7: A Puss and Boots face that is too R rated for Shrek

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Mikey and I were walking across campus towards the music block, I was going to introduce him to the band.

"I'm excited to see the masters at work." He grinned at me eagerly.

"You've only seen us perform once, *cough cough fake fan*" I pretend coughed into my fist as I said the words, grinning slyly as I did so.

"Oi! Dude! I am not a fake fan okay?!" He said defensively with his arms raised high above his head, palms open as if I'd caught him in the act of something. His eyes were wide and he grinned nervously. His outstretched arms made his tshirt lift up slightly so that I could see the band of his boxers and a slight glimpse of his pale stomach. Calvin Kleins. Good choice Mikey.

"Sure, Mikey, sure..." I said in a hushed voice, I added a small tremble to make it seem as though I was on the verge of tears. I'm a good actor and I know it. I pursed my lips together, widening my mouth as I pouted my lips, I widened my eyes at him innocently. It was a typical Puss in Boots face I liked to adopt now and then. Mikey began to laugh, whenever I pulled a silly face he would find it to be the funniest thing in the world. I loved making him laugh, even if it meant that I had to pull stupid faces. #thesacrificesoffriendship

"Pete... I'm a fan, probably the only one..." he said grinning at me as he contemplated each word he said, I'd like to say his words were reassuring but they really weren't.

"Okay, true, I get your point..." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes playfully as I bit my lip. He dropped his arms back down to his sides as he had now proven his point and he smiled smugly in doing so.

We reached practice room 8 and I turned the door handle quickly because we were 5 minutes late, it wouldn't have made a difference if I'd turned the door handle slowly, but still, it saved about 2 seconds of time. I stepped into the large practice room, Mikey following close behind that I could feel his warm breath on the back of my neck, despite it being warm it still sent shivers down my spine. Patrick, Andy and Joe were all huddled together at the opposite side of the room with their backs facing us.

"Hey guys." I said casually. They all jumped at the sound of my voice. Wimps. Each of their heads snapped back to face Mikey and me, well not me, they were all just staring at Mikey. So obviously Mikey's head dropped to his feet and he started to fidget with his long fingers. Bless him, it must be pretty intimidating, to have everyone in the band you are the number one fan of gazing at you curiously. (Feel my sarcasm)

"Guys, this is my friend Mikey who I was telling you about." I said swiftly, attempting to relieve the tension as quickly as possible for Mikey's sake.

"Ohhhhhhhh!" They all replied in unison, like it was the most obvious thing in the world that they had been to oblivious to grasp onto.

"Nice to meet you Mikey, I'm Patrick by the way." Patrick said reassuringly. I immediately noticed all the tension evaporate from Mikey, as he looked up and nodded at Patrick in appreciation for his friendly induction.

"Yeah, same here, except my name isn't Patrick, I'm Andy." Andy said warmly and we all chuckled lightly at his attempt to be funny, even Mikey.

"I'm the asshole obviously." Joe said nonchalantly, he winked at Mikey quickly curling his lips into a sly grin. This caused Mikey to blush, as he looked at his feet in embarrassment. Mikey was trying to conceal the slight smile that had crept his face. Patrick, Andy and I all rolled our eyes at Joe.

My mouth immediately went dry, my tongue felt rough against my lips. I'd been trying to keep all thoughts of that glorious substance out of my head for the past two weeks. Let me tell you it had been hard. I'd often get headaches because I needed it so much to calm my reckless mind. I didn't realise that weed deprivation would have so many unwanted side effects, but I guess that's what you get when you were so heavily addicted.

At the sound of Joe's words my hands began to shake beyond my control, not rapidly but just enough for Mikey to notice before I even did.

"H-he's two weeks weed free!" Mikey said, grabbing my hand clumsily as he spoke, clasping it tightly in his own. His hands were warm and soft against mine. He rocked my hand gently in his, as if he were trying to make a baby fall asleep. It worked I guess, the trembling in my hand slowed and swayed with the movement of Mikey's hand against mine. He squeezed my hand reassuringly, calming my nerves even more. To Joe, Patrick and Andy, it probably looked like a friendly gesture, but I knew it was something a little bit more.

Mikey glanced down into my eyes, searching for something, anything that would give him the queue that I wanted to pull away. But I just stood there, his hand in mine, embracing the fond moment.

The silence after Mikey's earnest words was broken by none other than Joe, "What the hell Pete? Why didn't you tell us dude? I mean, weed is tight an-," he sarcastically in shocked voice. Mikey's hand fell from mine quickly, and immediately went back to fidgeting with his fingers nervously. I made a mental note to kick Joe's ass for his lack of support and the fact that he had made Mikey stop holding my hand.

"-I think what Joe means to say is congrats Pete, keep it up because you have all of our support..." Patrick beamed, his eyes rested on Mikey as he said the thoughtful words. Everyone nodded in unison, except Joe, whose head fell to his lap in the slightest bit of shame. There was a brief silence in the room, it wasn't awkward, it was one of those silences where everyone would sigh with relief because there was little tension.

"Oh yeah Pete, we were just listening to the short demo of the new song you recorded and looking at the lyrics..." Andy grinned slyly, he looked into my eyes, attempting to spot any signs of recognition from the mention of the song. He always did this whenever I wrote a song about love.

"So... what did you guys think?" Was all I could muster, slightly intimidated by Andy's gaze.

"I love it! There's so much potential and emotion that I can tell it's going to be great!" Patrick said excitedly which immediately reassured me.

Mikey's eyes widened, intrigued. He looked to me for further explanation but when all I did was give him a weak smile he prompted me, desperate for answers, "W-what's the song called Pete?" The left corner of his lip tugging upwards slightly but completely obliterating his poker face.

I hadn't really thought about a name, so Mikey had really put me on the spot. I decided to say the first 4 words that came to my head. Who knew why they were these words, but these were what popped into my head as I gazed into Mikey's sparkling hazel eyes.

"The Summer of Like...?"

#warped2005 ;) I hope you guys liked this chapter, if you did please comment and vote!!

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