21: You're never gonna catch me when I fall down

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It was 11:15 and I was walking back to my dorm room from the bar, it had been a long time since I'd had a so called "gig" but Patrick had insisted that I should do it because the bar would be packed on the Fourth of July. It had been, but as usual, no one was there for our music. I had hoped against hope that I might see the peculiar boy sat in a boothe staring at me intently with his Anthrax shirt on but that was just a hopeless dream.

So I had left early, no one would notice if the shitty bass player had left, screw that, no one notice if the whole band left for that matter. Everyone was much more occupied with alcohol and fireworks and who could blame them? It was the Fourth of July after all.

I fumbled in my pocket for my phone and noticed that I had a missed call, a missed call with no caller ID but whoever it was had left a message, it was probably Patrick telling me to get back to the bar because one person had taken an interest in our music.

I called my voicemail and placed the smooth cold surface close to my ear, listening intently as for what was to come. The cool night air surrounded me and I strained my ears to listen despite all the deafening fireworks exploding like a million stars above me.

Then I heard his voice, the voice I had been dreading to hear, the voice that flooded me with pain and a house full of memories. I didn't move, I didn't breath as my heart stopped beating in my chest. I stood perfectly still and listened to his slurred crackling voice down my answer phone, immediately filling me with a sense of worry...

Pete... it's me. Mikey, in case you forgot. Yeah... I fucked up. I fucked up real bad Pete. My head hurts, spinning round round... There was too much, too much Whiskey... Sykes was sober so he knew what he wanted... I said "yes" I gave him consent, I know I did but I wasn't think straight, it was legal, there's nothing I can do, there's nothing we can do...

Why? Why Pete? Why did I drink? It hurts, everything hurts, he hurt me, he touched me, he's back. My father is back...

He let out a muffled sob before continuing.

I don't know what else to do, he's going to take me away, he's going to hurt me again, he was inside of me... Oh my god. If Gerard gets out he'll hurt Gerard too! Pete, you have to help me. I don't know where I am, it's dark and I can't see. But I know where I'm going... You know where I'm going...

This has to stop. I need this to stop. Everything is too loud and I just want quiet. I want it all to go away, everything. I don't want to be here, I don't want to be Mikey Stupid Way. I want to be something else, I want to be like one of those fireworks, ya know? I am one. You were too... We had our prime time, we soared up in to the sky, flying high, no one could stop us but now everything is moving to quickly, everything hurts from the explosion because we went off too soon. Now I'm falling Pete, falling back down to earth, a powerless ember of dust, insignificant to the world. I need you to catch me, before I fall... I trust you Pete, I believe you can do that because I love you, I love you more than words can explain, that's why I need you to save me...

With that, the phone line went dead.

Without a second thought, I began to run, not wanting a second of time to fly by, not wanting to breath, not wanting to blink, just wanting to run.

Fuck. Each of Mikey's words had stabbed me with a sense of inevitable pain. This was my fault. All of it. He had sounded so slurred and irrational on the phone, trailing off every so often, not making any sense, like he was going to do something stupid and it was all my fault. Mikey had drank the whiskey from Sykes' office, and a lot of it by the sound of it. Sykes had used him, taken advantage of him... Raped him. Even though rape wasn't the word that would be used in the eyes of the law as Mikey had acknowledged the fact that he had given consent and so had Sykes. I would have murdered that son of a bitch right then if I could, he was going to pay. But I had to get to Mikey.

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