9: When you don't want to cheer for sweet revenge, you wanna serve it

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Once I returned from the bathroom I saw Mikey sitting on the edge of a bed staring intently at small shiny object in his hand. He noticed me watching him and attempted to shove the object into his pocket but it clumsily fell to the floor. He panicked and quickly reached down to pick it up, but not quickly enough.

I reached down and clasped the object in my hand and his hand rested on top of mine, expecting it to be the object he was holding instead of my hand. We both looked at each other, gazing into one another's fierce eyes. His skin was soft, it sent shivers down my spine. If his hands were this soft, I could only imagine what might be even softer...

I knelt down onto the floor as he remained perched on the bed, hunched over and remaining a firm grip on my hand. It felt light, cold and smooth. I pulled my hand away from underneath his and opened up my fist, exposing the tiny object to my curious eyes.

It was a locket.

"It was my mother's." He said, without a hint of emotion in his voice despite this being such a sensitive topic.

It was then I realized that he had used the past tense. Oh shit. The memory of Mikey and I in the practice room flooded back to me.

"I'm sorry Mikey, I didn't realise." I said feeling a tiny bit guilty for touching the precious object. I placed the locket gently back into his outstretched hands. They trembled ever so slightly at my touch.

He didn't say anything, instead he clipped open the locket revealing a photo. I couldn't help but look.

The photo inside the locket was a person, a picture that I thought was of Mikey until I noticed the long luscious locks of hair. They looked exactly the same!

"She looks beautiful, just like you." I spoke the words softly and kindly in a manner that showed I was paying my respects not wanting to use the past tense, not wanting to trigger the floods of tears that were welling up in his eyes. No no no. I didn't want him to cry, he didn't deserve the pain. A lot of people deserved pain but in that moment I realised Mikey wasn't one of them.

"E-E-everyone compares me to her, yes I get it, I look like her, but I'm not her okay? I will never be her! I don't want to be her!" He shouted angrily, not at me but at the locket. "She's the reason my life is a fucking mess, if she hadn't died everything would have been normal, he wouldn't have done this to me, he-he-he wouldn't have pretended I was her!"

A waterfall of tears fell down his hollowed cheeks. He was shaking violently causing the bed to tremble. He brought his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them, securing himself in a foetal position as he rocked back and forth. He then looked up, breaking his intense stare away from the locket. Coming back to reality. It was then that I realised that there was something seriously wrong.

His eyes met mine and I could see all the pain, worry, fear and doubt that I had previously not noticed when we first met. I could see the civil war in his mind, the battle he fought every day against himself, determining whether or not he should continue living. A battle I could relate to.

I extended my hand to his soft cheeks and wiped away the tears that felt warm against my cool hands. I lifted myself off the floor to sit beside him on the bed. He smiled weakly at my efforts to comfort him. I wanted to comfort him.

"I'm sorry." He wimpered.

"Dont you dare apologize for something that isn't your fault Mikey." I said sternly. "Your not the reason why she died, cancer was."

"You don't understand." He sighed, dropping his eyes to the floor. "I know I'm not the reason she died, but it's because of me something terrible happened..."

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