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Things with Dylan hadn't been good, and it'd been that way for awhile

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Things with Dylan hadn't been good, and it'd been that way for awhile. Every time you were around each other it resulted in a fight. You hated that it was like that, but you had tried everything in your power make Dylan understand how you felt. He always dismissed your feelings and you were at your wits end.

Hearing the door slam, you knew Dylan was home. You didn't go, or even watch the game due to the mountains of homework you had.

"Why weren't you there?" He asked, anger laced through his voice.

"Well, if you would actually pay attention you would know I have about a thousand other things going on and your hockey game is pretty low on the totem pole right now." I said, not pulling my eyes away from my laptop as I wrote an essay. I knew it was harsh, but I wasn't in the mood for his attitude.

"Nice to see you care about me." He said sarcastically.

I closed my laptop and stood up from the couch. "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot your the one that goes to school and works a full time job. I forgot your the one that has to work their ass off to barely makes ends meet. I forgot your the one that is so deep in student loans that you're practically drowning." You spat at him.

"Bull shit, I know you've been using my money."

"You know damn well I've never touched any of your money." By that point the two of you were at each other's throats.

"I also know you've been cheating on me!" He yelled.

"You're out of your fucking mind, Larkin." You laughed, turning away from him.

"Don't think I don't see the way you look at Luke!" He yelled, making you turn to face him.

"There's thing, it's called being polite, obviously you don't know what that means." You snapped.

"That's bull shit and you know it!" He yelled at you.

"Don't you even start this with me, Dylan. You blatantly flirt with girls all the time." You weren't yelling like he was, but there was a fiery tone in your voice.

"It's part of my job."

"I don't see Zetterberg flirting so don't tell me 'it's part of the job.' You know what, I don't care anymore, do whatever the fuck you want, I'm done." You said, throwing your hands up in frustration. You never wanted to end things with Dylan, but you just weren't making each other happy anymore. You shoved a few things in your backpack and headed for the door.

"Good, I never loved you anyway." He spat, making you stop dead in your tracks. That was like a slap to the face and a punch to the gut. You turned your head to glance at him. He was standing there staring at you, waiting for you to leave. You shook your head before walking out.

You and Dylan had been separated for months and you hadn't seen him since you left. You were finally happy again and things were going good.

Your friends convinced you to go out to a bar and get some drinks with them. You all found seats at bar and ordered a round of beers. As you chatted and laughed with your friends, you felt a pair of eyes staring at you. You ignored it and continued talking.

Soon it got too much and you turned around to meet eyes with Luke Glendening. Then you saw about half of the Red Wings sitting around a big table. You saw the curly haired boy you once loved - and if you were honest with yourself, sill loved- with his arm thrown over a blonde's shoulders. You knew she wasn't family, or even a friend. He had moved on, and by the looks of it pretty fast too. It hurt, it was a gut wrenching, heartbreaking kind of pain. He really hadn't loved you.

Tears quickly brimmed your eyes. You pulled a twenty out of your pocket and placed it on the bar before quickly telling your friends you were going home. They must have seen Dylan earlier because they only gave you apologetic smiles.

You quickly made your way out the door and onto the street outside. The cold Detroit wind blew causing you hug your jacket closer to you as you searched for a cab. Dylan appeared next to you, but you kept your eyes trained on the street. "I know I said some horrible things to you, and I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry and I didn't mean any of it." He said, turning his eyes from you out to the street.

"If you didn't mean it you wouldn't have said it." You sighed.

"I want us to work, I really do. I miss you so much Y/N, and I wish I could go back to when it was you and me against the world." He pleaded.

"We can't work Dylan. All we end up doing is hurting each other." You finally spotted a cab and flagged it down. "I love you and I always will, but we weren't meant to be." You told him gently as you climbed into the cab. You watched him as the cab pulled away. You finally got the closure you needed to move on.

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