10: Mornings after a wild party don't have to suck, unless there's a dick around

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I felt a soft, warm sensation on my morning lips as something lingered but faded away. My eyes fluttered open slowly, they focused directly in front of me. Mikey's nose gently pressing itself against mine. I could feel his hot breath against my mouth, slightly ajar and just inches from me.

His hazel eyes glimmered in the breaking dawn sunlight as they gazed into mine. I then realised he was cradling me tightly in his long protective arms and I was doing the same to him. His warm embrace made me feel safe, like no harm would ever come to me if I had Mikey by my side. I'm not the type of person who needs protection, I can fight for myself, I don't need a body guard. But Mikey's warm body against mine made me resist all temptation to shove him away. Never had I been up so close and personal with someone who I wasn't fucking.

I pulled my left arm away from his waist and brought my hand to my left shoulder, hovering over my smooth skin. I took my thumb and forefinger and quickly pinched a bit of my vulnerable flesh, trying to tether myself to reality.

Ow. I wasn't dreaming. This was real. I was lying in a random bed with Mikey Way entangled next to me. He chuckled at my naïve attempts to test dream state from reality. There was nothing more real than this.

I shuffled closer to him on the bed, bringing my left arm back to his waist and pulling him towards me. He buried his face into the crane of my neck, snuggling himself in. I wouldn't expect it to be that comfortable but Mikey seemed to be enjoying himself as he pressed his wet lips against my soft neck. I wouldn't be surprised if he could feel my rapid pulse and lose track of count because my heart was beating faster with every breath.

He sucked slowly on a sweet tender spot, rolling his rough tongue across my flesh every now and then. I couldn't help but let out a soft moan tilting my head backwards as I did so. I could feel his mouth curve into a sly smile as I did so but he continued to move his lips in a constant rhythmic motion. My fingers dug themselves further into his hip as I tried to resist yet another urge to moan without success.

Mikey licked his lips and moved his mouth towards my ear leaving a trail of gentle kisses in his wake. I could hear and feel his soft breathing, I could hear him bite his lip and it made me wish he was biting mine.

"You wanna get out of here?" He said whispered into my ear, leaving a tingling sensation as he spoke. That was the most confidence I've ever heard Mikey speak with. Out of shock of his words all I could muster was a slight head nod in response.

In the most spontaneous motion he could achieve, Mikey practically pounced off of the bed his long legs flying in the air as he did so, it was a rapid movement but somehow he managed to make it look so graceful. How he got free of my strong grip I shall never know.

Mikey extended his lanky right arm to wards my body with an open palm. I took his inviting hand and he immediately heaved me off the unfamiliar bed in one strong pull.

He grinned excitedly and did not let go of my hand. His hand was so big compared to mine. He lead me quickly towards the bedroom door and I followed just a few steps behind, trying my best to keep up with him. My head was still in a whirl wondering if this was a dream.

He reached for the door handle and after some fumbling of his fingers he realised he had to unlock it. Oh thank god I had locked it last night.

He guided me out onto the landing and tugged me towards the stairs. He leaped down each step with more elegance than a gazelle as I just plodded behind him like an elephant.

The house was completely silent. This was always the case every morning after a frat party. Where did the party go? Probably straight to hell.

Once we reached the bottom of the stairs I glanced towards the living room. Bodies lay everywhere, limp and motionless as if a massacre had occurred leaving everyone in a permanent slumber.

Mikey squeezed my hand, motioning me to hurry before anyone woke up. I squeezed back in response and jogged out the grand front doors right by Mikey's side.

"Where to?" I said curiously. Those were the first proper words that I'd spoken all morning, apart from moaning, but that doesn't count.

"You'll have to wait and see..." Mikey said smugly, breaking into a run. He was still holding my hand so I was jolted forward by the momentum of his unexpected sprint start. We darted across the campus together, not once letting go of each other as we ran in unison. This was by far better than all the times I had been late for Psychology with Brendon. It was better because I had no idea where I was going and I was with Mikey Way. (No offence Brendon)

20 minutes later felt like just 5 minutes. I'd never ran so quickly in my life. Maybe it's because my lungs weren't clogged up with weed. My heart was beating faster than ever, I don't think that was anything to do with the running, I think it's because I was with Mikey.

Mikey suddenly stopped. I nearly ran into him because of the suddenness of his halt. I hadn't been registering where we had been going, I had only been registering ever inch of Mikey.

We were stood in the centre of an old truss bridge that overlooked a small river, around 40 meters below. The rusted black metal beams stood firmly in a zig zag formation holding the bridge together securely.

Next thing I knew, I was sat down on the rough edge, Mikey by my left side. Our legs dangled across the metal edge but a small bar hovered inches from my chest, preventing me from leaning any further forward. We were quite high up. If either me or Mikey were to fall, we wouldn't make it out alive as jagged rocks lay below, the ripples of the water splashing gently against them. Thank god for that rusty bar in front of us.

I stared straight ahead at the long thin river that looked like it stretched for miles, surrounded by tall pine trees and shrubbery. The sun was still rising in the distance, its amber glow casting faint shadows across the trees but causing the river to glisten like a million crushed sapphires.

"Incredible isn't it?" Mikey asked as if he'd read my mind, it wasn't really a question, more so an observation.

My hands were clutching the bar to my chest but I lifted my left up and brought it to Mikey's cheek, stroking it softly. His cheek still felt slightly rough from the tears that had trailed there just hours earlier. He gazed intently into my eyes, all other facial features devoid of emotion as he cocked his head slightly.

He cautiously moved his right arm so it rested just behind me, brushing my ass as he did so, but not going any further than that. He put his weight onto that arm leaning back, away from his left hand which still clutched the metal bar just like my right one.

"Not as incredible as you." I whispered gently as I licked my lips whilst staring at his as they curved into a small smile. Sometimes lust just gets a bit too overwhelming for me.

"Is-is this a good choice for a first date?" He said in a hushed voice with a slight hints of uncertainty. I noticed his eyes looking at my ajar lips.

"It's not good..." I began slowly "It's perfect." I leaned closer to him, widening my lips further apart. I planted them firmly against his, moving in a steady rhythm. He tasted sweeter than a Milky Way, of course he was sweeter, he was Mikey fuckin Way.

His tongue pushed itself against mine as we fought for dominance in strong circular motions. His hand pressed itself against my back, making it's way upwards yet sending shivers downwards.

I moved my hand slowly away from his cheek towards the back of his head, lacing my fingers through his hair, tugging random strands ever so slightly as if he were my bass guitar. We moved in a rhythm that was so melodic we might as well have been making music.

This time it was Mikey who let out a muffled moan against my lips as his head tilted back against my hand, causing me to win the war of dominance of our tongues. I pressed my tongue further into his mouth as he tried to fight back but failed against my undeniable strength.

We both pulled each other closer not daring to break the unbreakable bond we shared between us. Occasionally I would smile against his lips and he would do the same against mine. We moved as one, we were one, all the way until the sun went down.

This would literally be such a cute first date <3
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