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LeonShe walked out

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She walked out. Just left. I couldn't tell you how long I stared the door waiting for her to come back. Why I didn't chase after her was unbeknownst to me.

I slammed my fist into the wall, easily breaking through the drywall. I'd have to pay for it later, but that wasn't one of my concerns. It wasn't until I went to pick up my keys that I realized my hand was bleeding. I was wasting time by not being out looking for Y/N, but my hand was bleeding too much not to wrap it up. I quickly found the first aid kit and cut an Ace Bandage in half and wrapped it around my hand, dubbing it good enough for the moment.

I rushed out to my car and drove to the first place I thought Y/N might be. The drive across town was long as I had caught the going home traffic. The longer the wait, the more antsy I got. She could be anywhere in Edmonton, if she was still even in the city.

I tried calling her numerous times only to get her voice mail. So I called someone who might know where she was. It was only the second ring when Brittney picked up. "Leon, what the fuck did you do?" She didn't sound happy, at all.

"I'll explain later, okay? I just need to know if Y/N is there." I moved over and turned onto the street that would take me to the Lucic residence.

"Yes, she's here. And what ever the fuck you did has her all torn up. She can't stop crying long enough for her to tell me what happened." I dropped my head quickly then picked it up as I was still driving.

"I'll- just make sure she doesn't leave." I pressed down on the gas pedal a little harder, hoping to get to Y/N as fast as I could.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea, Leon."

"Please, I have to make this right, I have to fix this."

There was a long pause and deep sigh before Brittney spoke again. "Fine, but if you hurt her anymore I swear on everything holy that I will kick your ass."

I pulled onto their street and said a quick thank you before hanging up. Rushing to get to Y/N, I pushed the speed limit.

Finally getting inside, I stopped and looked around for Y/N. It didn't take long to hear the cries that sent me into the living room. I saw her sitting on the couch, her head buried in her hands as tears found their way onto the floor. "Y/N." I mumbled.

She slowly picked up her head and looked at me. "Go home, Leon." Her voice was small and labored, almost as if it was hard for her to even speak.

"No, I'm not going home unless you're coming with me." I could feel Brittney's eyes on me as she walked out of the room.

"I'm not going home." I sat down on the opposite end of the couch and ran a hand through my hair.

"I know your hurt, but-"

"I'm not just hurt, I'm heartbroken. I love you so much, Leon, but I can't be with someone who couldn't trust me, then proceeded to cheat in spite of something I never did." Her broken eyes met mine and my heart shattered knowing it was all my fault. "You know, I'm not sure which hurt more; you cheating on me or you not being able to trust me and accusing me of cheating on you."

"I know I really fucked up, but I love you and I want you to know that. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get you back. You're the one I see myself marrying, having kids with. I can't imagine myself with anyone else. Please Y/N, let me fix this." I didn't even notice the tears streaking down my cheeks until Y/N instinctively wiped them away.

"I'm not sure this is something I could forgive. You did it to hurt me and that's the part I don't think I can forgive." For the first time I really believe I might not get her back. We had fought before, but I never felt like I was lose her until now.

"I'm not willing to let you slip away. I don't care how long it takes, I'm not going to let the love of my life get away." I took both of her hands in mine and kept my eyes locked on hers.

"Just give me some time to figure things out. I'll call you, okay?" She stood up, placed a quick kiss on my cheek, then walked out for the second time, leaving me waiting on a phone call.

Part 3?

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