Chapter 33

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Izzy and I walked up to the bar to get drinks.
"Can I get a beer?"  I asked, not paying attention to who was behind the bar.
"I thought I smelled cocky."  I heard a voice say.  I knew that voice.  I turned to see Maia.
"Magnus must be really scraping the bottom of the bartender barrel."  I retorted.
"Aw, you still bitter about getting your ass kicked by a werewolf?"  She teased.
"In case you forgot, that was a three-against-one fight."  I retorted.
"Well, I'm actually happy I didn't maul you to death."  She replied.
"Why? So you can slowly annoy me to death instead?"  I asked.
"No.  Because now I know you didn't kill Gretel."  She explained.  She then handed me a drink that was a magenta colour.
"I asked for a beer."  I repeated.
"Beer's boring, have some sangria.  Apparently Magnus has a thing for Spain."  She told me.
"I'll have the same."  Izzy said, smiling at Maia.  Honestly, I forgot that she was with me at that moment.


Jace and I exchanged hellos with Simon and Clary, who had just arrived together.  It didn't surprise me that Clary had invited Simon to attend with her.
"We were just heading to the bar to see what kinds of blood-types Magnus has on tap."  Simon said to us.  "Do either of you want anything?"  He asked, not noticing the drinks in our hands.  Jace and I looked at the drinks in our hands and he immediately followed our hands.
"I'm good."  Jace said.
"Same.  But thanks anyway."  I replied with a smile.
"Okay."  Simon said before walking off to the bar.
"Well, I guess congratulations are in order."  Jace said.
"Oh, we're not dating."  Clary said almost immediately.
"Could've fooled me."  Jace said.
"Jace, be nice."  I said, nudging his arm with my elbow.  Both Jace and Clary smiled at my teasing.


Magnus and I were standing close to the front door, drinks in hand and Magnus had started worrying.
"I'm worried the empanadillas are soggy.  I gave the chef specific directions-" He began, I knew he was going to start rambling so I put a stop to it.
"Magnus.  Everything is perfect."  I reassured him.  Suddenly the door opened to reveal a smiling Max, and my mother, a bottle in hand, and a partial smile on her face.  "Max!  Mother."  I greeted them, each in a different tone.  Max, I was excited to see, Mum, it was almost as if I were merely acknowledging her existence rather than giving her a proper welcome.  Magnus turned around, following my gaze.
"I heard you like to drink."  Mum said, offering the bottle to Magnus.  I tried to wipe the skeptical look on my face off.  At least there was an attempt at politeness.
"Welcome, Maryse.  Max, this is your night."  Magnus said, gesturing to the party. 
"You do have exotic taste, don't you?"  She commented.
"Oh, the Spanish theme is in honor of you and your husband."  Magnus said, kindness in his voice and a smile on his face.
"Really?  How so?"  She said tightly.
"Alec told me that Robert proposed to you in Barcelona.  I wanted to celebrate a joyous memory.  Especially since he couldn't be here."  Magnus said, being as polite as possible.
"How sweet that Alec feels comfortable sharing our personal family stories with you.  Especially considering your...disparate backgrounds."  She responded with a tight smile.  I frowned at her attitude.  Why was she acting like this?  Tonight was about Max, not her issues with Magnus.  I could tell that Magnus wanted to get out of that situation.
"How about a drink?  Sangria for the lady, and Roy Rogers for the guest of honor."  He suggested, being as polite and nice as possible.  Max smiled as Magnus went off to get them drinks.
"Can't you be polite at least?  This night is about Max, not your issues with Magnus, which I still don't understand."  I snapped.  I then looked down at my little brother and smiled. 



Magnus, Ben, Max, Mum, and I were standing out on the balcony talking, and Magnus was kneeling down in front of Max with a smile.  Jace, Izzy and Clary were inside somewhere.
"I don't see anything."  Max said, looking at Max's empty hands.
"That's because you're not looking hard enough."  Magnus replied with a smile, clicking his fingers and making a present appear before handing it to Max.  "Congratulations, young Shadowhunter."  He said kindly before standing up again.
"What do you say, Max?"  I said with a smile.
"Thank you."  He thanked Magnus.  "Where's your warlock mark?"  He asked out of the blue.
"Max."  I warned, not knowing if Magnus would want to share it or not.  It took him a long time to share it with me, and when he did, it was by accident.  I won't deny that his cat eyes are absolutely beautiful, but I knew he likes to keep them glamoured.
"You were just as curious at his age."  Mum said to me.
"It's okay.  I only share with my closest friends."  He said with a smile.  His eyes immediately morphed into his cat eyes.  I will always be entranced by those eyes, that was, until I heard Max's next statement.
"How much of you is a demon?"  He asked cautiously.  I raised my eyebrows at his statement but before I could say anything, Jace did.
"Max, enough.  That's not how we treat our friends.  Apologize to Magnus."  I heard Jace say. 
"You can't tell me what to do."  Max snapped, frowning at him.
"Hey, just because you're getting your first rune doesn't mean you can talk to your brother like that."  I scolded him.  The next thing he said was something I never would have expected.
"Jace isn't my brother."  Max said to me.  What?!  Jace and Ben looked just as shocked as I was at that comment.
"Max!"  Ben exclaimed, but Max ignored him.
"Mum says you're not even part of our family."  He said to Jace aggressively, Max then walked away after that.  I will never forget the look on Jace's face.  The hurt on his face as he looked at our mother would be etched into my memory forever, and I didn't just see the hurt on his face, I felt it echo through our bond.  To say that it felt like I was stabbed would be an understatement.  It was almost like when we were fighting a few months ago and I weakened our bond trying to track him, which I will always regret, calling Izzy my sister instead of our sister.  If I could feel the hurt then, with our bond so weak, I could definitely feel it now since our bond had gotten stronger than ever.
"Jace, I-" Mum began, but Jace walked back inside, unbelievably hurt by what Max had said, before she could continue.
"This is your fault."  I said to Mum accusingly.
"I've tried to keep Max out of it."  She said.
"The hell you have.  He learned this behavior from you."  I retorted.  "If you ever want to make things right with me, you better make them right with Jace."  I told her before walking away to find Jace to make sure he was alright.

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