20: Trade mistakes that are inevitable, even for a perfectionist

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This chapter contains mature themes

It was the Fourth of July. Mikey had spent the day contemplating all of his life choices which wasn't exactly unusual for him. He had originally wanted to spend the day, and night for that matter, with Pete but that wasn't exactly going to happen, not after what he had done.

He felt so guilty. It was as if he had blood on his hands but he had not killed anyone. Yet the only thing he had killed was his own heart. It was as if it no longer functioned properly, like a vital part of it was missing and he knew that part was Pete.

But his Aunt Marie had given him an ultimatum, get his brother back or have Pete. Mikey loved Pete with all his heart, and he still did with what was left of his now broken one yet he had chosen Gerard. Why? Gerard was his brother, someone who had always had his back, someone who had gone to jail for 6 years for something that wasn't his fault. Gerard deserved freedom and Mikey was willing to sacrifice his own in order to give it to him.

That didn't mean Mikey didn't have a plan... As soon as Gerard was free Mikey was going to live with Gerard, in their own place, away from Aunt Marie. With Aunt Marie out of his life Pete could come back in. It wouldn't be a happy ever after with a fairy tale ending, nothing ever was and Mikey knew that, but that would be as good as it gets and that was all that Mikey wanted, that was his destiny.

It was 8:22, he was 7 minutes late as that was a habit he had created, Mikey would purposely make himself late so that he would arrive to places at a similar time to Pete because Pete was always late. However, Mikey wasn't on his way to see Pete, he was on his way to see Professor Sykes, his Psychology teacher.

Since Mikey was doing so well in psychology and maintaining the highest marks in the class, Sykes had said it was only fair if he got a treat and Mikey wasn't one to refuse. To Mikey, Sykes seemed like a perfectly nice guy, but to his dismay he did not know the truth about him that Pete Wentz knew.

Mikey shuffled nervously outside the grand entrance to Sykes' office, not quite sure what to do with his interlocked hands as he broke them apart and knocked hesitantly on the broad wooden door. The noise echoed throughout the corridor of offices, each out of use as most professors had already gone home. Then before Mikey knew it, the door swung open quickly and Sykes was beckoning him inside with a warm smile plastered across his chapped lips.

"Please, please, make yourself comfortable!" Sykes grinned, motioning for Mikey to sit on the leather couch next to the fire place, Mikey sat down with much reluctance, wondering what the purpose of this all was. Sykes sensed his peculiar behaviour immediately.

"Why are you so nervous Micheal? It's only me, your psychology teacher, I just wanted to talk to you about what you're thinking of doing once you leave college... After all, you have so much potential, I was just rather intrigued..." Sykes had started off reassuringly but trailed off due to the smug smirk sliding across his face as he scanned Mikey up and down. Analysing his every feature in admiration as his eyes darted across his whole body.

"I-I just didn't know what to expect sir, thank-" Mikey stuttered but was quickly interrupted by Sykes.

"Can I offer you a drink Micheal? It's my finest whiskey and I only save it for special occasions." Sykes grinned eagerly. Mikey blushed and looked down at his feet, he couldn't help but feel slightly honoured by the offer.

Mikey wasn't a big fan of whiskey, he recalled the time he told Pete that at the party. Mikey only drank whiskey if he was really down, but let's be honest, Mikey was going through a really hard time at the moment and he felt like he needed a decent drink.

"S-sure! Why not?" Mikey smiled weakly, attempting to sound enthusiastic but his nervousness getting the better of him.

Sykes began to pour the golden liquid into one glass with a steady precision as if he'd done it a million times before. Then he outstretched the glass towards Mikey and so he took it gratefully into both his hands, not trusting himself to hold it with just one due to his trembling nature. He looked down at the glass and the poisonous liquid glistened back at him, tempting him to drown himself in his sorrows. Then he looked to Sykes who was now sat on the  couch opposite him.

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