14: Maybe you should be doing my job for me?

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Mikey and I took our places in our usual seats at the back of the Psychology lecture hall. Never have I been so grateful to sit at the back. Not only did I look cool but I was sat next to the hottest person ever.

Mikey placed his warm bandaged hand onto my thigh, stroking it ever so slightly against my black skinny jeans, causing me to tense in my seat. I couldn't help but smile, the thought of Mikey's hand traveling further up my leg was making me feel hot and wet.

I hoped that the rough texture of my jeans wasn't hurting him, his hand was still healing. It hadn't been that big or deep a cut but it had been extremely bloody. I had signed his bandage regardless of it not being an official cast. "Fucked" and "Easy" were just a few of the crude words I had scrawled across the potential canvas. Mikey had found it funny and that was the main aim, to make him happy.

I had cleaned up the cut for him and applied antiseptic to help sterilise the wound as much as possible and then compressed it with a tight bandage. I have a lot of experience with these things, from personal experience...

"Well done, I'm pleased with the results you got as a class, except for a one minor exception who failed to impress me as per usual... If that one person wants to make it up to me they know what they have to do..." Sykes' voice echoed sadistically across the hall, a smug smile plastering itself across his hollow face as his long hair casted daunting shadows across his dark eyes as they rested upon me. "Repeat the assessment of course in order to pass my class!" He chuckled lightheartedly as he gritted his teeth, clearly lying. He started to dart around the classroom passing test papers back to their owners. The sly smile practically engraved into his face.

Son of a bitch.

"What's wrong? Are you scared?" Mikey whispered urgently. My body had started to tremble ever so slightly and his hand had clearly felt the sensation. I wasn't scared, I was furious.

Sykes came jogging up the 24 steps towards Mikey and I. (Remember? I like to count the steps). I was glaring at him intently, looking for any faulty feature he held that I could potentially criticise for my own amusement and self esteem. To my annoyance, he didn't even break a sweat. He made very brief eye contact with me before his eyes settled on Mikey.

"Congratulations Michael, you got the highest mark in the class! I was incredibly impressed with your essay, who knows, maybe you should be doing my job for me?" Sykes beamed at Mikey, his grin getting even wider than should have been physically possible. To my horror he quickly winked at Mikey, attempting to make it look subtle but purposefully intending for me to notice. Mikey blushed, clearly embarrassed by the compliment, he smiled meekly to Sykes due to his modest nature. Sykes had physically repulsed me, I practically gagged but that didn't smother the burning flame that was raging in my mind, ready to burn down a city in anger.

"Ah, Peter..." Sykes sighed, the hideous smile finally fading into pouted lips as he turned to face me. His eyes darkening as they penetrated the depths of my so called soul. "Better luck next time?" He slurred in a tone that would have sounded sympathetic to others but to me it was just plain patronising, as he emphasised his British accent.

He disposed of my test paper onto my desk as if it were a disgusting piece of trash. Then he turned and simply walked away. I could tell that the grin has resurfaced on his face despite the fact he had his back to me. I could tell that he believed I would come crawling back to him without a moment to lose. Who knew a Psychology teacher could be so foolish as to how the brain works?

I didn't even need to look down at my paper, I could clearly see the bold red marker pen overwhelming my assessment out of the corner of my eye. I continued to glare at Sykes, hoping against hope that I might turn into Cyclops and incinerate the living shit out of him.

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