24: The End.

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So that is the end of my book Everyone That You Left Behind. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

The last chapter is full of secret hidden meanings and interpretations so if you have any theories comment here, I'd love to see if any of them are correct! You may need to read the last chapter a few times to fully understand it! There's about 10 hidden meanings. Seriously this book didn't end the way that you may have thought at first...

If you have any questions comment here and I will try to answer them!

Honestly, all your comments and votes make my day and keep me going. This story has taken 4 months to write, and trust me when I say that blood, sweat and tears went into making this happen... Okay, maybe just a lot of tears! It's probably the reason why I'm going to fail all my exams because I haven't been revising but oh well!

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read this book or has ever messaged me on here, you are some of the sweetest people I have ever met. I just want you to know that the world is a tough place but you've got to stay strong because things will get better. Stay strong because you are all such amazing people and I wish you all the best in your lives because you all deserve so much happiness. This has been a rollercoaster of a ride and I hope to stay on it with all of you because it's been a great experience.

I also just wanted to say that I am working on a new fanfic that is full of Action, Comedy and Drama! It has Frerard, Ryden and Petekey so if you enjoyed this book please check out my new one once I finally start publishing. I am also working on a fanfic which is just pure Frerard! I love you all so much! Don't forget to vote and comment and if you enjoyed this book please recommend it to friends and others.

I'll end this book with the wise words of Pete Wentz... Just because today is a terrible day doesn't mean that tomorrow won't be the best day or your entire life, you just have to wake up and get there.

Lots of Love
ScoutBoo xx <3

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