3: Big packages are definitely more exciting

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I sat across from Mikey in the small boothe sipping my coffee slowly, wanting to pace myself because if I drank it too fast I would want another one, and sadly money was pretty tight for me at the moment. I'm one of those people who always needs to be doing something. Usually when I'm bored I'll either eat or drink, I'm just surprised I don't need the loo more often.

Mikey sipped his coffee too as he finished up copying up 4 days worth of notes in under an hour and a half. God he was fast, I had only just finished copying up the notes from today just a matter of seconds before him. I don't understand how people can write so fast. How can your brain process words and phrases so quickly? One minute there're just a thought in your head and the next they're scrawled across a piece of paper and have a sense of meaning. It's as if you're god and you have the ability to give words life. But I can't write quickly to save my life so I guess there would be a lot of dying words out there if I were god.

"So... What made you transfer from art to psychology then?" I asked him, genuinely intrigued as to what his response might be.

He looked up at me, slightly surprised by my question as he raised his left eyebrow, was I being too intrusive? Who cares? I like getting information out of people, it makes me more aware of their weaknesses.

"Um..." he paused pondering for a moment, slightly reluctant as to what to say next. "I-I enjoy arts and crafts, but I don't think I'm that good at it... My brother Gerard is..." he trailed off, looking down at his fidgety hands. "I guess I wanted to be like him, do something for him since he didn't get the opportunity to go to college..."

"How come he couldn't go to college?" I said more sharply than I expected. Mikey looked taken a back again. Yup, I was definitely being too intrusive, but I was very much intrigued. If you fascinate me I need to know more, I need to explore you as if you were a maze, finding new directions, searching for your deepest darkest secrets. Not because I want to use secrets against people but purely because secrets are the key to understanding a person. If you know what a person has to hide, they're too exposed to ever be a threat.

"He-he-" Mikey cut himself off mid sentence searching for the right words to say. His hesitation made me wonder if he was about to lie.

"He had to drop out, we had a few family issues and it was decided it was best that he didn't go to college..." he spoke each word incredibly slowly, picking each word very carefully. I hung onto every word he said trying my best to make sense of them. I could tell he was lying, well, not lying but instead not telling the entire truth. But I knew that I'd have many opportunities to try to expose the truth later on, I didn't want to intimidate Mikey too much just yet. I determined this was a slightly sensitive topic for Mikey so decided to change the route of the conversation slightly.

"So what made you choose Psychology?" I reminded him of the questioned he had left unanswered. Yes, he'd answered it, but I didn't want to know about his brother, I wanted to know about Mikey.

His eyes lit up slightly, relieved that I had moved on from the previous tender subject, which ironically he had got himself into.

"I've always been fascinated by it, the brain I mean... why people act a certain way, why they do certain things, why bad things happen to good people you know?" He replied, with a slight twitch in his lips as they curled up into a very discreet smile, he was satisfied with his response and so was I.

I nodded, letting my mind absorb the meaningful words he had just said. I understood exactly what he meant. I now had someone to relate to and that made me feel warm inside, or maybe I just felt warm inside because I was rapidly swigging down my coffee. The brain is something that is such a complex thing that it can't even understand itself. It shows that we don't know a lot about the bodies we live our lives in everyday and how precise every inch of the brain is in enabling us to do so.

I was bored again so that meant I was hungry. I motioned to Mikey that I was going to go up to the counter, and he nodded in response. When I reached it I scanned the vast selection of chocolate bars on the shelf next to the news papers. One immediately caught my eye and I smiled as if it were fate. I paid for the chocolate bar and made my way back to Mikey. He was starring into his coffee, as if he were trying to read his future, oh wait, that only worked with tea.

I placed the bar of chocolate directly in front of him with a sense of triumph. Mikey took his eyes off of his coffee and looked directly at the chocolate bar. He immediately bursted out laughing, I couldn't help but join in. I was glad he understood my joke this time.

"You really do think I'm sweet don't you?" He chuckled, his eyes looking from the Milky Way bar to me in an alternative fashion.

"What can I say? You're a sweet dude Mikey!" I replied jokingly, clapping my hands together.

"Well then, that makes you a sweet little dude!" He beamed looking up at me as I was still standing up.

Little?! I furrowed my eyebrows, crossed my arms across my chest and huffed as I sat back down in my seat in a slouching manner. Despite my best efforts to seem like a stroppy little child who was about to have a tantrum, I was still smirking at him.

He purses his lips, still smiling as his cheeks jutted outwards as if he were trying to hold in his breath coz he knew if he exhaled he would laugh again. He couldn't. He bursted out laughing yet again at my childish behaviour, I joined him.

We both tried to compose ourselves as we were gaining several confused looks from other people sat in the cafe. Screw them I thought. I wanted to sit here and laugh with Mikey all day if I could.

"Being small is nothing to be ashamed of." He said trying to reassure me, gazing directly into my eyes as he spoke in all seriousness.

"Um you can't talk! Your what?! 5'10?" I darted back at him, with a little too much force. For once Mikey wasn't taken a back by my sharp words.

"My brother always told me that good things come in small packages." He said simply, without an inch of hesitation. He continued to gaze into my eyes, his poker face unreadable as he waited to see how I would respond.

"Um-I-thanks." I said. For once I was the one that found myself stuttering slightly, shocked by his kind words. No one ever really felt the need to reassure me when it came to my insecurities, maybe it's because nobody really knew about them...

Mikey looked down bashfully.

"But...Big packages are definitely more exciting" I said slyly as I winked at him.

His jaw dropped and his eyes widened. He starred at me dubiously, not knowing what to say or do. I smirked back at him and began to giggle quietly to myself. Big packages are more exciting, trust me, I've had experiences with little ones and they really don't get anywhere.

"Woah." He gasped. I allowed my laughter to get louder. He continued, "Who knew such a sweet little dude could be such a big flirt?" He said in awe as he joined me in my laughter.

"I don't think "sweet" is the right adjective to use to describe me Mikey, but I guess you've yet to find that out..." I purred at him, continuing to meet his gaze without fail. God I was good at this! I saw glimmer of opportunity flash across his eyes. In that moment I knew I wanted this guy.

There was something mysterious, something different about him. Yes, he was hot, probably the hottest guy I'd laid eyes on, but for once that wasn't the main reason why I wanted him. I wanted to get to know him. I had never felt that way about anyone before. Typically I would just use a person for sex and that was it. But Mikey was different, and I wanted so badly to know why.

It's official, The Sweet Little Dudes are here! But I wonder what Mikey has to hide...
I'll be uploading the next chapter tomorrow so switch on your post notifications if you enjoyed this and don't forget to vote and comment what you thought! Love you all! <3

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