does everyone know about this?
"Wow, does the Institute have, like, a Twitter feed?" I asked in a half-joking tone.
"You live in this place long enough, you know everything." She explained, not really going into it any further.
"Actually, I'm still trying to figure it all out. Is there a rune for letting you be in two places at once?" I asked.
"I wish." She said.
"My mum really wants me to go with her. And we went through so much to get her back, but I just I don't know."
"At least you have a mum who wants to be with you. Who thinks you're smart and wonderful." She replied longingly. I'd seen how Maryse treated her daughter, and I felt so sorry for Izzy.
"Yeah, who erased my memories and lied to me about having a brother." I added absentmindedly. She stopped and turned to me.
"I'm not saying she hasn't done some pretty screwed up things. But all mums do. So maybe you should be glad you have one who wants to try and make things right." She told me.
"Wait. You think I should go?" I asked, slightly shocked at her answer.
"Of course not. No one in Idris is gonna teach you how to fight in five-inch heels." She said seriously, but there was a hint of a smirk in her voice. "Come on. We've got a demon to hunt."

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