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"I, uh, think we should break up,"

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"I, uh, think we should break up,"

"That's it? You're just giving up?" You knew it was difficult for Noah to be traded, but you also knew he was so excited to be going to Calgary. But what you hadn't known was that Noah was going to end your two year relationship.

"I'm not giving up-"

"That's exactly what you're doing, Noah! You're not even willing to try and make this work," Noah had begged you to spend the summer with him in Boston, and the day before he was set to leave he dropped the bomb on you. "I know long distance is hard, but at least be willing to try," You wanted to go with him, but you still had one more year of school left and you couldn't just drop out or transfer.

"I'm sorry, I just can't," Noah avoided looking at you by glancing around the room at the boxes of his things packed up and ready to be shipped to Calgary.

"Do you not love me anymore?"

"I..." He took a deep breath and looked at you, his eyes scanning over you like he knew it would be the last time. "I don't know," You turned away from him, not wanting to let Noah see you break. You covered your mouth with your hand, willing the sob you were chocking back not to come out. You didn't want to believe Noah no longer loved you, not when you loved him more than you ever thought possible. Noah was everything to you and hearing that he most likely didn't love you completely broke you.

"I guess it's a good thing you broke up with me, isn't it? You know, considering you don't love me."

"I didn't say that," You whipped around to face him, angry that he would think 'I don't know' and  'no' aren't the same thing.

"But you did! If you think for one second that 'I don't know' is any better than 'no' and that it breaks my heart any less then you're out of your fucking mind," Angry and hurt tears rolled down your cheeks, and at this point, you didn't really care that he saw you cry. "I really thought you could be the one, but I guess I was wrong," You pushed by Noah, grabbing your bag and your suitcases on your way out of the apartment. Your flight back to Raleigh didn't leave until the next morning so you were stuck in Boston for the night. You didn't know the city all that well so you weren't really sure where to go. It didn't help that all the people you knew in the Boston area were Noah's friends. You remembered Jack lived a few blocks away and you didn't know what else to do so you walked over to his apartment building. You had walked there plenty of times with Noah so you knew the way pretty well.

When you got there Jack had just stepped off the elevator. He was dressed in sweats and a Bauer t-shirt with slides so you figured he had probably just come down to get his mail. When he looked up from his phone he saw you standing across the room, suitcases by your side, tear tracks down your cheeks he rushed over to you. "Y/N, what's wrong? Where's Noah?" He asked, scanning over your face then the surrounding area looking for your ex boyfriend.

"He broke up with me, said he didn't know if he loved me anymore," You felt the tears burn at the back of your eyes, but you blinked them away. Jack looked surprised, like that wasn't what he was expecting to hear.

"I'm sorry Y/N," Jack mumbled, pulling you into a tight hug. "Why don't we go upstairs?"

You pulled away from Jack, wiping the tears from your face. "I'm sorry, I should've called first, you probably have plans,"

"Well, I had a date with my couch, but I guess there's room for one more," He said, bumping you with his shoulder, earning a small smile from you.

"Thank you Jack, this really means a lot to me," He just smiled and pulled you in for another hug.

"That's what friends are for. Now, come on up so we can get this party started," Jack took one of your suitcases and led you up to his apartment where he got you set up in the guest room then watched sappy Netflix movies until you went to bed.

The next morning Jack took you to the airport and made sure you knew that just because he was one of Noah's best friends didn't mean he wasn't your friend too.

You knew long distance was going to be hard, but not being with Noah was the hardest thing you'd ever gone through. There wasn't one place around campus that didn't hold a memory of you and Noah. It was so hard to let him go, but slowly you were moving on. Your friends and school kept you busy, but it was so weird not seeing pictures of Noah around your apartment, not waking up to his good morning texts, not being with him. But after nearly four months you got used to the void in your life.

You were making the trek across campus to your car from your last class of the day when your phone rang. You were juggling the bag, keys, and drink in your hand so you didn't even look at the caller i.d. before answering. "Hello?" You had slipped your keys into your purse so it was more manageable to carry everything.

"Hey," You stopped dead in your tracks when you heard Noah's voice on the other line. "I'm really glad you picked up your phone. I had to tell you, baby, I was so wrong for thinking you were something I could ever do without. Thought everything I wanted was in this town, but you were all that I needed all along,"


"I'm sorry, baby, I really am. I miss you so much and I know I said I didn't love you anymore, but that's so far from the truth. I need you in my life and I don't care if I'm 2,400 miles away, I want you and I want us. I was scared before, but not now." You're sure you looked crazy standing in the middle of the sidewalk, tears rolling down your face as you tried to process everything he said. It was all you had wanted for months but now that it was actually happening, you weren't sure what to do. You wanted to take him back but you couldn't just forget about what he had said to you all those months ago. "Y/N, turn around," You slowly turn around to see Noah standing a few feet away a bouquet of roses in his hand. He slowly walked toward you, his eyes never leaving yours. It was hard to believe he was in North Carolina. You hadn't heard anything about the Flames coming to town, so seeing him in on campus was more than surprising. The both of you stood there for a few seconds before you flung yourself at him. He caught you easily and held you tight to his chest so you wouldn't leave. "I'm so sorry baby," He whispered in your ear.

You pulled back and brought your hands up to cup his scruffy cheeks, your phone long forgotten in your purse. "Please don't ever do that again. Talk things out with me so we can find a solution together," You said, rubbing your thumbs back and forth.

"Never again,"

"Good. Now, I need a nap and I've missed my cuddle buddy,"

"I see how it is,"

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