5: Any gay stoners out there would love the taste of me

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Mikey sat on the sofa next to me in my dorm room. We had just finished an intense round of Arkham City on the Xbox. Mikey had been Catwoman whilst I had been Batman (obviously).

"W-we make a great team." He grinned at me.

"If by "team" you mean just me then yeah, I agree." I smirked at him, not entirely joking. Mikey rolled his eyes playfully in response, I noticed him doing this quite a lot recently and it seriously turned me on.

I reached down towards the coffee table towards a small white lableless bottle with a screw on lid. I'd forgotten to take my vitamins earlier. I screwed the lid of bottle with ease. I gently shook it so that 2 Pentagon shapes fell lightly in to my extended left palm. They were so light it seemed crazy for them to work such wonders.

"What's that Pete?" He said curiously as both his head and eyes motioned towards the tiny objects in my hand.

"Just vitamins." I replied quickly as I scooped the pills into my mouth dry, I did it so quickly I didn't have time to register the foul taste as the pills completed avoided contact with the tastebuds of my tongue. Who needs water to down a couple of pills? I consider myself to be pretty hard core.

"Vitamins are great, especially when your at college and you don't get all the nutrients you need... D-do you mind if I have one? I mean I feel as though I've been as unhealthy as well since I started college." He smiled shyly, blushing at the openness of his words.

"Doctor's prescription only, sorry." I replied rather bluntly, but it was true. Mikey looked disappointed, not about the vitamins but by the harshness of my words.

I raised my wrist slightly so I could see what time it was. 3:22pm.

I needed weed.

I jumped off the couch spontaneously which took Mikey by surprise as his light body sunk deeper into the cushions as if they might swallow him whole, but who could blame them? He sure looked tasty! *insert winking emoji face here*

I made my way over to my bedroom quickly before Mikey could say anything. I wasn't in the mood for questions. I opened my underwear drawer slowly and immediately got the whiff of the heavenly smell I was so familiar with. HA! Any gay stoners out there would love the taste of me!

I pushed a few pairs of underwear out of the way and fumbled for the plastic packaging. I finally retrieved the bag of weed from the sea of underwear and was immediately shocked.

"Holy shit it's practically empty!" I gasped to nobody in particular considering I was alone in my bedroom.

No one knew where I kept my stash, not even Brendon. My mind went into a whirl wondering how this could have happened, how I could have used up 4 months worth of weed in just 2 months. Maybe I had just lost track of time... That's exactly what I was doing right at that moment as I stared at that wall for what felt like hours. Sometimes I just stare into the distance and get lost in my own thoughts, there's so many thoughts that whirl round my head, some good some bad. But it's so easy to get lost in the depths of your own mind when you don't even understand it's full capacity. The only thing in my mind that stood out to me was Weed.

I marched out of my bedroom back into the living room and came to a halt right in the centre of the room, about a meter in front of Mikey who was resting on the couch.

"I need weed."

Mikey looked kind of cute. He was in the exact same position that I had left him, his arms dangling over two cushions as if they were arm bands trying to keep him afloat in the sea of cushions that surrounded him on the sofa. His eyes were closed lightly as if he were in the midst of a permanent slumber. His fringe lopsided and unevenly spread across his forehead. My description could go on...

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