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Two days passed, and finally I get to go on set and produce Spiderman: Homecoming. A day prior, I called the director, Jon Watts, to see if I really could help produce, and it was a go. So, here I am...getting ready to go to my next project at universal pictures. I did all my morning business, brush teeth, comb hair, put on make up and etc...

Since this is no 'special' event, I decided to put on some blue jeans, with my rolling stones t-shirt, and red converse. I put my hair up into a ponytail, and gathered my things. I went outside to my red 2017 Audi R8, hopped in, and drove to the set.

After all, I didn't live that far from universal pictures. I got there in under 15 minutes, and I'm including the traffic. I rolled up in the parking lot, and got out my car. Eventually, I found my way, and met Jon on set. Green screens, cables, and everything was set up for stunts. This was the largest set I've ever been on.

"Hello you must be Y/N. Pleasure to meet you." Jon said, shaking my hand.

"Pleasure to meet you too." I smiled.

"Well, let me show you around..." We began to walk and he showed me the sound room, visuals and audio room... basically everything I needed to know in order to do my job. Then he showed me the trailers.

"Here are the temporary homes..." I nodded.

"Your trailer is right there next to Mr. Downey's." I looked over and sure enough, it was. Why? You've got to be kidding me! I gave a fake smile to Jon, then his phone went off. He checked it, then looked at me.

"Well, I'll be leaving now... We're gonna need you in about an hour so keep your phone on." I nodded, as he left. I went to my trailer, and made myself feel at home. For a trailer, it was really laid out. It was modestly large, and homey. Everything was placed perfectly, and it was extremely clean, which was a bonus for me because I liked clean surroundings.

There was a remote on the bed, and I picked it up. I turned on the tv, and started to watch Cupcake Wars... to be honest I was absolutely hungry. Then I heard a knock on my trailer door. I went over and opened the door; seeing Robert giving me his famous Downey smirk, holding a box of Timbits in his hand.

"Why... Hello." I said, smiling widely.

"Hello to you too." Robert said.

"I was talking about the donuts." I said, pointing at the box.

"You continue to hurt my feelings. All I wanted to do was greet my trailer neighbor." Robert placed a hand on his chest, and pouted.

"Ugh fine... Come in." I giggled, and he had a smile spread across his face. He entered, and I sat on the chair near the tv. He sat at the sofa in front of me. Robert placed the box of small bite sized donuts on the table nearby. This was literally the first time, in a long time, that I've been in a room with a man all alone. I was nervous, and playing with my nails. It doesn't help either when the man you're alone with is, I must admit, devastatingly handsome. Silence consumed the trailer, as I tried to look everywhere but at him.

"You like the stones?" Robert asked. I looked at him and smiled.

"Yeah... My dad introduced me to 'em and I loved the band ever since." I said, proudly.

"Hmm..." He nodded.

"What?" I giggled.

"Nothing." He countered.

"Hey umm, could you pass me those? I'm dying over here." He chuckled, and picked up the box; handing it to me.

"What do you think I brought them for?" I placed a donut in my mouth, and moaned slightly at how delicious it was. Robert looked at me with seductive eyes, then suddenly cleared his throat.

"So, uhh... Tell me about you. Any family, friends... significant others?" He asked, clearly curious. I stopped eating for a bit, and looked at his beautiful brown eyes. No! Stop it! I swallowed, then grabbed a tissue to wipe my mouth.

"Well... I have my best friend Max. We've been best friends since the second grade, and we lived near each other in San Francisco. My parents still live in San Francisco; alive and well. And as for significant others... I'm single." I said.

"Oh. Sometimes I vacation over there... Very nice city."

"Thanks. And I kinda already know you... I mean who wouldn't." I laughed.

"Well, eventually you'll get to know things about me that Google can't tell you." He said, looking at me seductively again. Oh this man...

"Like what? That you sleep with a teddy bear?" I giggled, trying to keep my mind clean from dirty thoughts. Robert smirked at me and shrugged, then my phone went off. I checked it and it was Jon.

"Duty calls..." I got up from my seat, and so did Robert; we were pretty close. His cologne filled my nose, as he looked into my eyes. "Um, t-thank you for the donuts." I stuttered, slightly blushing.

"No problem, Miss Y/L/N." He said, gently grabbing my hand. His soft lips kissed the top of my hand, as his eyes looked up at me. That was weird, unexpected, and lovely at the same time. He opened the trailer door for me, and led me out. I said thank you, and walked away to start working; my cheeks were hot.

Stay professional... Stay strong... Damn it, I don't think I can do this.

A/N: Chapter two down. I've been really busy lately... But I'm going to try to post more, or do longer chapters... But yeahh

-Duckling out ^.^

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