12: So much for the plans to watch Jaws

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Dinner had been great, Mikey and I weren't your typical lady and the tramp couple so we would just happily feed ourselves. It's more productive, that way you actually get to eat some food rather than tiny portions from your dates plate. Now it was movie time.

I found myself staring at the carpet. Just inches to my left was a dark stain that contrasted against the pale brown texture. It was quite large and unevenly spread, a regular person would think that someone had spilt a bottle of water there but I knew otherwise.

"That's been there a while now." Mikey said simply, reading my mind. He was fumbling quickly with the keys to his room, his clumsy long fingers causing them to jingle constantly.

"One night, a couple months back, some annoying fuckers were making a racket out here, and in the morning that was what was left behind." He sighed, still struggling to open the door to his dorm, "The corridor stank of piss for days." He chuckled lightly at the peculiar memory. He finally managed to open the door in one swift movement and turned to face me, I was still looking intently at the floor, I didn't want to meet his gaze.

"Yeah... About that... That was Brendon..." I said innocently but I couldn't help but muffle a giggle. I took my eyes off of the floor to meet Mikey's. His jaw dropped open but his lips were curved up ever so slightly, bracing himself to laugh.

"Your joking?" He said in a shocked high pitched voice. His eyes did not blink as his mind raced with all the possibilities of how this could have even occurred.

"Yeah... I was kind of there too... But I wasn't the one who left the piss! That was Brendon!" I said defensively, raising my arms high above my head in surrender of my innocence as I swayed to and fro slowly, unable to keep myself still on the balls of my feet.

"Oh. My. God. You lucky shit! You better be grateful I stopped Frank from kicking both of your asses!" He shouted the words jokingly as he pointed an accusing finger at me, like an angry parent telling off their immature child but taking a lot of pleasure in doing so.

"I am grateful... eternally..." I replied in an obeying tone, causing Mikey to break out into a sly grin as I brought my swaying hips closer to his.

With both hands, he grabbed my extended arms and pulled me quickly into the dorm room in one swift movement. He slammed the door behind me with the kick of his foot as his hand maintained a firm grip on both of my wrists.

He pushed me back firmly so that my back slammed against the closed door, causing the frame to shudder against my weight. Mikey pinned my arms against the surface above my head, arresting me for my crimes. He leant into the crane of my neck so that his mouth was just millimetres from my ear.

"What would you do... To prove your gratitude to me?" He growled seductively, his breath blowing gently on my ear, sending shivers down my aching spine. It was as if Mikey was a different person, as if we had switched personalities.

"Anything." I whispered back faintly, closing my eyes with a sense of satisfaction, overwhelmed with how quickly things were moving forward.

Mikey leaned in even closer, pushing his hips deeper into mine. I groaned softly against his shoulder, tempted to bite it. I could feel myself beginning to get hard against him, but I didn't care, this was fucking hot.

"Good." He slurred, before he slammed his lips against mine. It was like tasting fire, the rawness and passion of the kiss burned the entirety of my mouth. He caressed my lips roughly, tracing his tongue across my bottom lip, tasting me intently, deciding whether to swallow me whole.

I bit down suddenly on his lips, catching him off guard. I seized the opportunity to gain dominance over him as I pushed back against his weight, swivelling him so that we moved 90 degrees, flinging him against the wall.

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