15: An emotional wreck who has no experience in the love department

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Fuck. Sykes had got to me. He'd put me in an indescribable mood. Anger, hate, sorrow, guilt and frustration all at once. I began to feel dizzy, all the thoughts of Sykes, Mikey, and parents week were sending my head in a whirl.

"W-what's the matter?" Mikey asked, as he chased after me because I was walking so fast, faster than my little legs should be able to go. I just wanted to get as far away from that classroom and people as quickly as possible but his long strides enabled him to catch up with me in a matter of seconds. Dammit, why did I have to have little legs?

"What's wrong?" Mikey repeated, a little more urgently this time. His left hand grabbed my right shoulder bringing me to a sudden stop as his long fingers secured me in a firm grip that wasn't going to get loose until Mikey got some answers.

"Nothing, okay?" I muttered under my breath, trying to disguise the passive aggressive tone of my voice but failing to do so. I didn't want to get Mikey involved into my own problems, he had enough of his own, he didn't deserve the strain of having another persons heavy load on his shoulders too. Yes, I guess you could say I was helping him with some of the things he'd been through, but I'm strong, trust me I can take a lot before I break but it's clear to see that Mikey was a lot more fragile. Not in a way that he was a damsel in distress who needed saving. No, Mikey was fragile because over time people had chipped away at him and taken things from him that had led him to the point where there was hardly any of him left. But I was building him back up, brick by brick, my feelings for him were the cement that was holding him together and I could tell that he was getting stronger now more than ever. I just didn't want to risk the chance of him coming tumbling down.

"Pete!" Mikey shouted what seemed distantly. Somehow I had managed to wriggle free of his firm grip and had broke out into a sprint across Brownford campus. I couldn't deal with confrontation, there had been enough of that from Sykes for one day to last a lifetime. The cool wind was my counter force, pushing with all its might to get me to stop. I couldn't and I wouldn't. I hated the feeling of leaving Mikey behind, but there are some times in your life where you have to protect those you love so I couldn't tell Mikey the truth.

The momentum of me running so fast and the cool wind piercing my skin sent streams of tears down my face, tears that had been waiting to fall for so long. Ever since I had met Mikey I had become so much more emotional. Literally, I had never felt so many emotions all at once before. I never used to cry, I never used to feel guilty, sad, or care. These were all new to me and it was so overwhelming. I didn't understand. Why was I running? You can't run away from your problems, that's just plain stupidity, and Mikey wasn't a problem so why was I running from him?

I reached my dorm. Brendon had forgot to lock the door so I didn't need to delay my entrance by fumbling around for keys. I didn't stop running. I made my way straight for the bathroom. I knew exactly why. It had been 4 days. 4 days since I had taken my vitamins. No wonder I was such a mess.

With much urgency I swung open cupboard doors, slammed drawers, threw clothes across the room, desperate to find my vitamins. Tension and frustration building up inside of me as I felt the urge to scream in anger.

"Looking for these?" A voice said simply from behind me. I jumped at the unexpected sound and I turned abruptly to face the source. Mikey stood leaning against the bathroom doorframe. The small white bottle clutched tightly in his grasp. His face was completely unreadable. No emotion. The complete opposite as to how I must have looked right in that moment. He held the bottle in a way that made him look as though he were advertising a new product on TV but his face showed no enthusiasm. Although his poker face was unreadable I knew that I would inevitably have to give Mikey answers. I owed him that much.

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