Chapter 12

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*The next day – Ben returns to the Institute*


Today was the day - the day that I am going to return to the Institute.  After what had now been so long since I was last here, and I am finally returning home.  All we have to do now is convince the Clave of Jace's innocence, then, he can come home and my family will finally be complete again.  Alec had come to pick me up by himself, partially because he wanted to see Jace and Magnus as well.

*Later – on the way to the Institute*

We had said our goodbyes (for now) to both Jace and Magnus, and had gone through a portal that Magnus had created for us to take Ben and I back to the Institute.  I was so thankful to Magnus for everything that he has done for our family, especially Alec.  All he did was smile and say "That's what you do when you love someone, and I love Alexander more than I've ever loved anyone."  I was ecstatic when I heard him say that.  Both of them deserve someone who will love them heart and soul.
"You happy to be going home?"  Alec asked as we walked up the stairs leading to the Institute as we had appeared at the gates to the abandoned churchyard.
"I don't know."  I replied honestly.  He stopped and looked at me in confusion, clearly expecting a different answer.  "I just mean that, from what you've told me, it seems like has changed so much since I was kidnapped, that I might not even recognise it, which scares me."  I explained.  He nodded in understanding.  "I'm glad to be home, I just don't know what to expect."  I added.
"I see what you mean.  Just, don't mention Jace's location to anyone for now."  Alec said seriously.  I nodded, knowing exactly what would happen if I did.  We both wanted to protect him as both Alec's parabatai and my younger brother.  "I have an idea, but, just in case it falls through, don't mention where he is yet."  He added.  I nodded.  I wanted to ask what the idea was, but I didn't want to push it.


We walked in the front door and I took a deep breath in and out.  I was home.  The only thing missing was Jace.  Suddenly, a blonde haired woman came up to me.  She was about a head shorter than Alec and I, but she had an aura of authority that could only be matched by my mother's.
"I'm guessing you're Ben, Alec's twin."  She said.
"How could you tell?"  I asked with a cheeky smile, very different from the half-annoyed, half-serious expression that Alec usually sported.  His smile was reserved for very few people - our family, Jace, and Magnus.  She smiled.
"Let's see, the fact that you two look identicalexcept for the fact that your runes are in different places, however,your deflect rune is on your neck, but tilted slightly ."  She stated.  I chuckled.
"Touché."  I replied, a smirk appearing on my face.
"I'm Lydia Branwell.  It's nice to finally meet you."  She added with a smile.
"Alec has told me quite a bit about you.  All good things, I promise.  But it is a pleasure to meet you."  I said, my smile widening.  She looked surprised at my reaction and how different, personality wise, I was from my brother.  "Alec told me everything that happened whilst I was away, and I wanted to thank you for everything you did for him."  I said to her.  "You saved his life, so thank you."  I added.  She smiled softly.
"As I said to him at our wedding, he deserves to be happy."  She replied, looking up at Alec.  Alec and I smiled, knowing she meant her words.  Before any of us could say anything else, I heard a familiar voice screaming my name.  I spun around to see Max sprinting towards me.  I grin formed on my face and I bent down to his height so I could catch him as he threw himself at me, as I knew he would.  As predicted, as soon as he got close enough, he threw himself onto me, latching onto me like a panda as I caught him in a hug.  I stood up straight and.  He lifted his head up and looked at me in the face, still not letting me go.
"Hey Max."  I said.
"You're back!"  He replied happily, tears pooling in his eyes.  I smiled.
"Yeah, I am, and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."  I promised him.  He didn't say anything at that, his smile just widened and he hugged me tightly again.  Suddenly, I heard a shriek echo from behind me, and the clicking of heels getting louder...closer.  I leant down and put Max down, before turning around, only to have my sister throw her arms around me as I did so.
"I missed you so much!"  She exclaimed as I put my arms around her.  "It hasn't been the same here without you.  I know Mum, Dad, and I have seen you a few times since you woke up, but we still missed you."  She stated.  I chuckled.  I felt Max wrap his arms around my waist from the side so he was hugging both Izzy and I.
"I missed you too Izzy."  I said softly.
"What about me?"  Max asked in a cute voice, looking up at both of us.  Not letting go of Izzy, I pulled Max into our hug.
"I missed you too buddy."  I told him with a smile. 
I didn't notice Alec come back, or even that he had left, until I heard his voice speak.  I looked up and saw Alec, Mum, and Dad.  I smiled.  Bar Jace, our family was together again.  Alec had told me about Mum and Dad's thoughts towards him at the moment, as well as his relationship with Magnus, and I was absolutely furious that they would treat my brother, their son, like that.  I am going to have a word to them about that topic later, but not now.  There was plenty of time for that.

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