18: Follow the yellow brick road all the way to hell

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It had been a week since that glorious day that I had made love to Mikey Way, every touch, every sound, every moment was still fresh in my mind but I couldn't for the life of me recall what day it was. Whenever I was with him I was just living in the moment and the measurement of time seemed irrelevant. It was if I had found a place between space and time where nothing existed but Mikey.

"What's the date today?" I asked Mikey, with slight confusion as I had lost track of all sense of time from just being with him. It was like time stopped when I was with him and nothing else mattered.

"Hmmm the date today? Go to the cinema? Have a picnic?" Mikey smirked at his cute attempt at a joke as his cheeks reddened in colour bashfully. He could be adorable, he was adorable.

"No Silly! I was talking about what day it is not where we're going out to today!" I replied jokingly, going along with his little joke which clearly made him happy as his smirk widened into a grin revealing his teeth.

"Tuesday the 5th of June... but you mentioned going out on a date and that confused me but should I still make a rain check?" His grin got even wider at his suggestive words, wanting to spend the day doing something special which wouldn't make today any different than any other day because every day with Mikey was special to me. Then it hit me.

"Holy shit it's my birthday!" I gasped. Mikey's eyes widened and his jaw dropped in shock at my words.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Mikey pleaded, in a way that seemed apologetic yet he had nothing to be sorry for.

"Well I forgot, besides, I don't care much about my Birthday, it's just one day in the year that reminds you of the agonising pain your mom must have endured when pushing you out of her vagina." I chuckled lightly at my crude choice of words but secretly it satisfied me that I could cause someone so much pain unintentionally. My mother deserved as much pain as she could get to be honest.

"Still Pete... it's your 19th birthday and I want to make it special for you." Mikey said softly, fluttering his eyelids seductively in a joking kind of way.

"You're already making it special by just being sat across this table drinking coffee with me, I couldn't ask for a day more perfect when I've already got you Mikey." I said simply, the words making him blush as he glanced down at the steaming coffee in front of him, one strand of his greasy hair falling across his face gracefully. I couldn't help but stare at the majestic creature in front of me. What had I done to deserve him? He was an angel who belonged in heaven and I was the devil himself who deserved to rot in the flames of hell.

"Why don't we buy some fireworks and go down to the bridge and set them off?!" Mikey beamed as he giggled excitedly at his idea.

"Let's save that for the 4th of July, that's just under a month away." I responded, I loved Independence Day, it was my favourite time to see fireworks, not just on some crappy day that happened to be my birthday.

"Omg yes! That's a great idea, but tonight how about we make our own fireworks?" Mikey purred, a sly grin plastering itself across his face as he shot me a subtle wink that sent me insane.

I couldn't resist the urge to kiss him as I leaned across the table planting my lips softly against his. Nothing else mattered whenever I kissed Mikey, it was just me and him in the moment. I didn't care if people saw and thought stereotypical gay things about us because we were far from stereotypical. Every we shared kiss had meaning and was passionate. We were about to incorporate tongues when we were rudely interrupted.

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