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27: "I'm pregnant."
85: "Why me?"
107:"Why is it that I'm always the unlucky one?"
158: "If you don't tell him/her, I will."

Jesper was a constant in your life as long as you could remember

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Jesper was a constant in your life as long as you could remember. The two of you were best friends since diapers, attached at the hip ever since. You always wanted to go to school in North America and Jesper playing for New Jersey was perfect. The two of you explored Newark and met his teammates. One of which caught your eye and you seemed to catch his too.

Nico was always a perfect gentleman, treating you right. He spent countless nights with you making you laugh, making you fall for him. Everything was perfect, until it wasn't. You were pregnant, and the baby was Nico's, no doubt about it.

You didn't know what to do, what to tell him. He had the right to know, to have a say in the baby's life. You couldn't keep it from him long and you knew it. But you couldn't tell him yet, so you called the one person who would be there for you no matter what.

You called Jesper. Furious isn't a strong enough word to describe just how angry he was. He wasn't upset that you were pregnant or that you waited so long to say something to anybody, specifically Nico.

"What do mean you're pregnant?" Jesper asked, his tone harsh.

"I mean I'm pregnant, I don't know what else that could mean." You snapped back.

"Have you told Nico?"

"No, I don't know how." You said, letting out a shaky sigh.

"Jesus fucking Christ Y/N, what do you want me to do? Tell him for you?" Jesper cried out. You knew exactly the face he was making, that look of disappointment, frustration, and something else that he manages hide from you.

"Jes, no. I'll tell him on my own. He's just been different recently." You sighed. Nico was quiet, distant. It was a complete three-sixty from the person he usually was.

"If you don't tell him, I will."

"I'm not planning on not telling him. Please just talk to him, see what's going on."


Twenty minutes ago Jesper sat you down on the couch, fifteen minutes ago he told you Nico had just been using you as a side piece, ten minutes ago you felt a pain far worse than any cramps you'd ever had, and five minutes ago he called an ambulance.

The paramedics helped you onto the stretcher, strapping you on. They asked you what seemed to be an endless amount of questions, most of which you didn't know the answer to, as they pushed you outside, Jesper following behind you. They gave you pain meds and hooked you up to a heart monitor and oxygen. Jesper took your hand, squeezing it in an attempt to comfort you.

Jesper: Y/N's in the hospital, if you give a shit about her you'll come

Jesper slipped his phone back into his sweatshirt pocket and leaned forward in the the uncomfortable hospital chair. He scanned over your sleeping frame, admiring your beauty. He reached out and pushed a strand of hair behind your ear, softly smiling to himself.

It was a shitty situation, but if it got you to see Jesper's love for you, then he wouldn't consider it all bad. He had been in love with you since he was sixteen, but never could find the right time to act.

"It hurts." You cried, leaning into his hand.

"I know älskling, I know it hurts, but it's gonna be okay." Jesper whispered, wiping your tears away.

"What happened?" I asked, sitting down next to Jesper.

"Its not my place to tell you, but if you ever hurt her again I will beat the shit out of you." He mumbled, eyes ablaze.

I nodded and headed into Y/N's room. I knew he told her everything, but I had to explain. She didn't even look at me as I crossed the room and sat down in the chair next to her bed.

"Why me?" Her voice was small and hosrse.

"I'm so sorry-"

"Sorry doesn't keep me from looking like a goddamn fool, Nico." She gritted out, looking over at me.

"I know and I'm sorry, I really am. I knew you were special the moment I met you, I just couldn't go without you." I said, reaching for her hand.

She shifted away and looked back to the ceiling. "Why is it that I'm always the unlucky one?" Y/N mumbled, her eyes glazing over.

"What do you mean?"

"I had a miscarriage, that's why I'm here, Nico."

"Are you fucking kidding me? Why didn't you tell me Y/N?" I hissed, not wanting to alarm Jesper.

"You don't get to do that, you don't get to be angry when you kept that you have a girlfriend from me!" She yelled, tears finally spilling over.

Jesper threw the door open, eyes blazing. "Go!" I walked past him, leaving the hospital, and le

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