17: A new Way of life that is Mikey

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I looked at Mikey who lay next to me, I couldn't help but wonder that maybe this was it. Maybe I would spend the rest of my life with Mikey Way. I knew I wanted to. I couldn't see a future without him in it, every dream and every thought of what life could be like for me had Mikey Way in. My existence did not seem possible unless he was in it. I attempted to picture what my life would be like right in that moment if I hadn't met Mikey and all I saw was darkness.

People may think that I had helped Mikey Way, but in reality he had saved my life. He was my saviour, if it weren't for him I would still be wasting my life away. I would have been a corpse rotting six feet under because of all the deep thoughts that have never failed to tease my mind. Weed, Sykes, random one night stands, grades, my parents are just a few of the things that send my mind to places that it shouldn't go. Mikey wasn't a distraction from all of that, he was a way of life.

I stared into his hazel eyes as he lay on the opposite pillow staring into mine. The blanket was wrapped around both of us, sealing us together, protecting us from the rest of the world. A cocoon preserving something beautiful we had shared moments before, something beautiful we would share for the rest of our lives. The only things that were exposed to the cool bedroom air were our interweaved feet because the blanket couldn't reach that far down. Our feet entangling each other and playing a game of footsies but it wasn't exactly competitive, it was more so comforting.

His face was just inches from mine and I could hear and feel his slow steady breathing. Awake and unafraid. I felt some sort of pride towards him, he had given himself to me, he had overcome all fears of becoming intimate with someone. He didn't have to do that but he had wanted to. Mikey always had a choice, he needed to know that. No one should ever push or take advantage of anyone especially Mikey, and I was never ever going to be the person to do that. I had promised him that I would wait a lifetime for him, and in this moment, I knew that if death were to come, I would die a happy man because it felt as though I had spent a lifetime with Mikey Way.

We had made love. I didn't want to imagine how difficult that must have been for him, I didn't want to have caused traumatic memories from his past to resurface. Because that would always be the case with Mikey, he would always have a burdening past which he would have to carry on his shoulders and it was my job to help lighten the load. Neither of us were alone, we were here in the spectacular now, Mikey and I against the world. All we could do was create new memories together, they would never bury old memories but they could be more meaningful than them.

"P-Pete, can I ask you something?..." Mikey whispered, sending little hot bursts of air that tickled my nose. He didn't blink, he continued to stare into my eyes as if he were looking for something hidden in the depths of my mind. Looking for an answer to his question that I didn't even know yet.

"Sure." I replied soothingly, Mikey didn't need to ask for permission to ask me something, he could fire a hundred bullets in my direction and I would try to catch every single one. There was nothing I had to hide, I would answer any question Mikey asked.

"W-What does this mean? I know that's a stupid question but this is new to me and I'm confused..." Mikey trailed off and so did my mind. I wasn't quite sure what this meant either and I knew that a google search or the smartest person in the world couldn't even answer Mikey's question but I was willing to give it a try.

"Mikey... This means that I am yours and you are mine. Never before have I met anyone like you, never before have I felt anything like I feel for you. This will be hard and confusing, no one said it was going to be easy. We've both had a difficult past and there's no changing that but we are here right here, right now and that means that we've come so far on our own and fate has resulted in this moment. Now we are together, we are going to continue being together as we dive headfirst into the future. That's all that matters, our future, our future together." I spoke the first words that came to my head. That didn't matter, all that mattered was Mikey smiling before he pouted his lips and pressed them gently against my nose with a soft peck. But then his body went tense against my own as if he'd realised something important.

"Pete. I'll never be good enough for you, I've never been good enough for anyone. So... l understand if you feel the need to do this for me but I don't want to hold you back, I-" Mikey couldn't quite finish his sentence as I interrupted him out of impulse.

"-No. Don't ever say anything like that. Mikey, you are worth so much more than you think, you are worth so much more than words could ever say. No words are rich enough in context to describe you Mikey Way, you make every word in the dictionary poor and meaningless. If anything, you have made me the richest man in the world and I really don't deserve the fortune that is you. No one does, because you are too good for this place, you're too good for this world." I replied firmly, not in an intimidating way but in a passionate way. It angered me how Mikey had come to the conclusion that he was worthless, he was something that was worth so much you couldn't even put a price tag on him, and that made me the luckiest guy in the world.

Nothing more needed to be said as Mikey pressed his warm lips against my own. All negative thoughts that had ever existed in either of our minds dissolved into oblivion as they were no longer relevant. It was like a drug, he took the pain away, he released endorphins in my brain longing me to have more of him like an addiction.

Weed? That was something that was a past mistake that had been a cheap excuse for life before I met Mikey. Alcohol? That was something that had only made me feel ill and fall into a paranoid state. Coffee? That was one of many things I could taste as my tongue explored Mikey Way's enlightening my taste buds as I delved deeper into his mouth.

Mikey pulled away slowly, allowing me to breath him in as well as oxygen. He looked into my eyes once again and said words that were still new to me.

"I love you." No stutter, no reluctance, no worry. He said the words so simply that I didn't have to question their accuracy. It was true, Mikey had taught me to love and I had taught him too.

All I could do was stare at him in admiration that we shared an unknown feeling that was surprisingly mutual. I had heard those words before, from Sykes and random one night stands, but all those ignorant idiots had said it out of lust. They didn't know what love really was, they only thought they did. I just wish I'd said it back to Mikey, that I wasn't left so speechless. It was then I realised that you don't need to have sex to know you love someone. I had fallen in love with Mikey the day I met him in a car park at 2am.

So this was a cute chapter! If you liked it comment and vote to let me know XD
But when you hit the prime in a relationship with someone, the only way it can then go is down hill... So stay tuned for the next chapter which will be published tomorrow!

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