Chapter 9

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When I learned what had happened to Ben, it broke my heart. I know I seem authoritative, and I am more of a commander than a mother, but if any of my children are hurt, it breaks my heart. Seeing Ben like this, knowing that he was tortured to try and get information out of him, makes my heart hurt and I desperately wish we could switch positions. Secretly though, and I would never admit this, I am truly thankful to Magnus for saving my son. If the only warlock magic could save him, I am glad that Alec thought to bring him to Magnus. Alec had stayed behind a bit longer to stay with Ben, whilst Robert, Isabelle and I headed back to the Institute to talk to Aldertree.

The three of us walked over to him to request what we needed to.

"Victor, a word please? In private." I said, Isabelle and Robert standing quietly by my side. He nodded and we went into another room.
"What is it Maryse?" Aldertree asked as he closed the door behind us.
"As you are probably know, we have another son, Ben, who is Alec's twin brother." I stated.
"Yes, I am aware." He replied.
"Well, you may also know that he has been missing for nearly two months." I added.
"Again, yes, I am aware of that fact." He replied. "Where is this going?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, he was found two days ago." I revealed. "He is currently in the care of Magnus Bane as his injuries were such that only a warlock's magic would be able to heal them adequately, and we deemed it unwise to move him as his condition is still unstable." I explained.
"You're telling me this why?" He asked.
"Well, you are the Head of the Institute, so I thought you should know when a Shadowhunter, who has been missing for nearly two months, has been found." I snapped. "Since you have forbidden any Downworlders from entering the Institute without your prior permission, we believe he is safer where he is for now." I added.
"Very well. I'll need to talk to him when he gets back to the Institute." Victor stated.
"Of course, but that may not be for a while." I warned him.


As soon as Aldertree left, I turned to my parents.

"How are we going to tell Max?" I asked seriously. They both opened their mouths, but I cut them off before they could say anything. "Don't you dare say that we're not going to tell him, because Ben is his older brother too, and he deserves to know." I added seriously.
"He is currently in Idris at school so I will tell him when I got back." Dad said.
"You know he'll want to visit." I said.
"I know, and I will pull him out of school for a while so he can come and visit Ben for a while.

*In Idris – Robert goes to get Max*


I had forewarned all of Max's teachers as we were pulling him out of school for two weeks to visit his brother. Maryse and I were going to get him some private tutoring so he could keep on top of his studies whilst he was in New York. No one had told Max yet, so we were a bit worried at how he was going to react.

I showed up at his school at the end off the school day to pick him up, which is something I hardly ever do. Kids started filing out of the school and after a while, I spotted Max. As soon as he saw me, a look of confusion sparked on his face. I walked over to him.
"Dad? What are you doing here? Is something wrong?" He asked. He was a very perceptive boy, despite his young age.
"We're going to New York for a while, something's happened. Your mother and I are pulling you out of school for a little while. I've explained everything to your teachers so you don't need to worry about that." I told him. Different emotions crossed his face, the final one landing on concern.
"Is everyone ok?" He asked.
"In short, no. That's why we are going to New York. Now, there will be things that will be different when we get back to New York." I told him.
"Different how?" He asked cautiously.
"Our family is no longer the heads of the New York Institute, that falls to a man named Victor Aldertree. It's a long story as to why. Also, Ben is back, but he's badly injured. He's staying with Magnus Bane until he gets better." I explained. I would never forget the look on Max's face when I told him that his older brother was hurt. He looked broken.
"Can I go and see him? Please?" He begged.
"Yes, you may. That's why we are removing you from school for a while." I replied. 

*Later – Robert, Max, and Alec at Magnus' apartment*


Even though Jace Wayland may have an ego bigger than Russia, it completely evaporates as soon as anything bad happens to his siblings. For example, he has hardly left Ben's side the entire time he has been here. Every time I use my magic and do what I can to help him, Jace always asks what he can do to help. It is almost as if he feels guilty about something and is trying to make up for it. Maybe I am overanalysing it, but he seems to genuinely care about his siblings. Alexander had called me and told me that he was coming over with his father and younger brother, Max. I hadn't met Max yet, but I am interested to.

"Jace, Alexander, Max, and Robert are on their way over so you should go and hide." I suggested. He nodded before walking silently to his room. The bell suddenly rung and I went to let my guests up. I saw Alexander, Robert, and a little boy, who I assumed was Max. I let them in and Alexander then spoke.
"Magnus, this is my little brother, Max. Max, this is Magnus Bane." He introduced us. I was fairly tired from healing Ben's injuries, but it was honestly worth it.
"Are you the one that is helping my big brother?" Max asked, his voice innocent, but I could see the remnants of tears in his eyes. I could tell he had been crying over Ben.
"Yes I am. He is unconscious right now, but you can see him if you wish." I told him kindly. "I was just healing some of his injuries."
"Can I see him?" Max asked softly.
"Yes, you may. Follow me." I replied, guiding them to where Ben was currently unconscious. We walked into the room and Max went over to the side of the bed to see his brother. He gently took Ben's hand and burst into a new wave of tears. Ben looked better than he had when he first got here, but there was still a long way to go. Max then looked up at me with tear-filled eyes.
"Is he going to be ok?" He asked. I knelt down next to him so I was at his level and put a hand gently on his shoulder.
"Max, I promise that I will do everything in my power to make sure your brother is alright and heals properly." I replied. Max then let go of Ben's hand and pulled me in to a hug. I was slightly shocked, but I hugged him back none the less. I looked up at Alexander briefly and he smiled at me. I returned the smile before focussing my attention back on Max.
​​​​​​​"It's alright Max, he'll be alright. I promise." I said, hopeful that my words would calm him.

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