13: If he were to advertise coffee, the shop shelves would be empty

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I sat on the smooth surface of the kitchen counter in Mikey's dorm room. Frank was home so we couldn't do anything particularly exciting, and trust me, I fucking love it when things get exciting with Mikey. It had been 3 weeks since we had got to third base but that didn't mean we couldn't experiment a little bit. Before you get any ideas, no, we had not gone all the way but I was okay with that. I would wait for Mikey, however long that could be, I would wait for him.

Mikey was stood beside the fridge, making himself a morning coffee with his extremely fancy coffee machine. He was a coffee connoisseur, he was as addicted to coffee as much as I was to weed. I didn't have an issue with his attachment to coffee because he tasted good regardless whenever I kissed him and I guess you could say that the coffee added a sharp kick that would overwhelm my tastebuds. Kissing him was damn hot.

I watched him intently as he leaned over the coffee machine, longing it to work that little bit faster despite the fact it was probably the quickest coffee machine ever, since it was so expensive. His posture was terrible yet he still managed to look angelic, if he were to advertise coffee, the shop shelves would be empty.

"Moikey. You got mail!" Frank said in the best Tom Hanks voice he could muster, it was a pretty shit attempt, but maybe I only thought that because Mikey's Forrest Gump impression was gold.

Mikey turned in Frank's direction as he brought the full mug of steaming coffee to his pursed lips. He took a small sip and an immediate sense of relief flooded his face as he sighed in admiration at the taste of his morning beverage.

"What?" Mikey prompted Frank, he had clearly not been listening as he had been too indulged in his sacred ritual.

"You got mail!" Frank repeated, starting off with the Tom Hanks voice again but trailing back to his normal voice because he had realised it sounded nothing like he had intended. Frank extended his hand towards Mikey, it contained a small brown envelope.

Mikey's eyebrows furrowed inwards and his eyes narrowed at the sight. No one wrote letters any more, that's what phones were for so Mikey had every right to be confused. With much reluctance, Mikey removed his left hand away from his coffee and took the letter from Frank's grasp. He was clearly analysing the letter closely, he weighed it up and down in his hand attempting to find its density. Judging from where I was sat, it was incredibly light or maybe Mikey was just really strong, either of those could be the potential answer.

"Right, I'm gonna go do some tiny pencey prep for tonight's party, I'll see you guys there? Unless you're busy of course." Frank said slyly with a smirk, which implied he'd like us to come but his emphasis on the word "busy" immediately suggested that he was totally rooting for us to fuck. Also, who the fuck says the word "Pencey"? I mean, what the hell does that even mean?

Mikey nodded halfheartedly in response, he was more concerned as to what the letter was. A silence fell between the three of us.

"If we are there, we're there, if we're not there, we're not!" I chuckled at my lame attempt to lighten the tense atmosphere. I sounded high and I guess you could say who needs weed when you can get high on Mikey Way? Frank joined in with my laughter, he definitely did not find my response funny so it was more of a sympathy laugh. I hate people who laugh to offer sympathy, you either find me funny or you don't. Frank nodded in my direction as he exited the kitchen and I heard the front door close moments later.

Mikey was still mesmerised by the letter as he turned it over in his hand, examining every inch of the envelope. From what I could see from a distance was that it was addressed to Mikey in messy cursive writing; it was sealed with sellotape and there was no return address.

"Are you gonna open it or what?" I said, getting rather impatient as I wanted to know what the contents of the letter were too. As the words left my mouth, Mikey began to tear open the sellotape seal vigorously, his upper lip lifted slightly, revealing his canines in a catlike snarl as half of his face creased due to his struggle to open the letter one handedly.

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