11: My editor made me change the name of this chapter so I wouldn't get reported

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Mikey and I had been dating for 4 months. I repeat, 4 months! Never had I ever had a long term relationship. For me it had always been one night stands so this was more than just a record. We had tried to keep it low key but obviously people found out, I mean c'mon, this is college, nothing stays a secret for long. No doubt did Brendon have something to do with the grand exposé...

"Please please please please can I come?" Brendon whined as he grabbed my right shoulder, attempting to steer me away from the door without success.

"No, how many times do I have to tell you? It's called a date for a reason, and I'm pretty sure that means it's for two people only, sorry." I replied unapologetically. I turned away from the door to face him. My cold glare met his puppy dog eyes. Of course he'd pull the puppy dog eyes on me, no one gives into the puppy dog eyes, especially Brendon's.

"Pete I miss you!" He pleaded, fluttering his eyelids at me, hoping to woo me over.

"Well I don't miss missing you!" I shot back pettily, it wasn't exactly the comeback of the year. Brendon sighed, as he shrugged his shoulders in defeat, you'd have thought he'd have more fire than to let a petty sophomore slump comeback just slide head first into Cooperstown. My bad, I had thought too soon. His head jolted up suddenly from the direction of the floor to meet my stern gaze. A sly glimmer of hope flashed across his eyes. Sometimes, just sometimes, Brendon could be as good at manipulating people as me.

"Pete, please, I feel like I haven't spent any time with you in the past 4 months... What happened to running to psychology class together and pissing in corridors late at night?" He mumbled due to pouting his lips the entire time he spoke. He was clearly putting on an act to guilt trip me and I knew it, but despite this, I couldn't help but chuckle at the fond memory of piss trailing down Brendon's leg.

It was true, I'd been spending every spare moment I could with Mikey and who could blame me? I didn't want him to come but I wasn't in the mood for a continuous arguments that could potentially result in Brendon throwing the first punch because he sometimes believed he was Clint Eastwood or something.

"Urgh! Fine! But you can only stay for dinner, then you have to go, I'm not having you mess up my plans for the whole evening." I groaned, rolling my eyes in annoyance at Brendon's persistence. Ironically, Brendon wasn't even bothered by my letting him come, he was more intrigued by the other half of my response...

"Plans for the whole evening, eh?... By evening do you mean until the morning? Or like just 12am? Oh wait, that is morning! So like are you talking 7am? 'Cos remember we have class tomorrow and Sykes would totally be able to tell if you were fucking all night long. Omg you have-"

"-Brendon!" I snapped at him, not caring that I had interrupted his endless flow of intimidating interrogation questions. A cat like grin spread across his smug face. It was so wide I was surprised his face didn't split in half. Funny thing was, my only plans for later in the evening were to watch Jaws but I didn't mind letting Brendon's mind wander into wild zones for my own amusement.

Despite the fact that his face made me feel uneasy, I continued, "If you are so fascinated by interrogating people, why didn't you go to law school? You could learn how to get away with murder, more than just the TV show teaches you!" It was a lame attempt to change the subject but of course Brendon was immediately absorbed in the new trail of conversation.

That's always the case with asking people questions about them selves. They lap it up like a cat and it's bowl of milk. People can't help but feel proud when they're able to talk about themselves, we all do it especially when we are given an open opportunity to do so. Brendon was vain as fuck so he could easily talk about himself for days and yet he'd think everything was golden.

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