Chapter 52

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*A little while later*


I saw Inquisitor Herondale heading towards the elevator, so I assumed that she was going down to Valentine's cell. I could hazard a guess as to what she was going to do. I heard she put in a request for Valentine's execution but the Clave had denied it. It looked like she was taking matters into her own hands. If this really was Magnus, like I suspected, then I had to do something to stop this. She had already entered the elevator and was going down before I caught up with her, so I had to take the other one. Once I got down to Valentine's cell, I could see Inquisitor Herondale strapping him to the chair and gagging him. As I got closer, Magnus/Valentine and Jace appeared in front of me, Jace's hands bound.
"Hello, Alec." Magnus/Valentine said.
"Alec, I'm so sorry. You were right. They switched." Jace told me. I sprinted into the cell, grabbing the Inquisitor's wrist to stop her from doing anything.
"Stop! Stop! Whoa! Stop! It's not Valentine!" I said. I saw Valentine/Magnus sigh in relief.
"What are you talking about?" She asked in confusion. I looked up to where Magnus/Valentine was standing with Jace. She slowly followed my gaze.
"You've taken my light your darkness will come." He said.
"What did you just say?" The Inquisitor asked slowly.
"I'm repeating your words back to you. You remember the fire message you sent to me the night Stephen died. The good news is, in exchange for my freedom, you can save your pure angel-blooded warrior." Magnus/Valentine bargained. Inquisitor Herondale walked out of the cell to face Magnus/Valentine and Jace.
"I don't make deals with the devil." She sneered.
"You chose the wrong bait. For all she cares, you could slaughter me right now." Jace said, looking at Magnus/Valentine.
"I don't think so. Imogen wouldn't dare slaughter her grandson." He said, his eyes not moving from the Inquisitor's
"After all your lies, you expect me to believe I'm a Herondale?" Jace asked, thinking that he was joking. Magnus/Valentine looked at him.
"Stephen Herondale was your father and his wife Celine was your mother." He told him. He then looked back at the Inquisitor. "You ever think about poor Celine? Nine months pregnant when she took her own life. Her dead body ravaged by werewolves, her unborn son eaten alive. Or was he?" He asked. Something dawned on Jace's face.
"You didn't." The Inquisitor said in disbelief.
"The Clave took so much from me. So I took something in return. But I'm sure you want further proof." Magnus/Valentine said, showing her what was in his hand.
"My family ring. Where did you get that?" The Inquisitor asked.
"Off Celine's very hand." He said with a smirk. Jace locked eyes with me and I could both feel and see the shock emanating from him. "You have one hour to meet my demands, or your grandson dies."


All I could think about when Valentine was telling the story of Stephen and Celine Herondale – my biological parents – was that Valentine had murdered them it cold blood, robbing me of the chance of having a childhood that wasn't littered with abuse and manipulation. The only upside was that I found Alec, but I would have loved more than anything to have known my parents. My anger and hatred towards Valentine increased beyond compare at what he had done to my parents. I couldn't physically hurt him right now though, for two reasons. One, my hands were bound together, and two, because he was in Magnus' body.
"You killed my parents." I said in shock.
"Like I said, the Clave took so much from me, so I took something in return." Valentine said. I tried to keep up a stony façade, but on the inside I had a whirlwind of emotions. Alec could probably feel my inner turmoil. Valentine murdered my parents and took me from them, and I had one remaining blood relative that hadn't even known I was alive.

In the space of the last month, I had had three different last names. First was the one I grew up with, Wayland, then was the one I thought I had, Morgenstern, and I now had my birth name, Herondale.


Grandson. That word was so foreign to me. I thought I had lost him along with Stephen and Celine. I cannot believe that Valentine murdered them both and took Jace from them. No, actually, I can believe someone as twisted and sick-minded as Valentine would do something like that. Now he has Jace, my grandson, prisoner and is threatening to kill him. That cannot happen. I won't let it.
"Lightwood?" I said, not looking at him.
"Yes Inquisitor?" I heard him ask from behind the glass.
"Release Mr Bane. We are going to meet Valentine's demands. I need to save my grandson." I said, still not looking at him.
"I have another idea." He said. I turned around and looked at him. I noticed that Mr Bane had been released and was standing next to the Lightwood boy. "We make it seem like he has come alone, but Clary, Ben, and I will go along as well, catching Valentine and bringing him back to the Institute and to his cell." He explained. I looked at him, impressed.
"I am impressed Mr Lightwood." I said.
"Inquisitor, don't make the mistake of thinking you are the only one who cares about what happens to Jace. He's not just your grandson, he's also my parabatai." The Lightwood boy said. "I also want Valentine to pay for what he did to Magnus." He added. Everyone knew that the two of them were in a relationship. I didn't particularly care about their relationship, but it doesn't mean that I didn't understand love.
I loved my son more than anything and Valentine took him from me. He also took Celine and, up until this moment, I thought he had taken my grandson from me as well. I don't want to lose him again, and by the look of it, neither did Alec.
"Very well Mr Lightwood, we will go with your plan." I said. "I hope this works." I added.
"So do I Inquisitor. I can't lose Jace again. Like Magnus, I can't live without him." He said, his voice getting softer at the last part. This honestly shocked me a bit, but Magnus looked up at him with a knowing look on his face.

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