8: More experience on tip toes than a ballerina

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The sound of distant music filled the cold night air. Brendon and I walked across the loud campus towards the fraternity house. Nope, it's not what your thinking! I am not a frat boy, no way! I'm disgusted that the thought even passed over your mind, I'm not that shallow! Okay yes I'm shallow but I'm not as shallow as a frat boy.

It was my night off considering it was a Friday. Frank had invited Brendon and I to his frat party. I was still surprised that Frank hadn't realised it was Brendon and I who had woke him up with all that night when we were pissing ourselves. When I say "pissing ourselves" I just mean Brendon pissing himself.

A couple of days ago, Frank had practically begged me to join the fraternity of "Blood Kappa Boys" or whatever stupid name it was called but I had politely declined. I had enough on my plate as it was, I didn't need shallow, dumb frat boys to add to my problems.

I was wearing my black skinny jeans again accompanied by a black button up long sleeved shirt and a crimson red tie.

Brendon on the other hand was wearing burgundy skinny jeans, a white buttoned up long sleeved shirt, a burgundy bow tie and wait for it...  a silver sequin waistcoat. I repeat: A fucking sequin waistcoat!!!

"Brendon I'm still so confused as to why you are wearing that thing, what the hell is wrong with you?" I asked still shocked that such an appalling item of clothing even existed.

"For the gazillionth time Pete! They wouldn't have sold it in Coco Channel if it wasn't fashionable!" He stated very much matter of factly.Did I mention Brendon was rich? He was one of those kids who came out of his mothers vagina and was already guaranteed to go to an Ivy League school.

"Brendon, I'm not sure whether you are trying to make a ridiculous fashion statement or if you just simply have a death wish." I shot at him but then added, "Or... Maybe you want to impress Ryan again..." I purred teasingly.

He gasped in utter offence, as I smirked sadistically. He hated it whenever anyone mentioned his ex boyfriend's name, Ryan Ross may as well have been Voldemort but he was way too good looking to be associated with a noseless wizard. I loved offending Brendon, it gave me utter pleasure to see his pretty boy rich face change so drastically because he knew there was nothing he could do despite all the money, he couldn't bring himself to insult a some what poorer kid.

Brendon dropped his glowing cylinder on to the grass and smothered the burning embers out it with the angry stomp of his foot. It annoyed me how he continued to smoke around me. I really wanted to smoke, I needed to be confident at a party not socially awkward. But then I thought of Mikey. I had promised him, and for once I didn't want to intentionally break a promise.

We made our way through the grand open doors of the frat house. Brendon immediately departed from by my side without saying goodbye, he made his way over to the tall lanky guy called Dallon who sat next to him in Psychology class.

I knew Dallon relatively well, he played bass too so when he came to our dorm room to copy up Brendon's notes we had had a pretty chill conversation about our favourite bass lines. That made me wonder... What was Mikey's favourite bass line?

As if it were fate I noticed Mikey leaning against a wall in the far corner of the room. He wasn't alone. He was talking to a guy whose face I couldn't see but he had a huge Afro of hair.

Mikey soon noticed me looking in his direction and grinned, motioning with his hand for me to come over as his other hand cupped a red plastic cup.

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