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You were in the bathroom when it happened

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You were in the bathroom when it happened. You were washing your hands when you heard a loud gasp come from the crowd. You finished up and hurried out to see what had happened. You'd gotten a bad feeling about it and wanted to see who had gotten hurt.

You stopped in the opening for the section you were sitting in and looked down at the ice. You couldn't tell who was down on the ice on the opposite side from where you were standing. You looked up to the video board and saw the replay of Matt's head getting slammed into the glass by Sundvist's shoulder. Your heart rate sped up as you helplessly watched Matt lay on the ice with his head clutched in his hand.

You turned around and quickly started towards the locker room, not wanting to see Matt struggle to the bench with the help of his teammates. It seemed like forever before you had finally made it down to the locker room. You knew they wouldn't let you see him, not yet at least, so you slid down the wall and sat down. You wanted to be with him but you knew it was for the best that you wait.

You sat there for ten minutes before a trainer came out. "How is he?" You asked immediately as you pushed yourself up from the ground.

"He's disoriented and confused. We got his gear off, but he won't stay still long enough for us to examine him. He keeps asking for you and we think it'd be easier if you came and sat with him, held his hand." You nodded and followed behind the trainer as he led you to where Matt was.

You could hear Matt's voice from around the corner. "Where's Y/N?"

"She'll be here soon, Matt, Nick went to get her. Now I need you to relax."

Nick stepped aside and let you enter the room first. "Y/N?" Matt called. He was sitting up on the exam table and looking around for you. His gear had been shed so he was in his Under Armour shirt and compression pants.

"I'm right here, baby," You said as you took his hand. "I'm here." You pulled over a nearby stool and sat down right next to the table. You hated seeing him so disoriented and fidgety. "Matt, you need to lay down so the doctors can look at you." You whispered to him, rubbing your thumb up and down his hand trying to comfort him. He relaxed and laid back, never taking his eyes off you. You ran your free hand through his hair to keep him relaxed.

"Alright Matt, I need you to answer a couple questions for me," The doctor sat on the other side of your boyfriend with a clipboard. "Do you know where you are?"

"No, not really," Matt replied, closing his eyes. You could tell he was starting to really feel his headache.

"On a scale of one to ten how bad is your headache?"

"It's like an eight, I don't know," You really wanted to do something to help take away his pain, but there was nothing you could do. "Can you give me something for it?"

"I'm sorry Matt, we can't do that. You could have a brain bleed and painkillers are a blood thinner so it could make it worse," If you weren't scared before, you were now. "We're going to send you to Mass Gen to get an MRI, it's just a precautionary measure. We don't suspect you have a brain bleed, but we just want to make sure," Matt nodded and pulled your intertwined hands to rest on his chest. The trainers and doctors all filed out of the room, leaving you and Matt alone.

You wanted to tell him was going to be okay, but you didn't know if it was. "I'm going to get some clothes to change into, I'll be right back." Matt silently nodded and you kissed his forehead before quietly slipping out the door. Once you closed the door behind you, you closed your eyes tightly and covered your mouth with your hand. You didn't want to cry because you needed to be strong for Matt. You took a deep breath and went to Matt's stall to grab him some clean clothes. You found a sweatshirt and a pair of joggers along with his slides. You gathered it all up and took it back to Matt, who had sat up and rested up against the wall. You set the folded stack of clothes next to him, "Are these okay? I'm sure I can find something else if you'd rather have something different." You said quietly, not wanting to make his headache worse.

"These are fine, thank you, baby." He mumbled. You helped him change as he was still a little dizzy. He had sat back in his earlier spot you stepped in between his legs and he wrapped his arms around your waist, shoving his face into the crook of your neck. You rubbed your hand up and down his back as he clung onto your Grzelcyk jean jacket.

"I love you, Matt, so, so much," You whispered, placing a kiss to the side of his head. He mumbled a response, but you couldn't understand him so you just assumed he said 'I love you too.'

It wasn't much longer before Nick came back and informed you of the paramedics arrival. Matt stood up and slowly followed Nick out looking less wobbly than before. The paramedics were waiting right outside the door with a stretcher and other equipment. They helped Matt get situated and strapped him on before wheeling him out to the ambulance. They loaded him in then climbed in themselves. "Are you coming?" One of the medics asked. You quickly nodded your head and took their outstretched hand to help you in. Once everyone was settled they closed the doors and took off.

The medics asked Matt endless questions as they checked his pupils and monitored his stats. Once at the hospital Matt was transferred to his room. Nick explained everything to the doctor with medical jargon you didn't try to understand. You just sat quietly next to Matt's bed and sent an update to his mom.

It wasn't long before they came and got Matt for his MRI. They told you he'd be back in about an hour and that you should go get some coffee and something to eat. You went and walked around for a while before you found some coffee. You weren't hungry so you skipped out on the cafeteria and went back to Matt's room.

It wasn't long before they brought him back and said the doctor would be back in an hour to go over his scans. "Hey, baby," Matt said, reaching out for your hand. He looked better than he did before which was a good sign. You slipped your fingers in between his and gave him a small smile. "Did you get something to eat?"

"Just coffee, I wasn't hungry." You replied, playing with his fingers subconsciously.

"You need to eat something, Y/N, I know you worked through lunch today," He was right, you had skipped lunch to work so you could leave early and be with Matt before he had to go to the rink.

"I know, we'll get something on the way home." Matt seemed satisfied with your answer as he nodded his head. You knew you'd have to back to the rink to get his car and drive him back to your shared apartment so you figured you would stop by Halftime and grab a pizza or two to go.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Always," You replied.

"How long were you sitting outside the locker room before Nick came and got you?" Matt asked, turning his head to look at you.

"Ten minutes maybe, you weren't even up yet when I headed for the locker room. I was so worried about you, I still am." You ran your thumb over his skin and leaned in closer to him. Matt nodded and scooted away from you before patting the empty space next to him. You climbed into the small, uncomfortable hospital bed, curled up next to the love of your life.

"I love you, I hope you know that." Matt's hand slowly rubbed up and down your arm.

"I know Matt, I love you more."

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