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You opened the door to your apartment and were met with the yelling of Vince, Ivan, and Sammy

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You opened the door to your apartment and were met with the yelling of Vince, Ivan, and Sammy. You sighed as you kicked off your shoes and dumped your purse on the kitchen counter. Your dog Wrigley, an English Mastiff, had gotten up from his spot on the floor by Sammy's feet to welcome you home with slobbery kisses. The boys all greeted you as you walked by on the way your room to change. You sent them smiles and pleasantries as you passed by, Wrigley following behind you.

All you wanted was to change into one of Vince's t-shirts and curl up on the couch with the latest season of Suits you needed to catch up on, but now you couldn't do that. Vince wasn't supposed to be home when you were set to come home from work, he was supposed to be at Barby's playing Call of Duty. You weren't sure why they had moved to yours and Vince's apartment, but a little warning would have been nice. 

You opened the door to your room and found Vince's dirty clothes spread across the floor by the dirty clothes hamper. You let out another sigh and began picking them up and putting them back in the bin. What had already been a shitty day was getting worse. First, your normal route to work was under construction so you had to take the detour that added fifteen minutes to your trip, then your boss got on your case because of something your co-worker had done, and to top it all off, someone ate your lunch and you didn't have time to go anywhere so you hadn't eaten anything except for the last granola bar you kept in your desk. You wanted to come home to the peace and quiet, but ever since you moved in with your boyfriend a few months ago it seemed like you could never get a moment of silence whenever he wasn't on the road.

You changed out of your work clothes and into a pair of shorts and an old Niagra IceDogs shirt you had stolen from Vince. You took off your makeup and pushed your hair up into a messy bun. You were just about to lay down when you heard more yelling from the living room. "Babe!" Vince yelled. You sighed and headed back into the living room. "What are you making for dinner?" You wanted so badly to yell at him, tell him he could figure something out on his own, but you refrained for the sake of not embarrassing yourself and your stupid but lovable boyfriend.

"I didn't plan on making anything, I wasn't expecting anyone to be here for dinner tonight," You leaned up against the wall next to the TV, staring at Vince while he kept his focus on the video game playing next to you.

"Can you order us some take out? Chinese maybe?" It was easier just to order it and stew in your anger, so you ordered their usual and declared you were taking Wrigs for a walk. You grabbed his leash and made a point to leave your phone at home.

You walked around downtown for several hours before returning home. It felt good to walk off some of your frustration. Everything was starting to pile up and you really just needed a while to yourself to take a deep breath and get away from every that was stressing you out. You felt so much better upon your arrival home.

When you walked in Ivan and Sammy were gone and Vince was sitting on the couch with his head hanging and his elbows resting on his knees, hand tightly clinched together. Upon hearing the door close his head snapped up to look in your direction, you could see the relief flood his features. You had just barely gotten the leash unhooked from Wrigley's collar when Vince crashed into you, tightly wrapping his arms around you. "Thank God you're okay, I was worried sick about you. I tried calling you but you left your phone here,"

You wiggled out of Vince's hold and went over to Wrigley's bowls, dumping food in one and picking up the other so you could fill it up with water. "I meant to leave it," You replied blandly, turning on the sink, watching the water swirl around as it rose.

"What? Something could've happened to you!"

"At least then I would get some peace and fucking quiet," You mumbled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" It was clear he was starting to get frustrated with you, much like you were with him.

"I had a shitty day at work and I come home and all I wanted was to relax, but if you had fucking asked how my day was you would've known that!" You raised your voice and slammed Wrigley's leash down on the counter in frustration.

"Don't put this on me, it's not my fault!"

"Oh really? So when your clothes are thrown around the room that's not your fault either? Or maybe when the kitchen turns into a fucking disaster in minutes? How about the fact that you treat me like a goddamn maid?" You really hated fighting with Vince but sometimes he just couldn't admit he was in the wrong and it bothered you more than anything.

"I do not! And even if I did what's the big deal?"

"What's the big deal?! What's the big deal?! The big deal is I'm your girlfriend! The big deal is I come home from work and you barely acknowledge me when you're home! I make sure our home doesn't look like a fucking tornado went through and you don't even notice or do anything to help me!"

"I'm sorry that when I come home from practice or a game I want to relax!"

"You know what, you're not getting it. I'm going to stay with my parents for a couple of days. Maybe you'll figure it out when you don't have anyone to clean up after you," You pushed by your boyfriend and headed towards your room to pack a few days worth of clothes.

"Really? You're just gonna leave?" Vince followed behind you, his footsteps echoing off the walls.

"I really don't know what else to do. This isn't the first time we've had this fight and I'm done with it. Clearly, nothing I say is going to make you understand," You said, pulling a gym bag from the closet.

"Understand what?"

"That this isn't okay! I shouldn't feel like I'm putting more into us than you are. I keep giving but I'm not getting anything back!" It was hard for you to keep your emotions from getting the best of you, so you put your focus on shoving two days worth of clothes into your bag. "I think we need a couple of days apart," You zipped up the bag and turned to face your boyfriend.

"Baby," You could tell he wanted to tell you to stay, but he knew it would fall on deaf ears.

"I'll be back in two days," You placed a kiss on his cheek and left the bedroom. You made sure to grab some food for Wrigley and you put his leash back on, leading him out of your apartment, closing the door behind you.

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