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"I'm sorry, Casey, but this just working anymore." I told my now ex boyfriend. Things hadn't been working between us for a while.

"What? No! You're not leaving me!" Casey yelled. It wasn't the first time he had raised his voice at me and it usually didn't even affect me, but this time it scared the shit out of me. His eyes went dark as the rage took over. He grabbed my wrist with a death grip and dug his nails into my skin. He yanked me towards him and away from the door, earning a yelp of pain from me.

"Casey, you're hurting me!" I cried, trying to pull my hand away. I felt a sting on my right cheek and fell to ground. He slapped me, he actually slapped me.

I pushed myself up and scrambled out of his apartment. I could hear Casey's heavy footsteps chasing after me. "Bri! We aren't done with this!" He boomed. I pushed open the door to the stairs and ran down them as fast as my legs would take me. I knew he took the elevator because I couldn't hear his heavy footsteps. I had the advantage of using the stairs and I was out of the building before he even got off the elevator. I pulled the hood of my Maple Leafs sweatshirt up and I blended in with the crowd walking through downtown.

I walked into my apartment building and rode the elevator up to my floor. I pushed my hood off and inspected my cheek in the glass of the back wall. There was a large hand print already swollen and purple adorning the side of my face. Wincing at the pain and the sight, I also looked at my wrist and saw the dried blood. Tears streamed down my face as I licked my fingers and wiped it away. The elevator dinged, signaling my ride was over. I quickly wiped the tears away and stepped off. I kept my head down as I walked down towards my door.

No one was supposed to be home, Mitch and Auston were supposed to be at practice, but when I noticed the door was unlocked I knew they were home. I pushed the door open and quickly headed for my room, not even glancing over at the two boys sitting on the couch playing Call of Duty. "Bri!" Mitch called. I winced and stopped in the middle of the hallway.


"Come here!"

"Uh, I'm just going to take a nap!"

"Either you come here or I'll come get you!" I sighed and turned around, slowly walking back into the living room. I didn't even get a chance to say anything before Mitch was off the couch and in my face inspecting the very noticeable bruise on my right cheek. "What the fuck? Did he hit you?" Mitch asked, rage filling his voice and eyes. I had never seen him so angry, and honestly, it scared me.


"Did he hit you?" He asked again slowly.

"Yes." I mumbled, looking at the floor.

"I'm going to kill him!" Auston reached out and grabbed Mitch before he could stomp off and get his ass kicked. "Goddamn it, let me go!" He yelled, trying to escape Auston's hold.

Just then a knock on the door sounded through the apartment, making everyone freeze. Auston let go of my brother and Mitch walked over to the door. He opened it revealing a still fuming Casey. Mitch punched him straight in the face before Auston could pull him back. Blood poured out of Casey's nose as he stumbled backwards. "Don't you ever come near my sister again." He warned, before slamming the door. I rushed over to Mitch and threw my arms around him.

"Thank you."  I mumbled into his chest.

"Your my sister, I'm not going to let someone hurt you. If he comes around again I'll send the whole team after him." I pulled back and let out a small laugh as I wiped away my tears.

"I know you would, Mitchy."

"I love you, sis."

"I love you too, bro."

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