Chapter 40

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*A few days later*


It's been a rough few days for us lately with Ben's chest pains, Izzy finding out about Dad's cheating, all the rogue Downworlder attacks, and Magnus' spellbook being stolen. We really don't need another thing going wrong. But saying that, I know there is going to be something. Jace, Clary, Simon, and Luke had gone to see if they could find Valentine's compound. Suddenly, the alarms began blaring. I grabbed my bow and some arrows off the table they were lying on and made my way to the main room.

"I thought these wards were airtight." Aldertree exclaimed as I walked up to him, several other archers in my wake. It must be someone using Magnus' stolen spellbook. That's the only way that they could have entered.
"How many soldiers are here?" I asked him.
"Only two dozen. Everyone else is out dealing with the Downworld attacks." Aldertree told me.
"I'll take the entry with Longford." I said, taking half of the remaining Shadowhunters with me.
"We'll cover the weapons room." Aldertree said. I nodded and we split off. I knew Ben and Izzy were here somewhere, but wasn't sure where. I hoped they were both safe though.
"Valentine's work?" One of the archers asked.
"Only one way to find out." I replied. We entered the entry corridor when the front doors slid open to reveal...Madzie? What was slightly scary though is that she was standing in the middle of three dead bodies. I put my arm out slightly. "Hold your fire." I said, not taking my eyes off the young warlock. I began walking slowly towards Madzie.
"What's a little girl doing here all alone?" Longford asked me.
"She's a warlock." I explained, glancing back at him but continued my slow walking. I looked back at Madzie. "Madzie. Did you?" I asked. She raised her arm and swiped it sideways, flinging me into the lift and closing the doors. I looked up slowly and saw the levels increase. She was sending me up and away from where she was. That meant that either she had done something or was about to.


We had found Valentine's compound, and also found him here, but unfortunately, Simon got kidnapped in the process of us trying to capture Valentine. Clary, Luke and I were attempting to figure out where Valentine had taken Simon.
"Clary, we can't panic." I said rationally.
"He's a psychopath. He's capable of anything. Simon is innocent, in all of this. The only reason Valentine took him captive is because I care about him." Clary replied.
"Hey. All the prisoners are either dead or gone. No sign of Cleophas." Luke said as he returned to us after searching the compound.
"Hey, it's gonna be okay." I comforted Clary. I embraced her in a hug, one of the ones I that was reserved solely for my siblings when they were upset or needed comfort. A few moments later, we separated because her phone started ringing. She picked it up. Simon.
"Answer it, Clary." Luke said. As soon as she did, she saw Simon tied to a chair, duct tape over his mouth. Valentine then knelt down in front of the camera. A horrified expression formed on her face.
"No." She said lowly.
"Hello, Clarissa. I wish we were chatting under more civilized circumstances, but I'm afraid I've run out of options." Valentine said.
"Let Simon go." Clary ordered.
"Absolutely. Just as soon as you come back to the Institute, I need you to activate the sword for me." Valentine said.
"That is never going to happen." Clary snapped.
"Oh, but I think it will. Because if you don't show up within the hour." Valentine said, before looking back at Simon. He looked back at the camera. "Your vampire friend here is gonna die a death I wouldn't wish upon anyone." He threatened. After that, I went picked up my phone and walked to the side, dialing Alec's number and putting the phone to my ear.


Clary began walking towards the exit with a look on her face that indicated that nothing was going to stop her.
"Clary." I said, stopping her in her tracks.
"What are we waiting for? Let's go." Clary said aggressively.
"That's what Valentine wants. You know that if you touch that sword, he can destroy the entire Downworld, including Simon." I said reasonably.
"No, Valentine needs an energy source. He needs lightning." She argued. I paused.
"He's got it." I revealed. She looked at me with a look of confusion on her face. "Every Institute is powered by an angelic power core." I explained. Before I could say anything else, Jace walked over to us.
"Alec's not picking up. Let's move." Jace said.
"Valentine is gonna wish he never laid a hand on Simon. I'll make sure of it." She said, trying to get out of my grip, but it only tightened as she struggled.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! You're not going anywhere near that Institute. We're taking you to Magnus. He can protect you." I told her. I could tell this irritated her.
"No, I don't need to be protected. I need to save Simon." She snapped.
"The Downworld knows that you're the key to activating that sword. They want you dead." I told her.
"I can save Simon." Jace said, looking at Clary.
"Doesn't work that way. If I'm not the one who shows up, Valentine is gonna kill him." Clary replied. I looked at Jace and, by the look on his face, I could already tell that a plan was formulating in his head.

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