4: Brendon Urie isn't exactly the best wingman

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1 month went by and I had met up with Mikey everyday since we had first met. He didn't wear glasses anymore since he'd had some lasik eye surgery which I thought was awesome because he could secretly be Cyclopes. It also made him so much hotter as his hazel eyes were so much more alive without glasses.

Apart from seeing each other in our daily Psychology lessons, we had also made it apart of our routines to go to Coffee for Closer's after each strenuous lesson. It was nice. We would sit, talk and laugh for hours. We had gained the reputation of being called "The Sweet Little Dudes" much to Mikey's and my own amusement.

Something was wrong today. Something wasn't right. Mikey hadn't showed up to Psychology today. I had been staring at the doors of the lecture hall hoping with all my heart that he would walk through and Sykes would boom at him how many minutes late he was, or hours for that matter. But he never came.

Every time I had heard the slightest noise come from the direction of the door my heart would skip a beat. Yes, I really am that sad.

I stared at my blank legal pad, not knowing what to write as the rest of the class worked continuously. It came to my realisation that since Mikey wasn't here I couldn't copy off him but then that meant that he would need to copy my notes which were entirely non existence. Note to self: Never leave Pete to do school work.

My eyes fell in the direction of the door again, I continued to stare. Longing for it to burst open and for Mikey Way to come running in, shouting at the top of his lungs that he wanted me to fuck him. I would do it without a second thought.

"Are you waiting for someone?" A voice snarled directly next to me ear. I could feel his warm breath against my neck. I jumped in my seat, flinching my eyes, not daring to look back and face him.

"Hmmm?" He growled, giving me the opportunity to reply even though he knew I wouldn't. I tilted my head slightly towards his which was just inches for mine. I could see his dark sharp features clearly in my peripheral vision.

How had he got up the stairs without me noticing? Actually, stupid rhetorical question, I had been too busy staring at the door, wishing that my sex life somehow involved Mikey Way.

"Are we still on for Tuesday night?" He practically slurred the words at me. When he didn't get a response he continued, "Peter, this isn't just for you, it's for me too, I need this, I need you..." His manipulative words hung over my mind as he licked his dry lips.

"No." I replied simply.

"No?!" He shot back harshly, as that was the last word he had expected to hear. It was as if he had never realised that there was an antonym to the word "Yes."

"No." I repeated, a little bit more firmly than the last time. "It was a one time thing. We were pity sex, nothing more and nothing less." I added, hoping that might emphasise my decline. I mean, what was so hard to understand about the word "no"? I had used him for my own sexual needs and I wasn't going to let him use me for his. That's not how it works.

He hesitated before he stood up perfectly straight, correcting his previously hunched posture. I knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to seem authoritative, like he had control over me. HA! For a Psychology teacher, Sykes was pretty naïve.

He took in a deep breath before he spoke, "Okay Peter, I see how it is. You're playing hard to get." He said patronisingly with a slight element of triumph. He thought he could read me as if I were an open book. God I correct my previous statement... Sykes wasn't naïve, he was just plain stupid.

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