Chapter 58

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"Another body." I announced.
"It's Hillwater." Alec said, walking over to us.
"Looks like a vampire attack." Jace observed.
"We need a new plan." I said.
"These are from the R&D Team in Alicante. We've always been able to track Shadowhunters through their runes. Now we can track Downworlders through GPS chips." Inquisitor Herondale stated. What?!
"What are you saying? That we round up the Downworlders and involuntarily chip them?" Alec asked, clearly shocked at what she was proposing.
"Mr. Lightwood, perhaps your personal relationships are clouding your objectivity." She suggested. Oh hell no. She is not bringing his personal life into this.
"My personal relationships have nothing to do with it. No, you know what? Maybe they have everything to do with it, because it was a warlock who told me to always follow my gut, and that is just plain wrong." Alec snapped.
"No. Downworlders preying on Shadowhunters, that is what's wrong." The Inquisitor replied condescendingly.
"You sound like Valentine." Alec sneered.
"Valentine wants those people dead. I'm trying to help them." She countered.
"Those people?" He retorted. He then turned to Jace. "Jace, you can't do this." Alec said. By the look on Jace's face, I knew that this was tough for him. I could tell that he didn't approve of the GPS chips either, but I knew that there was an internal battle over what he should do.
"Alec, look at this. Too many Shadowhunters are dying." Jace replied. So he chose to go with pleasing his grandmother.


This is ridiculous. I can't be here right now. I honestly have no idea what's going on with Jace at the moment. I could feel that his emotions were all over the place. I walked away, not wanting to be near this nonsensical bullshit that both the Inquisitor and the Clave were proposing. I decided to sit with Clary until she woke up. Despite my initial disapproval of her, she had eventually become like an annoying little sister to me, and I don't know what I would have done if she had died. I don't know what Jace would have done either.

*Half an hour later*

Clary began to stir and I looked up at her.
"What happened?" She asked sleepily.
"You were drugged. Fortunately, Simon got to you before it was too late." I told her.
"They tried to kill me?" She asked, her voice sounding slightly breathless. "Where's Simon?" She asked, slowly sitting up.
"Hey. Take it easy." I said soothingly, standing up.
"Where is he? Is he OK?" She asked seriously. I looked away and then back at her.
"He refused to leave the premises. Inquisitor Herondale had him taken down to the detention level." I replied.
"She locked up Simon?" Clary asked in shock. She looked absolutely furious as I nodded at her question.

*A few minutes later*


Outraged that I was unable to go and see Simon, and that he had been locked up in the first place, I decided to go and find Jace to see if he could od something about this.
"So Imogen says to lock up Simon and you just let it happen?" I said aggressively, exiting the elevator and stopping Jace in his tracks. I didn't stop there though, I continued walking towards him, making him walk backwards.
"Clary, I tried to help Simon. You know I wouldn't have done any of this if he hadn't broken Clave rules." He defended himself once we stopped.
"Oh, suddenly you're into rules? You know, Jace Herondale might have some kind of family name to live up to, but the Jace I know would break any rule for the people he cares about." I snapped, glaring at him.
"People are dying. People I've known my entire life. People I trained with." He told me. "There are no easy choices right now." He added. Before I could say anything though, Inquisitor Herondale walked in.
"A team just found Lockheart dead, and we've just caught his killer." She said, gesturing to Maia, who was in handcuffs. What?
"Maia, what's going on?" I asked, confused as to why the Inquisitor had Maia of all people in handcuffs.
"Lockheart was mauled by a wolf. Ms. Roberts was found a block away, minutes after the kill." The Inquisitor stated in an accusatory voice, looking at Maia.
"I was walking home from work. What, is that a crime now too?" Maia explained defensively.
"Did anyone see you walking home from work?" The Inquisitor asked her in a nasty voice.
"It's New York City. A lot of people were a block away." I defended her.
"An hour ago, this wolf viciously attacked Jace for carrying out a Clave mandate." The Inquisitor yelled.
"To put a tracking chip in my neck!" Maia exclaimed, defending her actions.
"Wait what?!" I exclaimed. Tracking chips?! That's insane!
"You know, I have been stopped by cops for no other reason than being black, but I thought the Shadowhunters were more evolved than that." She said to the Inquisitor. She then turned to Jace. "Jace, I didn't do this." Maia said seriously, attempting to get her point across.
"Six Shadowhunters are dead. Don't let your emotions cloud your judgment." Inquisitor Herondale said to Jace. Ok, I've had enough of this.
"Isn't fear an emotion? Because that's all this is. Tracking people because of the kind of blood they have. Locking them up without recourse? Is that what the Clave stands for?" I demanded of the Inquisitor.
"Your idealism is charming, but when they wheel in the next dead Shadowhunter with their runes carved out, what will you tell their family? What will your ideals have done for any of them? Put her downstairs with the vampire." She sneered. "Excuse me."
"Jace, tell her to stop. You know this is wrong." I told said person.
"I'm needed in Idris. The Institute is in your hands now, Jace. Make me proud." Inquisitor Herondale said to Jace, completely ignoring me.
"Clary there's no perfect way to do this. I'm doing my best." He said earnestly.
"You know, not too long ago, everyone thought you had demon blood. If you weren't a Herondale, she'd be locking you up, too." I said, before pushing past him and walking away.


"Why didn't you just leave? There was nothing you could do for her." I asked Simon. We were currently in a cell together were sitting on a bed talking.
"I just couldn't, and I kind of thought Jace would stand up for me." He replied.
"Yeah, Jace looks lost. Like a deer caught in headlights. I guess I get it." I said.
"Get what? That he's under the Inquisitor's spell?" Simon asked
"I know what it's like, to want so badly to have real family. The things you'll do." I told him.
"Even for the world's most terrifying grandma?" Simon asked.
"Totally, I mean, you should have seen her face when Clary went off on her. That woman was legit scared. Clary was on fire." I said, complimenting a girl I never thought I would. Simon looked at me with a look I couldn't place.
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you like Clary now." He said. I paused.
"She's growing on me." I admitted.
"How so we even get out of here?" He asked, changing the subject.
"You're a Daylighter now. Does that come with any other new tricks that could break us out of here?" I teased.
"No. But I've realized that being a Daylighter is like, totally overrated. Like, I should have got something cool,- heat vision, or invisibility-" He said, but was cut off by the huge metal door creaking open.
"If only you were invisible." Jace said, entering with Clary. Simon immediately got up and ran over to her.
"Clary! Clary! You OK? I tried to stay but they wouldn't let me." Simon said.
"No, it's alright." Clary replied. I tuned them out as I turned to Jace.
"You know damn well I didn't kill anyone." I said to Jace.
"Yeah, well, even so, I should probably let you cool out down here for that right hook you landed." He joked.
"You deserved it." I stated.
"Yeah, I did. I was wrong. I'm sorry." He apologized. By the look on his face, it was genuine.
"An apology from you. Wow. There's a first time for everything." I said teasingly.

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