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"So are you guys friends?" Dahyun asked as the two girls sat in JYPs office.

"I don't know. I mean after the New Years party I stayed with them and got to know them and I have a group chat with all of them so we message each other quite a lot." Mari said spinning on her uncles' chair.

It's been a month since the New Years party and Mari and all the members of GOT7 have become really close. They did have their own group chat and did talk a lot on there. Even Mark who usually only reads the messages and never responds would message back.

"But the thing is that I can message them all I want and not feel awkward, but there are times when we're face to face I don't know what to say or how to act." She said looking at Dahyun.

She had stopped spinning on the chair and looked up at the ceiling.

"You're just an awkward person Unnie," Dahyun said laughing a little.

Mari glared at her but smiled."I want to say you're wrong but you're correct. I'm the most awkward person that has ever lived." Mari said and laughed as well.

"I think the boys consider you their friend. Especially Mark Oppa." Dahyun said smiling at Mari.

"Mark? Why Mark?" Mari asked. She could feel her heart raising as she said his name.

"He just seems to care a lot about you. The way he looks at you is the way you look at something you want to protect. Do you know what I mean?"

Mari did know what she meant but she never had someone that would want to protect her. Not even Daniel. Mari was the one that looked at him that way. She cared for him very much and wanted to protect him with all her heart.

"I think he likes you actually. He's always talking about you with JB or Jackson Oppa." Dahyun said snapping Mari out of her thoughts.

"H-he likes me?" Mari asked surprised. Her eyes widen as she looked at the younger girl.

Dahyun only shrugged and stood up from the couch she was sitting at. "I don't know for sure. But I think he might." Dahyun paused and thought to herself for a minute."But don't believe everything I say. I've never been in a relationship. Oh well. I have to go practice, bye unnie."

Mari waved as Dahyun left the office. Mari sat in the office by herself for a while thinking about what Dahyun had said.

Could Mark possibly like her? They've known each other for only a few months. They haven't had a proper conversation without Mari stuttering or Mark's manager telling him he has to get ready.

But a part of her did think that it was possible that he would like her. Every day Mark reminds her to dress warmly and not catch a cold. That he would always be there for her.

Mark treated Mari like they been friends for a long time. And Mari actually liked it a lot. Having someone besides her family care for her.

"Noona!" Mari heard a shout coming from outside of the office.

She hears multiple what's from the older girls but laughed when she heard her name.

"No, I want Mari Noona. Do you know where she is?" Yugyeom asked.

"I'm in here!" Mari shouted."My uncles' office!"

Soon the young boy ran into the office without knocking. When he saw Mari raise her eyebrow at him he stepped back outside and knocked on the door.

"Okay, you can come in. What's up Yugyeom?" Mari asked with a small smile.

"Nothing. I'm just bored." He said and pout sitting in front of Mari. "Let's go get lunch together. My treat."

"Now? Don't you need to practice?" She asked raising her eyebrow at the younger boy.

"Nah. We're on a break for a couple of days. So come on Noona let's go get lunch. Please~" Yugyeom said pulling on Mari's arm.

"Okay fine. I have to go tell my uncle. I'll meet you in the lobby in 10 minutes." Mari smiling.

Yugyeom nodded and ran out the office. Mari soon walked out too. Her phone and wallet in her hand.

"Oh, Mari Hi!" Mark said greeting her with a smile.

Mari looked up and smiled as well, a little awkward though.

"Hi, Mark." She said and placed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Are you going somewhere?" He asked and walked down the hallway with her.

"I'm going out for lunch with Yugyeom." She answered and stopped walking when they arrived in the lobby.

Mark nodded and placed his hands into his pocket. He looked down at the floor not sure what to say to Mari.

For the past few months, he's been feeling weird whenever he's around Mari. He was always thinking about her and would wonder what she was doing or if she was safe.

"Noona I'm ready!" The two look up to see Yugyeom running towards them. A goofy smile on his face.

"Oh, hyung. Do you want to join us? We're going out for lunch." Yugyeom said smiling.

"Yeah sure. If it's okay with you Mari." Mark said looking at Mari.

"Sure. I don't mind." Mari said and smiled at Mark.

"Great. Let's go Noona." Yugyeom and linked his arm with Mari's and skipped outside the lobby Mark following close behind.


"Two adults and one kid?"

Mark and Mari laughed as they look at Yugyeom. He pouts and corrects the waiter that he was not a kid.

"Are you guys on a date and had to end up babysitting?" The waiter whispered to Mark and Mari.

Mari coughed and looked at the waiter with wide eyes."No. We're just friends. This is not a date!" Mari said shaking her head.

The waiter only nodded and leads them to their table. All three of them sat down and looked at the menu. Mari felt her heart beat faster when Mark leans towards her and whisper into her ear.

"Are you sure you don't want this to be a date?"

[ I'm sorry for taking forever to update. I've been so busy with school. I will try to update as soon as possible.]

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