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Seeing Michael Latta was hard, no doubt about it

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Seeing Michael Latta was hard, no doubt about it. But seeing him with someone else was heart shattering. It was like the two years you spent together meant absolutely nothing to him. It had only been a mere few weeks since he had ended things between you. He had said he just wasn't feeling it anymore, and now you knew why. He left you for the leggy blonde hooked on his arm.

You couldn't move, frozen in your place on the sidewalk, a look of pure heartbreak resting on your features. The same couldn't be said for Michael, he looked happy, happier than he had ever been with you. He was laughing and smiling with her. He was placing qick, loving kisses to her perfect lips. He was in love with her.

You knew no greater pain, or at least you thought. The look on his face broke your heart even more than you thought it ever could be. He quickly mumbled something in her ear before walking over to you.

"What are you doing here?" Michael hissed, pulling you off to the side. You had a perfectly valid reason. Your best friend lived in Phoenix and you really needed to see her, especially because the break up was so hard on you. How were you supposed to know Michael was going to be in Phoenix? You thought he would be in Glendale for training camp, well, at least you thought you wouldn't run into him (given the fact that Glendale is part of the greater Phoenix area), especially not with another woman.

"I came to see Y/B/F/N." You told him. Being around Michael made you feel uncomfortable. It was strange being uncomfortable around someone you once felt the most comfortable around, someone you thought you'd live the rest of your life with.

"Well, you need to go back to her house." He hissed lowly, looking around, maybe for the media, maybe for his girlfriend.

"No, not until I get some answers." You said, firmer than before.

He sighed deeply, almost like he knew you deserved the answers you were going to receive. "Make it fast, I don't have a lot of time."

"Is she your girlfriend?"


"Did you cheat on me with her?"

"Yes." It just kept getting worse and worse. You died inside when he told you that, but you couldn't let him know just how much he hurt you, not now, not ever.

"How long?" You asked, your voice quiet now. Michael looked down, avoiding your eyes, letting out a deep sigh. "How long, Michael?" You asked more sternly this time. You just had to know how long he had been in love with someone else.

"Almost our whole relationship," He mumbled out, still not meeting your eyes. "but I never meant to hurt you, Y/N, it just kind of happened. I know I should've broken things off with you, but I couldn't and I don't know why. I swear it was nothing you did and there wasn't anything you could have done to change it. I'm sorry." It all came out in a rush, and you couldn't believe it. He never loved you, he never meant one word that came out of his mouth. You went to L.A. and Rockford for him, but it was all a waste. The last two years of your life were spent with someone who didn't deserve to spend any time with you at all.

Tears stung at your eyes, this time you couldn't hold them back. "Thank you for telling me the truth, Michael." You said before walking away. Walking away from him was different than the last time. You weren't left needing answers, you weren't left wondering what you did wrong, what you could have done to fix it. You got the answers you needed to move on, although it hurt like a bitch. The wounds were closing and it felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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