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It wasn't even 5 minutes after you and Zach walked into Wenny's for his Halloween party that Jonsey was shouting for Zach to be his beer pong partner

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It wasn't even 5 minutes after you and Zach walked into Wenny's for his Halloween party that Jonsey was shouting for Zach to be his beer pong partner. Zach looked down at you to make sure it was okay and you nodded your head, watching your boyfriend rush away excitedly.

You wonder into the kitchen, finding several of the other girls standing around drinking wine. "Hey Y/N!" Before you knew it a glass was pushed into your hand and you joined in on the conversation. "What are you and Zach dressed as?"

"He's John B and I'm Sarah Cameron." You said,  before picking up a wine glass from the counter. "I put him in charge of coustumes this year, and honestly I'm impressed. I was expecting something totally different, like cheesy movie characters or something."

"That's such a cute idea, Zach is such a sweetheart." Janelle Foligno gushed, sipping her wine.

It wasn't long before the whoops and yells had far exceeded the volume from when you entered. Wanting to see what the excitement was all about, you set your glass down and headed to the living room.

Zach set down his empty cup defeatedly while Seth shook his head. Much to the pair's demise, Wenny and Fliggy beat them, badly. "I thought you were supposed to be good." You told your boyfriend jokingly.

"I'm just a little rusty." Zach chided and Seth laughed behind him.

"Uh huh, sure."

"You wanna go baby? Bring it on." Zach challenged. Poor kid had no clue what he was getting himself into. You were undefeated in beer pong and planned to keep it that way.

"Okay, you and Markus against against me and Pierre." You see the confidence on Zach and he gave Nuty a high five. You turned to Pierre and chest bumped him, topping Zach.

The cups were filled and the rock, paper, scissors match won (Pierre over Markus, scissors cut paper.) You let Pierre throw the first ball, which landed perfectly in the point cup. "Damnit!" You turned to your partner and high-fived him. Markus took the cup from the table and chugged it before tossing it the the half full trash can sitting to the side of the table.

You threw the ball, watching it land it land in the back, left corner cup. You did a small celebration as Zach picked up the cup. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me." He drank the beer before tossing the cup. The boys threw the balls back and you and Pierre went again, each hitting the rim.

"What's the house rule?" Pierre asked.

"Griffey!" Nick yelled. Pierre looked confused and Zach explained before he could ask.

"If you miss a shot we can throw the ball at you. If we hit you in the head, we get a cup. If we miss you get a cup." Pierre nodded and Zach took his shot, sinking it in the right second row cup. You pulled the cup and took the ball out before drinking the slightly warm beer.

Markus took his shot, bouncing it off the table. You quickly picked up the ball and threw it at Markus, hitting him in the forehead. "Fuck!" "You're drinking that one."

That's how the rest of the game went. Zach and Markus only sinking five shots (four of them Zach's) by the time you and Pierre cleared all ten cups. The guys around you gave you high-fives and told you how surprised they were that you were good.

Escaping the crowd, you found your way into the kitchen, seeing Zach leaning against the counter, looking grumpy. You cuddled into him, throwing your arms around his neck. "Come on, Grouch, cheer up. You were good competition." You reached up and placed a kiss on his jaw, earning a grunt from your boyfriend.
"How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten-tickles."

Zach cracked a smile and lightly pushed you away. "I hate you."

"You love me and my dad jokes."


Happy thanksgiving to all of my American readers, and happy Thursday to my non Americans. I'm thankful for all of you who put up with my shitty sporadic updates. I am also thankful for Zach Werenski, that is all.

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