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Twenty minutes ticked by slowly for Zach as he waited for you, seeming to pass as quick as an hour

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Twenty minutes ticked by slowly for Zach as he waited for you, seeming to pass as quick as an hour. He was nervous, more than he had ever been before. He hated it, it was just you. I  it wasn't just you anymore. It was the brokenhearted you that he promised himself he would never turn you into.

As soon as Zach met you he was a goner. He had never met someone like you before. You were strong and independent, he knew you didn't need him, but he hoped you wanted him as much as he wanted you. It took him two weeks of Dylan Larkin bugging him to ask you out before Dylan did it for him, before he finally took you on a date. He took you to an outdoor ice rink where he taught you how to skate, then to a small diner where, no matter how many times you insisted to split the check, he bought you dinner.

From that day forward, Zach fell in love with you more every day. To him you were perfect and he promised himself that he wouldn't hurt you, that he would never let you come second to hockey. He vowed to always show you the love and respect you deserved. He broke his promises the day he pushed you to the back burner. He continued until it became a habit, taking advantage of the fact you still took care of him, even after everything he put you through, your love for him never wavered.

The sound of the door opening gained Zach's attention. "Y/N!" He cried, taking a few steps towards you. "I'm so fucking sorry."

"That doesn't explain why you just shut me out. I'm here to help you, I want to help, Zach, but I can't do that if you don't talk to me." You said, taking a tiny step back.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I made you feel like you weren't important to me." Zach said, shuffling closer to you. "I never want to make anyone feel like that, especially you, and now that I know I hurt you as bad as I did, I feel terrible." Yet again, his eyes glazed over. You believed him, but it didn't make hurt any less.

"Zach, I-" You honestly didn't know what to say, what could you say.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the photo and necklace you left behind, running his thumb over the gold cursive that spelled out his name. "Do you remember this?" He asked, referring to the picture.

"How could I forget?" It was taken a couple years ago, when the two of you were still attending U of M. It was the dead of winter and it was snowing. Zach insisted on taking you out to dinner despite the terrible weather. The two of you trekked a couple blocks from his dorm to a small restaurant. You finished eating then started the trek back to Zach's dorm. He was usually cracking jokes, making you laugh, but that night he was quiet. You proded him until he told you. He told you he loved you for the first time. You hadn't been expecting it at all, you had only been together for a handful of months, but you smiled, kissed him, and told him you loved too. There was a photography student who got some pictures of the two of you and dropped them off at the arena. You framed a few and put the rest in your bedside table.

"I wish we could back to that night. Things were so much easier back then." Zach still hadn't taken his eyes off the picture.

"This isn't supposed to be easy. This is supposed to be something worth fighting for." You took a few steps closer to Zach, causing him to look up.

"Baby girl, I'll never stop fighting for you, for us. Nothing in this world means more to me than you, I never want to know a life without you." You threw your arms around him, finally relaxing. You had your answer, the only thing you wanted to hear.

Zach held you tight to his chest, wanting to make sure you didn't walk away. "I love you, I love you so fucking much." He mumbled in your ear.

"I know, I love you too."

"I'm sorry."

"I know."

Zach pulled out of the hug, kissing you. "Does this mean we can bring your stuff back up?" He asked hopefully.


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