6: When you love assholes as much as you are one

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Thankfully things hadn't changed with Mikey, well, they hadn't changed for the better or the worse so I guess that was a good thing. I wanted that intimate moment to mean something, but it seemed like Mikey was pretending it had never happened. Every time I even slightly brought it up, ever so discretely, he would brush me off almost immediately. It confused me, he didn't pull away in the moment but he wanted the moment to drift away now.

I had kept my promise to Mikey though. I was 3 days sober from weed. It didn't feel right. There was always a constant urge to be doing something with my mouth and my hands, an urge that could not be satisfied. I had started to feel nervous and insecure, unlike my normal confident self. I guess weed brings out another side to you, one that I seem to find more appealing. But I was doing this for Mikey, not myself. Never had I ever thought that I would do something for someone else rather than myself.

I was still furious at Brendon because of his intrusion on Mikey and I 3 days ago. I hadn't told Brendon why I was mad and to be honest I don't think he really cared because I get mad so easily it can be for no reason at all. I'd just about managed to express my anger passive aggressively towards him, but he's too vain to even have noticed.

We were walking back to our dorm room and it was 1am. Brendon had picked me up from the bar once I'd finished work.

"Getting some action are we?" I slurred at him, noticing the soft tender bruise just below his ear. Trust me, getting information out of Brendon is a piece of cake.

"Huh?! No!" He replied quickly attempting to defend himself but only making himself sound more suspicious. He brushed his hand lightly over the sweet spot, making it even more obvious. God he is such a bad liar, he ought to get lessons from me.

"Oh, are you gonna tell me that you fell down the stairs directly on to that very part of your neck and the impact left a mark that looks exceedingly similar to a hickey?" I shot back triumphantly. That was the most confidence I had spoken with in the past few days and I was surprised with myself.

"Yeah, yeah that's what happened funnily enough, how did you guess?!" He gasped dramatically as if I were Sherlock Holmes. Since this is Brendon we're talking about, I didn't know whether to think he actually thought that I thought he had fallen down the stairs or if he was just trying to be funny unsuccessfully. For his poor sake I hope it's the second option.

I tapped my nose at him and winked in response as if to say that I know all. Which is pretty much true.

There was a small silence between us as we turned the corner onto the west wing. There was only emergency lighting coming from the fire exits, giving the corridor a very dim light the looked rather eerily green.

"I feel bad for you dude, Sykes has been pretty harsh towards you recently, did you suck him off and then refuse to do it again or something?" He laughed at his words jokingly.

Now I was shocked. No one knew that I had done that. Fuck, maybe Brendon was Sherlock but just didn't know it. Oh my god, was it that obvious?!

"Hahaha, your funny..." I said as casually as I could muster with a hint of sarcasm to show that I was not the slightest bit amused. I was fucking scared shitless.

"You have to admit it was hilarious when he was saying that he has 47 favourite students in the class when there are 48 in total!" He burst into laughter hysterically.

Yes. Sykes had said that. As he had said it he was glaring directly at me. If he hadn't been looking at me, yes, I would have found it as hilarious as Brendon did. But no, Sykes hated my guts because I was someone he couldn't have. He was doing whatever he could to make me feel guilty, to make me come crawling back to him out of weakness. I'm not a coward. I would not give into such a sadistic pervert. Besides, I'd quit weed for 3 days now, so if I could do that I'm pretty sure I could handle a few nasty comments from Sykes.

"Meh, he's definitely taking penis enlargement pills, he's twice the dick he was since the begging of the semester." I said nonchalantly. What? C'mon, it's probably true.

Brendon erupted into a fit of giggles, creasing over, clutching his hands to his stomach. He snorted, and then snorted at the fact that he had snorted with laughter. His eyes crinkled at the edges as if he were about to cry. I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Holy shit Pete, I'm fucking pissing myself right now." He squealed, with tears running down his cheeks. I looked down to his crotch and noticed a damp patch on his cream chino trousers, it was slowly spreading, making it's way down his left leg.

I erupted into laughter with him, it felt as if I hadn't laughed in months and it felt so damn good.

Brendon outstretched his arm to a wall in the corridor, attempting to stabilise himself, but he lost his balance as his arm made no contact with the wall. He toppled into the floor with a loud thud, a laughing mess. He was rolling around laughing, still clutching his hands to his stomach but he was now in foetal position. I could see the piss making it's way further down his leg.

I was creasing inwards like Brendon was earlier. My stomach hurt from the intense laughter but I didn't care. My best friend was a drunken mess rolling on the floor pissing himself. Who could blame me for letting loose after seeing such a sight? All tension I had had over the last couple of days slowly fizzled away.

"What the fuck is going on?" A voice whispered sharply in the midst of the dark corridor. I located the voice to be coming from a person peering through an ajar door opposite from where Brendon and I were. I couldn't see clearly at all coz the corridor was so dark so I assumed that the person couldn't see us either. Thank god.

"What the fuck is going on?!" The voice repeated a little more forcefully. He sounded extremely pissed, as if we had just woken him up.  I couldn't reply. I couldn't stop laughing and Brendon wasn't any better off.

"Who is it Frank?" A new voice whispered a little more softly.

"I have no fucking clue..." Frank trailed off dishearteningly as he yawned. Frank was in my Psychology class, he's a pretty chill guy, he sure knows how to throw a good party but clearly he has an emotional attachment to sleep because he seemed pretty pissed at the fact that we had woken him up.

"You assholes better get lost, people are trying to sleep ya know!" Frank warned us forcefully.

Despite his warning Brendon and I continued to snigger, we just managed to do it a little bit more quietly, for poor Frank's sake.

"J-just leave them Frank... If they're still here in the morning we'll... We'll kick their asses, okay?" The second voice spoke trying to be as convincing as possible. See, this dude was smart, he didn't want a fight at 1am in the morning in the middle of a corridor.

"Okkkkaaayyy!" Frank moaned before closing the door behind him gently. Leaving us alone in the darkness once again.

Brendon and I erupted into laughter once again. We didn't care. We were both assholes and we loved it. By that I mean we love fucking assholes too.

Next update will be tomorrow, sorry it's only one chapter today, it wasn't a very good day :,(
Your comments and votes will make me happy though!!!

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